単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm005006

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 
    I want to ( 1 ) you to be very active when you are reading a good book.
 If you mark the important ideas in a book, you will get much more from your
    If you ( 2 ) with me about the usefulness of marking books, you will
 have to buy them. Many of the world's great books are ( 3 ) in reprint
 editions at less than fifteen dollars. But you shouldn't mark a book which
 isn't yours. People who lend books to you expect you to keep them in good
 ( 4 ).
    Passing time with an ordinary piece of light fiction doesn't ( 5 )
 such active reading. Such books can be read in a ( 6 ) of relaxation.
 But a great book which is full of ideas which raise ( 7 ) questions
 demands the active ( 8 ) of your mind. If you are ( 9 ) and you focus
 your attention, you will find that you are ( 10 ) of understanding and
 remembering many wonderful ideas.
 ア fundamental イ involvement ウ available エ condition オ persuade
 カ require   キ patient    ク capable  ケ state   コ agree
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.オ  2.コ  3.ウ  4.エ  5.カ  6.ケ  7.ア  8.イ  9.キ  10.ク  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎  (156 words)
    I want to persuade you to be very active when you are reading
 a good book. If you mark the important ideas in a book, you will get
 much more from your reading.
    If you agree with me about the usefulness of marking books, you
 will have to buy them. Many of the world's great books are available
 in reprint editions at less than fifteen dollars. But you shouldn't
 mark a book which isn't yours. People who lend books to you expect
 you to keep them in good condition.
    Passing time with an ordinary piece of light fiction doesn't require
 such active reading. Such books can be read in a state of relaxation. But
 a great book which is full of ideas which raise fundamental questions
 demands the active involvement of your mind. If you are patient and you
 focus your attention, you will find that you are capable of understanding
 and remembering many wonderful ideas.

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 1. I want to persuade you 〜をしていただきたいと思います
 to be very active 非常に「積極的」になること
 when you are reading a good book. よい本を読んでいる時
 2. If you mark the important ideas 大切な考え方に印を付ければ
 in a book, 本の中の
 you will get much more ずっと多くのことを得られる
 from your reading. 読むことから
 3. If you agree with me もしも、私の意見に賛成していただけるなら
 about the usefulness of marking books, 本に印を付けることが役立つという
 you will have to buy them. 本は買わねばなりません
 4. Many of the world's great books 世界の素晴らしい本には、〜が多い
 are available in reprint editions 再版を手に入れられる
 at less than fifteen dollars. 15ドルに満たない値段で
 5. But you shouldn't mark a book しかし、本に印を付けるべきではない
 which isn't yours. 自分のものでない
 6. People who lend books to you 本を貸してくれる人は
 expect you to keep them その本を〜なままにして欲しいと思っている
 in good condition. よい状態である
 7. Passing time with 〜で暇をつぶすこと
 an ordinary piece of light fiction 通常の軽い小説
 doesn't require such active reading. そういった積極的な読み方は必要ない
 8. Such books can be read そういった本は、読むことが出来る
 in a state of relaxation. くつろいだ状態で
 9. But a great book しかし、優れた本
 which is full of ideas 考え方で一杯の
 which raise fundamental questions 根本的な問題が出てくる
 demands the active involvement of your mind. 積極的に頭を働かせる必要がある
10. If you are patient and もしも辛抱強くて
 you focus your attention, 注意を集中させれば
 you will find that が分かることでしょう
 you are capable of が可能だということ
 understanding and remembering 理解し記憶すること
 many wonderful ideas. たくさんの素晴らしい考え方

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  persuade 説得して〜させる
  active 積極的な
  mark 印を付ける
  agree 賛成する
 agree with:〜に賛成する
  usefulness 役立つこと、有効性
  available 手に入れられる
  reprint 再版の
  lend 貸す
  expect 期待する
 in good condition:よい状態に
  condition 状態に
 pass time:暇をつぶす
  ordinary 通常の
  fiction 小説
  require 必要とする、必要である
  state 状態
  relaxation くつろぎ
 full of:〜で一杯
  raise 出す、上げる
  fundamental 根本的な
  demand 必要がある、要求する
  involvement 関わりあい、参加
  patient 辛抱強い
  focus 集中させる
  attention 注意
 capable of:が可能

