単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm009010

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎   
    When you read a text in a foreign language, you frequently come
 across words you do not understand. Sometimes you look up the word in a
 dictionary and sometimes you ( 1 ). It ( 2 ) very much upon the degree
 of ( 3 ) which you require and the time at your ( 4 ).
    If you tend to use the dictionary frequently, remember that all
 dictionaries have limitations and no ( 5 ) is completely accurate.
 But you will get an ( 6 ) understanding of a word after seeing it in a
 ( 7 ) of contexts, so it is good to read many books. Dictionaries which
 ( 8 ) from English into Japanese and from Japanese into English are
 not as accurate as dictionaries which ( 9 ) words in their own language.
 So you should also ( 10 ) an English-English dictionary.
 ア definition イ translate ウ accuracy エ accurate オ disposal
カ consult   キ depends  ク variety  ケ define  コ guess
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.コ  2.キ  3.ウ  4.オ  5.ア  6.エ  7.ク  8.イ  9.ケ  10.カ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎    (128 words)
    When you read a text in a foreign language, you frequently come
 across words you do not understand. Sometimes you look up the word in a
 dictionary and sometimes you guess. It depends very much upon the degree
 of accuracy which you require and the time at your disposal.
    If you tend to use the dictionary frequently, remember that all
 dictionaries have limitations and no definition is completely accurate.
 But you will get an accurate understanding of a word after seeing it in a
 variety of contexts, so it is good to read many books. Dictionaries which
 translate from English into Japanese and from Japanese into English are
 not as accurate as dictionaries which define words in their own language.
 So you should also consult an English-English dictionary.

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 1. When you read a text in a foreign language, 外国語で文章を読む時
 you frequently come across words 単語に出くわすことが多い
 you do not understand. 理解できない
 2. Sometimes you look up the word その単語を引くこともある
 in a dictionary 辞書で
 and sometimes you guess. そして推測することもある
 3. It depends very much upon the degree それは、かなり、〜の程度に左右される
 of accuracy which you require 必要としている正確さ
 and the time at your disposal. と、自由になる時間
 4. If you tend to use the dictionary frequently 頻繁に辞書を使う傾向があれば
 remember that 〜〜を覚えておきなさい
 all dictionaries have limitations and 全ての辞書に限界があるということと
 no definition is completely accurate. 完全に正確な定義などない、ということ
 5. But you will get an accurate understanding だが正確に理解出来るようになる
 of a word 単語が
 after seeing it in a variety of contexts, 様々な文脈の中でその語を見た後
 so it is good to read many books. だから、たくさんの本を読むのは良いことだ
 6. Dictionaries which translate from English 英語から訳している辞書
 into Japanese 日本語に
 and from Japanese into English そして、日本語から英語に訳してある辞書
 are not as accurate as dictionaries 辞書ほど正確ではない
 which define words in their own language. 原語で語の定義をしている
 7. So you should also consult だから、〜も引くべきである
 an English-English dictionary. 英英辞典

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  text 文章、教科書
  frequently 〜ことが多い、頻繁に
 come across:出くわす
 look up:(辞書で)引く
  dictionary 辞書
  guess 推測する
  depend 〜次第、に左右される
 depend (up)on:〜次第、に左右される
  degree 程度
  accuracy 正確さ
  require 必要である、要求する
 at your disposal:自分で自由にできる
  disposal 処分(権)
  limitation 限界
  definition 定義
  completely 完全に
  accurate 正確な
 a variety of:様々な
  context 文脈
  translate (翻)訳する
  define 定義する
  consult 引く、調べる

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 10
    In most exams you are not ( 1 ) to use a dictionary. Even if you are
 allowed to use one, it takes a lot of time, and time in exams is usually
 limited, so you are ( 2 ) to guess the meaning of ( 3 ) words.
    There is no need to panic, however, because you can develop ( 4 )
 methods to ( 5 ) such problems. Here are two suggestions:
  (1) ― use contextual ( 6 ). The sentence and the story itself usually
 ( 7 ) possible meanings for individual words.
  (2) ― the formation of the word itself may tell you a lot. If you look
 at the parts of the word, you may learn something about the whole word.
 For example: un means not, so any word beginning with un is likely to be
 a ( 8 ) word.
    You may also find it helpful to ( 9 ) the unknown word with ( 10 )
 words in your own language.
 ア unfamiliar イ permitted ウ efficient エ negative オ overcome
 カ compare   キ suggest  ク similar  ケ forced  コ clues
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.イ  2.ケ  3.ア  4.ウ  5.オ  6.コ  7.キ  8.エ  9.カ  10.ク  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 10   (146 words)
    In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. Even if
 you are allowed to use one, it takes a lot of time, and time in exams is
 usually limited, so you are forced to guess the meaning of unfamiliar
    There is no need to panic, however, because you can develop
 efficient methods to overcome such problems. Here are two suggestions:
  (1) ― use contextual clues. The sentence and the story itself usually
 suggest possible meanings for individual words.
  (2) ― the formation of the word itself may tell you a lot. If you look
 at the parts of the word, you may learn something about the whole word.
 For example: un means not, so any word beginning with un is likely to be
 a negative word.
  しかし、うろたえることはない。なぜなら、そうした問題を克服する 能率的な
    You may also find it helpful to compare the unknown word with
 similar words in your own language.

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 1. In most exams たいていの試験では、
 you are not permitted to use a dictionary. 辞書を使うことは許されていない
 2. Even if you are allowed to use one, もし一冊の辞書を使うことが許されても
 it takes a lot of time, それにはとても時間がかかる
 and time in exams is usually limited, そして試験の時間は通常限られたものだ
 so you are forced to guess the meaning だから、意味を推測しなければならない
 of unfamiliar words. 見慣れない単語の
 3. There is no need to panic, however, しかし、うろたえる必要はない
 because you can develop efficient methods 能率的な方法を身につけられるからだ
 to overcome such problems. そうした問題を克服する
 4. Here are two suggestions: ここに2つの提案を挙げてみよう
  (1) ― use contextual clues. 一、文脈中の手がかりを利用する
 5. The sentence and the story itself 文章や話そのものによって
 usually suggest possible meanings 通常は、取りうる意味が分かる
 for individual words. 個々の単語の
  (2) ― the formation of the word itself 二、その単語自身の成り立ちによって
 may tell you a lot. かなりのことが分かることがある
 6. If you look at the parts of the word, その語を構成する各部分を見てみると
 you may learn something 何か知ることが出来るかも知れない
 about the whole word. その語全体について
 7. For example: un means not, 例えば、「un」は、「否定」の意味
 so any word beginning with un 従って、「un」で始まる語はどれも
 is likely to be a negative word. 否定的な語である可能性が高い
 8. You may also find it helpful 〜が役立つこともあるかも知れない
 to compare the unknown word with 知らない単語を、〜と比べること
 similar words in your own language. 母国語の似ている語

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  most たいていの
  exam 試験
  permit 許す
  allow 許す
  limited 限られている
  force 無理矢理〜させる
  guess 推測する
  meaning 意味
  unfamiliar 見慣れない
  panic うろたえる
  develop 身につける
  efficient 能率的な
  method 方法
  overcome 克服する
  suggestion 提案
  contextual 文脈中の
  clue 手がかり
  suggest 〜から分かる、暗示する
  individual 個々の
  formation 成り立ち
  whole 全体
 likely to:可能性が高い
  negative 否定的な
  helpful 役立つ
  compare 比べる
 compare A with B:AをBと比べる
  unknown 知らない、未知の
  similar 似ている

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