単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm019020

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 19  
    Perhaps you think of stress as an ( 1 ). Well, stress can be a
 friend−if you understand it! It can ( 2 ) you to change your way of
 life. But it can kill you if you don't ( 3 ) the warning signals.
    When you are very frightened and worried, your body produces
 certain chemicals to help you fight ( 4 ) is troubling you. These
 chemicals release the energy needed to run away quickly from the ( 5 )
 of fear, but in modern life it is often impossible to escape from the
 things you fear. You need exercise and relaxation, because if you don't
 use up these chemicals they may actually ( 6 ) you.
    The parts of the body that are most affected by stress are the
 stomach, heart, skin, head and back. Stress can cause car accidents,
 heart attacks and alcoholism, and may even ( 7 ) people to suicide.
    ( 8 ) is better than cure. If you learn to listen to your
 body, you can ( 9 ) a lot of pain and suffering. Develop a lifestyle that
 suits your health needs as well as your career and financial ( 10 ).
 ア prevention イ ambitions ウ notice エ object オ avoid
 カ drive    キ enemy   ク harm  ケ warn  コ what
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.キ  2.ケ  3.ウ  4.コ  5.エ  6.ク  7.カ  8.ア  9.オ  10.イ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 19   (182 words)
    Perhaps you think of stress as an enemy. Well, stress can be a
 friend−if you understand it! It can warn you to change your way of
 life. But it can kill you if you don't notice the warning signals.
    When you are very frightened and worried, your body produces
 certain chemicals to help you fight what is troubling you. These
 chemicals release the energy needed to run away quickly from the object
 of fear, but in modern life it is often impossible to escape from the
 things you fear. You need exercise and relaxation, because if you don't
 use up these chemicals they may actually harm you.
    The parts of the body that are most affected by stress are the
 stomach, heart, skin, head and back. Stress can cause car accidents,
 heart attacks and alcoholism, and may even drive people to suicide.
    Prevention is better than cure. If you learn to listen to your
 body, you can avoid a lot of pain and suffering. Develop a lifestyle that
 suits your health needs as well as your career and financial ambitions.

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 1. Perhaps you think ひょっとすると、考えているかも知れません
 of stress as an enemy. ストレスは敵だと
 2. Well, stress can be a friend−ですが、ストレスは、味方にもなる
 if you understand it! 理解すれば
 3. It can warn you ストレスが、警告になることがある
 to change your way of life. 生活様式を変える
 4. But it can kill you しかし、命を失うことにもなりかねません。 
 if you don't notice the warning signals. その警戒信号に気が付かないと、
 5. When you are very frightened and worried, とても恐く心配していたりすると
 your body produces certain chemicals 身体からは、ある化学物質が作り出される
 to help you fight what is troubling you. 困っている原因と戦うのに役立つ
 6. These chemicals release the energy こうした化学物質からエネルギーが出る
 needed to run away quickly すぐに逃げるのに必要な
 from the object of fear, 恐怖の対象から
 but in modern life it is often impossible だが現代生活では不可能なことが多い
 to escape from the things you fear. 恐いと思うものから逃げること
 7. You need exercise and relaxation, 運動することと、くつろぐことが必要
 because if you don't use up なぜなら、使い切ってしまわないと
 these chemicals そうした化学物質
 they may actually harm you. 実際、害になることがある
 8. The parts of the body 体の部分
 that are most affected by stress ストレスによって最も影響を受ける
 are the stomach, heart, skin, head and back. 胃、心臓、皮膚、頭そして腰だ
 9. Stress can cause car accidents, ストレスは、交通事故の原因になることがある
 heart attacks and alcoholism, 心臓発作やアルコール中毒
 and may even drive people to suicide. また自殺に追いやられることさえあり得る
10. Prevention is better than cure. 予防は治療に勝る
11. If you learn to listen to your body, もし身体の声に耳を傾けるようになれば
 you can avoid a lot of pain and suffering. 大変な痛みや苦痛を避けられる
12. Develop a lifestyle 生活様式を身につけよう
 that suits your health needs 自分の健康面での必要性に合った
 as well as your career and financial ambitions. 職業と経済的な野心だけでなく