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 
    A good understanding of a few writers and a few subjects is more
 valuable than a ( 1 ) knowledge of many. Many points in a story
 are seldom ( 2 ) when you read it for the first time. So while you are
 young, think of books as friends. ( 3 ) them as you adopt a pet into your
 family and ( 4 ) time relaxing with them. If you become ( 5 ) with a
 few good writers, your mind will grow and you will be a more interesting
    Pay ( 6 ) to great writers of the past. Older writers help us
 to understand our history and ( 7 ) while writers of our own times help
 us to express our present ( 8 ) and interests. Don't ( 9 ) your mind
 by reading only insignificant books. There are many interesting
 masterpieces and you can have ( 10 ) in your ability to find plenty that
 will interest you.
 ア adopt イ anxieties ウ spend    エ apparent オ attention
 カ faith キ intimate  ク superficial ケ values  コ weaken
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.ク  2.エ  3.ア  4.ウ  5.キ  6.オ  7.ケ  8.イ  9.コ  10.カ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎  (145 words)
    A good understanding of a few writers and a few subjects is more
 valuable than a superficial knowledge of many. Many points in a story
 are seldom apparent when you read it for the first time. So while you are
 young, think of books as friends. Adopt them as you adopt a pet into your
 family and spend time relaxing with them. If you become intimate with a
 few good writers, your mind will grow and you will be a more interesting
    Pay attention to great writers of the past. Older writers help us
 to understand our history and values while writers of our own times help
 us to express our present anxieties and interests. Don't weaken your mind
 by reading only insignificant books. There are many interesting
 masterpieces and you can have faith in your ability to find plenty that
 will interest you.

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 1. A good understanding 深く理解すること
 of a few writers and a few subjects 数少ない作家や題材について
 is more valuable than の方が、〜よりも価値がある
 a superficial knowledge of many. 多くの作家や題材についての表面的な知識
 2. Many points in a story 一つの物語の中にある大切な部分には、〜が多い
 are seldom apparent めったに明らかにはならない
 when you read it for the first time. 初めて読んだ時
 3. So while you are young, だから若い時には
 think of books as friends. 本を友人のように考えればよい
 4. Adopt them as you adopt a pet ペットを受け入れるのと同じように本を受け入れ
 into your family 家族の中に
 and spend time relaxing with them. その本と一緒に、くつろいで時を過ごすこと
 5. If you become intimate 親しむようになれば
 with a few good writers, 数人の優れた作家に
 your mind will grow and 知力は向上し
 you will be a more interesting person. より興味深い人間になれるだろう
 6. Pay attention to に注目すること
 great writers of the past. 過去の偉大な作家
 7. Older writers help us to understand 過去の作家は、理解するのに役立つ
 our history and values 自分たちの歴史や価値観
 while writers of our own times 現代の作家は、〜〜だが
 help us to express 表現するのに役立つが
 our present anxieties and interests. 今の不安や関心
 8. Don't weaken your mind 知力を衰えさせてはいけない
 by reading only insignificant books. つまらない本ばかり読んで
 9. There are many interesting masterpieces and 興味深い傑作はたくさんあるし
 you can have faith in your ability 自分の能力を信頼してよい
 to find plenty that will interest you. 自分が興味を持てる傑作を多く見つける

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  subject 題材
  valuable 価値がある
  superficial 表面的な
  knowledge 知識
  seldom めったに〜でない
  apparent 明らかな
 for the first time:初めて
 think of A as B:AをBと考える
  adopt 受け入れる
 spend time (in) doing:して時を過ごす
  relax くつろぐ
  intimate 親しんでる、精通している、親密な
 pay attention to:〜に注目すること
  values 価値観
  present 今の
  anxiety 不安
  weaken 衰えさる、弱める
  insignificant つまらない、重要でない
  masterpiece 傑作
 have faith in:〜を信頼する
  faith 信頼
  ability 能力
  plenty 多くのもの

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