単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm017018

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 17 
    The British class system can be ( 1 ) into three groups: the upper
 class ( 2 ) of aristocrats, the middle class, and the lower or working
 class. Britain's classes are ( 3 ) more on breeding and social position
 than money or power.
    Getting ahead and making money are usually seen as rude. For this
 reason, the classes in Britain change less than those in America.
 Britain's ruling or upper class“rules through prestige, not through
 money.” The famous and expensive boarding schools of Eton, Harrow, and
 Winchester and the universities of Oxford and Cambridge lead to careers in
 banking, finance, and government service. Jobs in industry and commerce
 are ( 4 ) for the middle class. The middle class doesn't have the
 prestige, family background, or titles of the upper class, but some say
 it is the middle class that gives Britain its ( 5 ).
    The lower class, or working class, comes next. These people are
 sometimes ( 6 ) to as“blue collar workers.” Members of this group
 think that it is difficult to rise socially because of their ( 7 )
 education, different manners and values, and even the language they
 speak. Prime Minister Thatcher once spoke of a country“free of class
 distinction.” But she ( 8 ) the practice of ( 9 ) the hereditary
 ranks of nobles. That is, titles ( 10 ) in a family for many generations.
 Many outsiders believe this rigid class system is not good.
 ア consisting イ stability ウ granting エ referred オ reserved
 カ restored  キ divided  ク limited  ケ remain  コ based
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.キ  2.ア  3.コ  4.オ  5.イ  6.エ  7.ク  8.カ  9.ウ  10.ケ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 17   (228 words)
    The British class system can be divided into three groups: the upper
 class consisting of aristocrats, the middle class, and the lower or
 working class. Britain's classes are based more on breeding and social
 position than money or power.
    Getting ahead and making money are usually seen as rude. For this
 reason, the classes in Britain change less than those in America.
 Britain's ruling or upper class“rules through prestige, not through
 money.” The famous and expensive boarding schools of Eton, Harrow, and
 Winchester and the universities of Oxford and Cambridge lead to careers in
 banking, finance, and government service. Jobs in industry and commerce
 are reserved for the middle class. The middle class doesn't have the
 prestige, family background, or titles of the upper class, but some say
 it is the middle class that gives Britain its stability.
    The lower class, or working class, comes next. These people are
 sometimes referred to as“blue collar workers.” Members of this group
 think that it is difficult to rise socially because of their limited
 education, different manners and values, and even the language they
 speak. Prime Minister Thatcher once spoke of a country“free of class
 distinction.” But she restored the practice of granting the hereditary
 ranks of nobles. That is, titles remain in a family for many generations.
 Many outsiders believe this rigid class system is not good.

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 1. The British class system 英国の階級制度
 can be divided into three groups: 3つの集団に分けることが出来る。つまり
 the upper class consisting of aristocrats, 貴族で構成される上流階級
 the middle class, and 中流階級そして
 and the lower or working class. 下層、あるいは労働者階級である
 2. Britain's classes are based 英国の階級は、〜がその基礎になっている
 more on breeding and social position 家系と社会的地位の方が
 than money or power. お金や権力よりも
 3. Getting ahead and making money 出世することやお金を儲けること
 are usually seen as rude. 通常、品のないことと考えられている
 4. For this reason, この理由から
 the classes in Britain change less than 英国の階級は〜ほどには変化しない
 those in America. アメリカの階級
 5. Britain's ruling or upper class 英国の支配階級、あるいは上流階級
 “rules through prestige, 「威信によって支配する
 not through money.” お金で支配するのではない」
 6. The famous and expensive boarding schools 有名でお金のかかる寄宿学校
 of Eton, Harrow, and Winchester イートン、ハロウそしてウィンチェスターという
 and the universities そして大学
 of Oxford and Cambridge オックスフォードやケンブリッジという
 lead to careers 職業につながる
 in banking, finance, and government service. 銀行や金融そして政府での
 7. Jobs in industry and commerce 産業界や商業界の仕事
 are reserved for the middle class. 中流階級のために用意されている
 8. The middle class doesn't have 中流階級にはない
 the prestige, family background, or titles 名声も、家柄も肩書きも
 of the upper class, 上流階級のような
 but some say it is the middle class だが、〜〜のは中流階級だ、と言う人もいる
 that gives Britain its stability. 英国にその安定をもたらしている
 9. The lower class, or working class, 下層階級あるいは労働者階級
 comes next. その次に来る
10. These people are sometimes referred to この人達は、呼ばれることもある
 as“blue collar workers.” 「青いえりの労働者」と
11. Members of this group think that この集団に属する人達は、〜〜と考えている
 it is difficult to rise socially 社会的地位を上げるのは難しい
 because of their limited education, 限られた教育が原因で、
 different manners and values, (他の階級の人達と)違う振る舞いや価値観
 and even the language they speak. そしてさらには、自分達の話す言葉さえ
12. Prime Minister Thatcher once サッチャー首相がかつて、
 spoke of a country 国について語った
 “free of class distinction.” 「階級差別のない」
13. But she restored the practice of しかし彼女は、〜という慣習を復活させた
 granting the hereditary ranks of nobles. 貴族の地位を世襲として与える
14. That is, titles remain それはつまり、肩書きがとどまること
 in a family for many generations. 何世代にも渡って一つの家系に
15. Many outsiders believe 第三者には、〜〜と考えている人が多い
 this rigid class system is not good. この固定した階級制度は良くない

