基礎英文 No.4

     A good book is worth ( 1 ) to read, because, first, ( 2 ) is the
 improvement in your reading skill that ( 3 ) when you master a good,
 difficult book. Second, it can ( 4 ) you about the world and about
 yourself. You learn more than ( 5 ) to read better; you also learn more
 about life. You ( 6 ) wiser. Not merely ( 7 ) knowledgeable−books
 that provide nothing ( 8 ) information can produce that ( 9 )−but
 wiser, meaning ( 10 ) you understand more of the great and lasting truths
 of human life.
  ア it    イ but   ウ how   エ the   オ more   カ talk
  キ that   ク know   ケ what   コ teach  サ there  シ occur
  ス occurs  セ become  ソ reason  タ result  チ to try  ツ trying
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

 rc5504085 ☆全訳例
     A good book is worth trying to read, because, first, there is the
 improvement in your reading skill that occurs when you master a good,
 difficult book. Second, it can teach you about the world and about
 yourself. You learn more than how to read better; you also learn more
 about life. You become wiser. Not merely more knowledgeable−books
 that provide nothing but information can produce that result−but
 wiser, meaning that you understand more of the great and lasting truths
 of human life.

  ☆ 単語を確認しつつ何度も読み返してみよ。
     A good book is worth trying to read, because, first, there is the
 improvement in your reading skill that occurs when you master a good,
 difficult book. Second, it can teach you about the world and about
 yourself. You learn more than how to read better; you also learn more
 about life. You become wiser. Not merely more knowledgeable−books
 that provide nothing but information can produce that result−but
 wiser, meaning that you understand more of the great and lasting truths
 of human life.
   hu・man [hjú®m§n]        人間の、人間らしい
   im・prove・ment [imprú®vm§nt]   改良(点)
   in・for・ma・tion [inf§rméi¸§n/-f¤®-] 情報、 受付
   knowl・edge・a・ble [n½lid¾§bl]  聡明な、精通している、理解力のある
   last [l¢st/l½®st]        最後の、この前の、続く、もつ
   life [láif]           生命(体)、生活、人生
   mas・ter [m¢st§r/m½®rs-]     主人、所有者、征服[支配、習得]する
   mean [mí®n]           意味する、つもり、劣った、卑劣な
   mean・ing [mí®ni¿]        意味
   mere [mí§r]           ほんの、単なる
   mere・ly [mí§rli]        単に、でしかない
   oc・cur [§k©®r]         起こる、生じる、考えが浮かぶ
   pro・duce [pr§d(j)ú®s]      製造する、生み出す、引き起こす、子を産む
   prod・uce [pr¦d(j)u®s]      生産量[額]、(農)産物、成果、結果
   pro・vide [pr§váid]       供給する、養う、備える、与える
   re・sult [rizlt]        結果(になる)
   skill [skíl]          技術、熟練
   truth [trú®·]          真実(性)、真理、誠実、正確さ
   wise [wáiz]           賢い
   worth [w©®r·]          に値する、重要性、価値(がある)



 テスト 10 空所に適語を記せ。
     A good book is worth trying ( 1 ) read, because, first, ( 2 ) is
 the improvement ( 3 ) your reading skill that occurs when you master a
 good, difficult book. Second, ( 4 ) can teach you about the world and
 about yourself. You learn more ( 5 ) how to read better; you also learn
 more about life. You become wiser. ( 6 ) merely more knowledgeable−
 books that provide nothing ( 7 ) information can produce that result−
 but wiser, meaning ( 8 ) you understand more ( 9 ) the great and lasting
 truths of human ( 10 ).
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.        
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 12 空所に適語を記せ。
     A good book is ( 1 ) trying to read, because, ( 2 ), there is the
 improvement in your ( 3 ) skill that occurs when you master a ( 4 ),
 difficult book. Second, it can teach ( 5 ) about the world and about
 yourself. You learn ( 6 ) than how to read better; you also learn more
 about life. You become wiser. Not ( 7 ) more knowledgeable−books
 that provide ( 8 ) but information can produce that result−( 9 ) wiser,
 meaning ( 10 ) you understand ( 11 ) of the great and lasting truths
 ( 12 ) human life.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 16 空所に適語を記せ。
     A good book is ( 1 ) trying to read, because, first, ( 2 ) is the
 ( 3 ) in your reading skill that ( 4 ) when you master a good, ( 5 ) book.
 ( 6 ), it can teach you about the world and about yourself. You learn
 more than ( 7 ) to read ( 8 ); you also learn more about life. You become
 wiser. ( 9 ) merely ( 10 ) knowledgeable−books that provide ( 11 )
 but information ( 12 ) produce that ( 13 )−but wiser, ( 14 ) that you
 understand ( 15 ) of the great and lasting truths of human ( 16 ).
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

1.ツ  2.サ  3.ス  4.コ  5.ウ  6.セ  7.オ  8.イ  9.タ 10.キ  .

  1. to       2. there     3. in       4. it      .
  5. than      6. Not      7. but       8. that     .
  9. of      10. life      .

  1. worth     2. first     3. reading     4. good     .
  5. you      6. more     7. merely     8. nothing    .
  9. but      10. that     11. more      12. of      .

  1. worth     2. there     3. improvement   4. occurs    .
 5. difficult   6. Second    7. how       8. better    .
  9. Not      10. more     11. nothing    12. can      .
13. result    14. meaning   15. more      16. life     .

☆ 各テストに満点を取れたら、この英文はマスターしたものと考えて良し。
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