単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm011012

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 11
    Speech seems as natural to humans as walking, and only a little
 ( 1 ) natural than breathing. But it is not really so natural. Speech
 development is a very different sort of thing ( 2 ) learning to walk.
    When a person learns to walk, culture, or social usage, is not a
 serious ( 3 ). Each child has the necessary complex biological factors
 to make all the muscular and nervous system adjustments. We ( 4 ) them
 “biological heredity.”
    Most people have the appropriate body parts which are obviously
 designed ( 5 ) the movements which we call walking. Children walk, ( 6 )
 because older people assist them but because they have a natural desire to
 take on all those expenditures of nervous energy and muscular adaptations
 that result ( 7 ) walking. To be concise, walking is a natural biological
 function of man.
    Yes, walking is ( 8 ) the same all over the world, but talking varies
 due ( 9 ) the circumstance of a person's birth and growth. Talking is
 not merely a biological function but the result of living in a particular
 society. Even if you eliminate society, children will still learn to walk,
 but will they learn to ( 10 )?
 ア factor イ from ウ less エ much オ talk
 カ term  キ for  ク not  ケ in  コ to
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.ウ  2.イ  3.ア  4.カ  5.キ  6.ク  7.ケ  8.エ  9.コ  10.オ 
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 11   (189 words)
    Speech seems as natural to humans as walking, and only a little
 less natural than breathing. But it is not really so natural. Speech
 development is a very different sort of thing from learning to walk.
    When a person learns to walk, culture, or social usage, is not a
 serious factor. Each child has the necessary complex biological factors
 to make all the muscular and nervous system adjustments. We term them
 “biological heredity.”
    Most people have the appropriate body parts which are obviously
 designed for the movements which we call walking. Children walk, not
 because older people assist them but because they have a natural desire to
 take on all those expenditures of nervous energy and muscular adaptations
 that result in walking. To be concise, walking is a natural biological
 function of man.
    Yes, walking is much the same all over the world, but talking
 varies due to the circumstance of a person's birth and growth. Talking is
 not merely a biological function but the result of living in a particular
 society. Even if you eliminate society, children will still learn to walk,
 but will they learn to talk?

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 1. Speech seems as natural 言葉は、自然なことのように思える
 to humans as walking, 人間にとって歩くこと同様
 and only a little less natural そして、その自然さが少しだけ劣るように思える
 than breathing. 呼吸と比べると
 2. But it is not really so natural. しかし言葉は実際それほど自然ではない
 3. Speech development is 言葉の発達は
 a very different sort of thing 全く違った種類のもの
 from learning to walk. 歩くようになるのとは
 4. When a person learns to walk, 人が歩くようになる場合
 culture, or social usage, 文化も社会的な慣習も
 is not a serious factor. 重大な要因ではない
 5. Each child has 子供はそれぞれ、備えている
 the necessary complex biological factors 必要な、生物学上の複雑な要素
 to make all 全て行う
 the muscular and nervous system adjustments. 筋肉と神経組織の調節
 6. We term them“biological heredity.”それらを「生物学上の遺伝(形質)」と呼ぶ
 7. Most people have ほとんどの人が、備えている
 the appropriate body parts 適切な体の部分
 which are obviously designed 作られているのが明らかな
 for the movements which we call walking. 歩行と呼んでいる動きのため
 8. Children walk, 子供が歩く
 not because older people assist them 年上の人達が手伝うからではなく
 but because they have a natural desire したいという自然な欲求を持っているから
 to take on all those expenditures ということを全てする
 of nervous energy and muscular adaptations 神経エネルギーと筋肉の調節
 that result in walking. 歩くことにつながる
 9. To be concise, 簡潔な言い方をするなら
 walking is a natural 歩行は、生まれつきの
 biological function of man. 人間の生物学的機能
10. Yes, walking is much the same 確かに、歩行はほとんど同じ
 all over the world, 世界中で
 but talking varies しかし、言葉は、様々
 due to the circumstance 事情によって
 of a person's birth and growth. 人の生まれや育ちといった
11. Talking is not merely a biological function 言葉は生物学的機能だけでなく
 but the result of living 生きた結果でもある
 in a particular society. 特定の社会で
12. Even if you eliminate society, もしも社会を取り除いてしまっても
 children will still learn to walk, 子供はそれでも歩くようになるだろう
 but will they learn to talk? だが、話すようになるであろうか