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  class 階級
  system 制度
  divide 分ける、分解する
 divide into:〜に分ける
 upper class:上流階級
  consist 成り立つ
 consist of:〜で構成されている、から出来ている
  aristocrat 貴族
 middle class:中流階級
 the lower class:下層階級
  or あるいは、言い換えれば
 working class:労働者階級
 based on:〜がその基礎
  breeding 家系、育ち
 social position:社会的地位
 than money or power. お金や権力よりも
 get ahead:出世する
  rude 品のない、無礼な
 for this reason:この理由から
 ruling class:支配階級
  famous 有名な
  expensive お金のかかる、高価な
 boarding school:寄宿学校
 lead to:につながる
  career 職業
  banking 銀行業
  finance 金融
  government service 政府での仕事
  job 仕事
  industry 産業(界)、工業、勤勉
  commerce 商業(界)
  reserve 用意する、取っておく、予約する
 family background 家柄
  title 肩書き
  stability 安定
 refer to:〜のことを言う、言及する
 blue collar:青いえりの
 rise socially:社会的地位を上げる
  limited 限られた
  manners 振る舞い
  values 価値観
  Prime Minister 首相
 free of:〜のない
 class distinction:階級差別
  restore 復活させる
  practice 慣習
  grant 与える
  hereditary 世襲の
  rank 地位
  noble 貴族(の)
 that is:それはつまり
  remain とどまる、ままである
  generation 世代
  outsider 第三者
  rigid 固定した

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 18 
    I am not a psychologist or a sociologist. I have a doctorate in
 education but my kids are more important to me ( 1 ) my education and my
 job. I ( 2 ) a part of my professional life to ( 3 ) and educating my
 children. My greatest joys and ( 4 ) come from my five children.
    We experience the normal ( 5 ) of family life, the little tensions
 and ( 6 ) that are part of living together, and I have found that all
 parents have the same troubles. We parents are always ( 7 ) to hear
 each others' stories, ( 8 ) often bring laughter and joy to our hearts.
    Yes, my children are the ( 9 ) of love, stress and laughter. I
 think I am lucky to be able to ( 10 ) my life with them.
 ア entertaining イ conflicts ウ relieved エ rewards オ source
 カ strife    キ share   ク devote  ケ which  コ than
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.コ  2.ク  3.ア  4.エ  5.カ  6.イ  7.ウ  8.ケ  9.オ  10.キ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 18   (126 words)
    I am not a psychologist or a sociologist. I have a doctorate in
 education but my kids are more important to me than my education and my
 job. I devote a part of my professional life to entertaining and
 educating my children. My greatest joys and rewards come from my five
    We experience the normal strife of family life, the little tensions
 and conflicts that are part of living together, and I have found that all
 parents have the same troubles. We parents are always relieved to hear
 each others' stories, which often bring laughter and joy to our hearts.
    Yes, my children are the source of love, stress and laughter. I
 think I am lucky to be able to share my life with them.

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 1. I am not a psychologist or a sociologist. 私は心理学者でも社会学者でもない。
 2. I have a doctorate in education 教育の博士号は持っている
 but my kids are more important to me だが、私には、自分の子供の方が大切だ
 than my education and my job. 私の教育や仕事よりも
 3. I devote 私は、充てている
 a part of my professional life 自分の専門家としての生活の一部を
 to entertaining and educating 楽しませたり教育したりすることに
 my children. 自分の子供を
 4. My greatest joys and rewards 私の一番の喜びもほうび
 come from my five children. 5人の子供から得られる
 5. We experience the normal strife 通常のもめ事も経験する
 of family life, 家族生活での
 the little tensions and conflicts 些細な緊張と衝突だ
 that are part of living together, 一緒に暮らすことの一部である
 and I have found that そして、〜〜だと今では分かっている
 all parents have the same troubles. どの親も同じ問題を抱えている
 6. We parents are always relieved 我々親というものは、いつもほっとする
 to hear each others' stories, それぞれの話を聞くと
 which often bring laughter and joy 笑いと喜びがもたらされることが多い
 to our hearts. 心に
 7. Yes, my children are the source そう、私の子供は、源なのだ
 of love, stress and laughter. 愛情、ストレスそして笑いの
 8. I think I am lucky to be able 出来て、私は幸運だと思っている
 to share my life with them. その子供達と共に生きることが

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  psychologist 心理学者
  sociologist 社会学者
  doctorate 博士号
  kid 子供
  devote 充てる、捧げる
 devote A to B:AをBに捧げる
  professional 専門家(として)の
  entertain 楽しませる
  joy 喜び
  reward ほうび
  experience 経験する
  normal 通常の
  strife もめ事、争い
  tension 緊張
  conflict 衝突
  trouble 問題
  relieve ほっとさせる、安心させる、取り除く
  laughter 笑い
  stress ストレス
  lucky 幸運な
  share 共に〜する、共有する

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