単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm007008

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 
    Learning another language ( 1 ) you to communicate with people
 in a different country and to learn more about their culture. It also
 makes you realize the ( 2 ) of your own values. You ( 3 ) that
 there are other ways of looking at ( 4 ) and that there are other
 ( 5 ) systems in the world. This makes your experience of life more
 interesting. As you learn a new language, you also discover more about
 your own language.
    Speaking only one language is like living in a room with no
 windows or doors. It is safe, but it is dark and closed. A foreign
 language ( 6 ) new light into the room. With an ( 7 ) knowledge,
 you can look out the window and see the world differently. With a
 deeper knowledge of the language, you can walk out of the door and
 ( 8 ) the world in a new way. When you explore the world with a new
 language, you discover more of the ( 9 ) that is in the world.
 The discoveries you will make add interest and ( 10 ) to your life.
 So you can see that language studies can be the beginning of some
 wonderful adventures.
 ア magnificence イ relativity ウ elementary エ reality オ explore
 カ realize    キ enables   ク wisdom   ケ brings  コ value
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.キ  2.イ  3.カ  4.エ  5.コ  6.ケ  7.ウ  8.オ  9.ア  10.ク  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎  (191 words)
    Learning another language enables you to communicate with people
 in a different country and to learn more about their culture. It also
 makes you realize the relativity of your own values. You realize that
 there are other ways of looking at reality and that there are other
 value systems in the world. This makes your experience of life more
 interesting. As you learn a new language, you also discover more about
 your own language.
    Speaking only one language is like living in a room with no
 windows or doors. It is safe, but it is dark and closed. A foreign
 language brings new light into the room. With an elementary knowledge,
 you can look out the window and see the world differently. With a
 deeper knowledge of the language, you can walk out of the door and
 explore the world in a new way. When you explore the world with a new
 language, you discover more of the magnificence that is in the world.
 The discoveries you will make add interest and wisdom to your life.
 So you can see that language studies can be the beginning of some
 wonderful adventures.

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 1. Learning another language 他の言語を学ぶことによって
 enables you to communicate 意思疎通ができるようになる
 with people in a different country 他の国の人との
 and to learn そして学ぶこと
 more about their culture. その人達の文化について、より多くのこと
 2. It also makes you realize また、〜も分かってくる
 the relativity of your own values. 自分自身の価値観が相対的なものであること
 3. You realize that ことがわかる
 there are other ways of looking at reality 現実を見る他の見方がある
 and that there are other value systems そして、他の価値体系がある
 in the world. 世界には
 4. This makes your experience of life このことで、人生経験は〜になる
 more interesting. より興味深い
 5. As you learn a new language, 新しい言語を身につけるにつれて
 you also discover more より多くのことも発見する
 about your own language. 自国語について
 6. Speaking only one language 一つの言語しか話さないこと
 is like living in a room 部屋の中で暮らすようなものだ
 with no windows or doors. 窓も扉もない
 7. It is safe, but それは安全ではあるが
 it is dark and closed. 暗く閉ざされた世界である
 8. A foreign language brings new light 外国語によって、新たな光が差し込む
 into the room. その部屋に
 9. With an elementary knowledge, 外国語の初歩的な知識があれば
 you can look out the window その窓から外に目を向けることができる
 and see the world differently. そして違う見方で世界を見る
10. With a deeper knowledge of the language, 外国語のより深い知識があれば
 you can walk out of the door その扉から外に出ることができる
 and explore the world in a new way. 新しい形で世界を探検する
11. When you explore the world 世界を探検すれば
 with a new language 新しい言葉で
 you discover more of the magnificence 壮麗な美しさをさらに発見する
 that is in the world. 世界にある
12. The discoveries you will make そうやってする発見によって
 add interest and wisdom to your life. 自分の人生に興味と知恵が加えられる
13. So you can see that だから、〜〜ことがわかるだろう
 language studies can be the beginning 言語の学習は、始まりとなり得る
 of some wonderful adventures. 何かすばらしい冒険の

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  enable 可能にさせる
  communicate 意思疎通する
  realize 分かる
  relativity 相対的なものであること
  reality 現実
 value system:価値体系
  experience 経験
  discover 発見する
  safe 安全な
  closed 閉ざされている
  elementary 初歩的な
  explore 探検する
  magnificence 壮麗な美しさ
  discovery 発見
  add 加える
  wisdom 知恵

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 
    I ( 1 ) in dreams even though some of them are horrible. I like the
 idea of going to bed, lying still and then ( 2 ) into a queer ( 3 ) in a
 dream. As a child, I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so
 ( 4 ) while they made such a ( 5 ) about movies. This still ( 6 ) me.
    I am surprised that some people say they never dream and also ( 7 ) to
 have no interest in dreams. Many Western Europeans do not seem to ( 8 )
 dreams as a necessary part of their lives, and they are ( 9 ) to find that
 some people take dreams very ( 10 ).
 ア astonished イ seriously ウ existence エ wandering オ delight
 カ puzzles   キ accept   ク appear   ケ calmly   コ fuss
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.オ  2.エ  3.ウ  4.ケ  5.コ  6.カ  7.ク  8.キ  9.ア  10.イ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎    (104 words)
    I delight in dreams even though some of them are horrible. I like
 the idea of going to bed, lying still and then wandering into a queer
 existence in a dream. As a child, I could never understand why grown-ups
 took dreaming so calmly while they made such a fuss about movies. This
 still puzzles me.
    I am surprised that some people say they never dream and also
 appear to have no interest in dreams. Many Western Europeans do not
 seem to accept dreams as a necessary part of their lives, and they are
 astonished to find that some people take dreams very seriously.

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 1. I delight in dreams 私は夢を大いに楽しんでいる
 even though some of them are horrible. 無論、中には恐ろしい夢もある
 2. I like the idea of going to bed, 私は、ベッドに入り、〜ということが好きだ
 lying still and then wandering into じっと横になって、〜の中へとさまよい込む
 a queer existence in a dream. そして夢の中の不思議な存在
 3. As a child, I could never understand 子供の頃、どうしても理解できなかった
 why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly 大人が、夢をあんなに穏やかに捉える理由
 while they made such a fuss about movies. 映画に関してはあれほど騒ぐのに
 4. This still puzzles me. このことは今も疑問に思っている
 5. I am surprised that some people say 言う人がいることに私は驚いている
 they never dream 一度も夢を見たことがない
 and also appear to have no interest in dreams. 夢に全く関心がないように見える
 6. Many Western Europeans do not seem 西ヨーロッパの人には〜ない様な人が多い
 to accept dreams as a necessary part 夢を必要な部分として受け入れる
 of their lives, 生活の
 and they are astonished to find that そういう人達は、〜〜と知ると、とても驚く
 some people take dreams very seriously 夢をとても深刻に捉える人がいる

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  delight 〜を大いに喜ぶ、楽しむ
 delight in:〜を大いに楽しむ
  horrible 恐ろしい
 lie still:じっと横になっている
  wander さまよう
  queer 不思議な
  existence 存在
  grown-up 大人
  calmly 穏やかに
 make a fuss:大騒ぎする
  fuss 騒ぎ
  puzzle 疑問に思わせる、悩ます
  surprised 驚いている
  appear ように見える
 have no interest in:〜に全く関心がない
  accept 受け入れる
  astonished とても驚いている
  seriously 深刻に

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