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  speech 言葉
  breath 呼吸する
  development 発達
  sort 種類
 learn to do:〜するようになる
  usage 慣習
  serious 重大な
  factor 要因、要素
  complex 複雑な
  biological 生物学上の
  muscular 筋肉の
  nervous system 神経組織
  adjustment 調節
  term 呼ぶ、名付ける
  heredity 遺伝(形質)
  appropriate 適切な
  obviously 明らかな
  design 作る
  movement 動き
  assist 手伝う
  desire 欲求
  take on:引き受ける
  expenditure 支出、消費→こと
  adaptation 調節
  result 結果
 result in:につながる、結果が〜になる
 to be concise:簡潔な言い方をするなら
  concise 簡潔な
  function 機能
  vary 様々な
 due to:〜によって、〜が原因で
  merely であるだけでなく
  particular 特定の
  society 社会
  eliminate 取り除く
  still それでも

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 12 
    English first ( 1 ) to the United States, Canada, Australia and
 New Zealand when English, Irish and Scottish people ( 2 ) there during
 the ( 3 ) period. A new ( 4 ) of English use around the world has
 occurred in the last one hundred years or so. 
    English has become the second language in some countries ( 5 ) it
 is used for administration, broadcasting, business and education. In
 these countries, English is a vital ( 6 ) language, often ( 7 )
 huge territories and ( 8 ) populations.
    English as a foreign language has been more recently adopted and
 used for contact with people in other countries to ( 9 ) trade, science,
 peace and international understanding.
    Because the widespread use of English is a global ( 10 ), some
 people say we should speak not of English, but of many kinds of English
 such as American English, African English and even‘Japlish.’
 ア alternative イ phenomenon ウ explosion エ colonial オ migrated
 カ unifying   キ diverse   ク promote  ケ spread  コ where
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.ケ  2.オ  3.エ  4.ウ  5.コ  6.ア  7.カ  8.キ  9.ク  10.イ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 12   (139 words)
    English first spread to the United States, Canada, Australia and
 New Zealand when English, Irish and Scottish people migrated there during
 the colonial period. A new explosion of English use around the world has
 occurred in the last one hundred years or so. 
    English has become the second language in some countries where it
 is used for administration, broadcasting, business and education. In
 these countries, English is a vital alternative language, often unifying
 huge territories and diverse populations.
    English as a foreign language has been more recently adopted and
 used for contact with people in other countries to promote trade, science,
 peace and international understanding.
    Because the widespread use of English is a global phenomenon, some
 people say we should speak not of English, but of many kinds of English
 such as American English, African English and even‘Japlish.’

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 1. English first spread to 英語は最初、〜に広まった
 the United States, Canada, アメリカ、カナダ、
 Australia and New Zealand オーストラリアそしてニュージーランド
 when English, それは、イギリス人が〜〜時
 Irish and Scottish people アイルランド人そしてスコットランド人
 migrated there during the colonial period. 植民地時代にそうした場所に移住した
 2. A new explosion of English use 英語の使用の新たな爆発
 around the world has occurred 世界中で起こった
 in the last one hundred years or so. この100年かそこらのことだ
 3. English has become the second language 英語が第二言語になってきた
 in some countries 国もあり
 where it is used for そこでは、英語が使われている
 administration, broadcasting, 政治、放送、
 business and education. 商取引そして教育
 4. In these countries, そうした国々では
 English is a vital alternative language, 英語は、不可欠の代替言語
 often unifying huge territories 巨大な領土を統一していることが多い
 and diverse populations. と多様な住民
 5. English as a foreign language 外国語としての英語
 has been more recently ようになったのはさらに最近のことだ
 adopted and used 採用され使われる
 for contact with people in other countries 他の国々の人々と接触するために
 to promote trade, science, peace 貿易、科学、平和を促進するために
 and international understanding. そして国際的な理解
 6. Because the widespread use of English 英語が広範囲に渡って使われているので
 is a global phenomenon, 地球規模の現象である
 some people say ということを言う人もいる
 we should speak not of English, 「英語」について話すべきではなく
 but of many kinds of English 様々な種類の英語について
 such as American English, アメリカ英語、〜といった
 African English and even‘Japlish.’ アフリカ英語、そして果ては「日本人英語」

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  spread 広がる
  migrate 移住する
  colonial 植民地の
  period 時代
  explosion 爆発
  occur 起こる
 or so:かそこら
  administration 政治
  broadcasting 放送
  business 商取引
  education 教育
  vital 不可欠の
  alternative 代替の
  unify 統一する
  huge 巨大な
  territory 領土、領域
  diverse 多様な
  population 住民、人口
  recently 最近
  adopt 採用する
  contact 接触
  promote 促進する
  trade 貿易
  science 科学
  peace 平和
  international 国際的な
  widespread 広範囲に渡る
  global 地球規模の
  phenomenon 現象
 such as:〜といった、例えば

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