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  perhaps ひょっとすると〜かも知れない
 think of A as B:AをBだと考える
  stress ストレス、重圧
  warn 警告する
 way of life:生活様式
  kill 殺す
  notice 気付く
  signal 信号
  frighten 恐がらせる
  worry 心配させる
  produce 作り出す
  certain ある、一定の
  chemical 化学物質
  fight 戦う
  trouble 困らせる
  release 出す、放出する、解き放す
  energy エネルギー、力
 run away:逃げる
 quickly すぐに
  object 対象
  fear 恐怖、恐れる
  modern 現代の
  escape 逃げる
  exercise 運動(すること)
  relaxation くつろぐこと
 use up:使い果たす
  harm 害になる
  affect 影響する
  skin 皮膚
  cause 原因になる、引き起こす
  accident 事故
 heart attack:心臓発作
  alcoholism アルコール中毒
  drive 追いやる
  suicide 自殺
  prevention 予防
  cure 治療
 learn to:〜するようになる
 listen to:耳を傾ける
  avoid 避ける
 a lot of:大変な、たくさんの
  pain 痛み
  suffering 苦痛
  develople 身につける、発達させる
  lifestyle 生活様式
  suit 合う
  health 健康
 as well as:だけでなく
  career 職業
  financial 経済的な、財政上の
  ambition 野心

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 20  
    Dream researchers have ( 1 ) that everyone dreams for about one and a
 half hours every night. That means that each person dreams for about four
 years in an ( 2 ) lifetime. Most western people have ( 3 ) into the trap
 of ( 4 ) that dreams are not useful or necessary, but a few diligent
 researchers believe that the world of dreams is a ( 5 ) to knowledge and
    There is a ( 6 ) simple reason why we forget the lessons of these
 inner institutes of ( 7 ): it is because nobody taught us how to remember,
 and also because our waking consciousness and our senses are ( 8 ) on
 things in the busy world outside our minds. However, we can learn how to
 ( 9 ) the lessons that come to us in our dreams. Such knowledge is very
 old and it is only now beginning to be ( 10 ).
 ア appreciated  イ ascertained ウ assuming エ average オ deceptively
 カ enlightenment キ fallen    ク focused  ケ gateway コ retain
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.イ  2.エ  3.キ  4.ウ  5.ケ  6.オ  7.カ  8.ク  9.コ  10.ア  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 20   (141 words)
    Dream researchers have ascertained that everyone dreams for about
 one and a half hours every night. That means that each person dreams for
 about four years in an average lifetime. Most western people have fallen
 into the trap of assuming that dreams are not useful or necessary, but a
 few diligent researchers believe that the world of dreams is a gateway to
 knowledge and power.
    There is a deceptively simple reason why we forget the lessons of
 these inner institutes of enlightenment: it is because nobody taught us
 how to remember, and also because our waking consciousness and our senses
 are focused on things in the busy world outside our minds. However, we
 can learn how to retain the lessons that come to us in our dreams. Such
 knowledge is very old and it is only now beginning to be appreciated.

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 1. Dream researchers have ascertained that 夢を研究している人達は、突き止めた
 everyone dreams 誰もが夢を見る
 for about one and a half hours every night. 毎晩、約1時間半
 2. That means that それはつまり、〜〜ということだ
 each person dreams for about four years それぞれの人が、約4年間夢を見る
 in an average lifetime. 平均的な寿命の中で
 3. Most western people 西側世界の人達はほとんど
 have fallen into the trap of assuming that という考えにとらわれてしまっている
 dreams are not useful or necessary, 夢が役に立たないし必要でもない
 but a few diligent researchers だが、少数の熱心な研究者達は
 believe that 〜〜だと考えている。
 the world of dreams 夢の世界
 is a gateway to knowledge and power. 知識と知力へつながる道
 4. There is a deceptively simple reason 理由は、簡単そうで簡単ではない
 why we forget the lessons 教え(夢のこと)を忘れてしまう
 of these inner institutes of enlightenment: こういった内なる啓蒙組織の
 it is because nobody taught us 誰も教えてくれなかったからだ
 how to remember, どうやって覚えていればいいか
 and also because そして、〜〜だからでもある
 our waking consciousness and our senses 起きている間の意識と感覚
 are focused on things 事柄に集中している
 in the busy world outside our minds. 頭の外にある忙しい世界の
 5. However, we can learn しかし、身につけることが出来る
 how to retain the lessons 教えを忘れないで維持する方法
 that come to us in our dreams. 夢の中でもたらされる
 6. Such knowledge is very old そうした知識はとても古くからあるものだ
 and it is only now そして、今やっと
 beginning to be appreciated. 評価され始めている

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  researcher 研究している人
  ascertain 突き止める、確かめる
  average 平均的な
  lifetime 寿命、生存期間
  western 西側(世界)の
 fall into the trap of:〜にとらわれる、〜という罠にはまる
  assume 考える、想定する
  useful 役に立つ
  diligent 熱心な、勤勉な
  gateway (へつながる)道、入り口
  knowledge 知識
  deceptively 〜そうで〜でない、惑わせる、当てにならない
  lesson 教え、教訓
  inner 内なる
  institute 組織、原理、学会
  enlightenment 啓蒙
  wake 起きる、目覚める
  consciousness 意識
  sense 感覚
  focus 集中させる
 focused on:〜に集中している
  outside の外にある
  retain 忘れないで維持する、保つ
  appreciate 評価する

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