単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm021022

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 21
    Meat, poultry and fish were not ( 1 ) part of the human ( 2 ).
 Our teeth ( 3 ) so that we could chew plant roots and seeds, not ( 4 ).
 Our ( 5 ) systems are those of plant eaters, not meat eaters.
    However, such evolutionary arguments may seem to be a thin basis for
 ( 6 ) a vegetarian diet today. The fact is that meat provides ( 7 ) in a
 highly ( 8 ) form. Its flavors and smells have become so thoroughly
 familiar in the traditional Western diet that many people think that the
 ( 9 ) of doing ( 10 ) it is unthinkable. Yet vegetarianism as a matter of
 individual choice is now spreading.
 ア adopting イ concentrated ウ diet    エ digestive オ evolved
 カ flesh   キ nutrients   ク originally ケ prospect  コ without
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.ク  2.ウ  3.オ  4.カ  5.エ  6.ア  7.キ  8.イ  9.ケ  10.コ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 21  (104 words)
    Meat, poultry and fish were not originally part of the human diet.
 Our teeth evolved so that we could chew plant roots and seeds, not flesh.
 Our digestive systems are those of plant eaters, not meat eaters.
    However, such evolutionary arguments may seem to be a thin basis for
 adopting a vegetarian diet today. The fact is that meat provides
 nutrients in a highly concentrated form. Its flavors and smells have
 become so thoroughly familiar in the traditional Western diet that many
 people think that the prospect of doing without it is unthinkable. Yet
 vegetarianism as a matter of individual choice is now spreading.

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 1. Meat, poultry and fish were not 肉、鶏肉そして魚肉は〜ではなかった
 originally part of the human diet. 元々、人間が食べるものの一部
 2. Our teeth evolved so that we could 人間の歯は、できるように発達した
 chew plant roots and seeds, not flesh. 獣の肉ではなく、植物の根や種を噛む
 3. Our digestive systems are those 人間の消化器系統は消化器系だ
 of plant eaters, not meat eaters. 草食動物ので、肉食動物のではない
 4. However, such evolutionary arguments しかし、そうした進化上の議論は
 may seem to be a thin basis 論拠としては弱いもののように思えるかも知れない
 for adopting a vegetarian diet today. 今日の菜食主義者の食事を受け入れる
 5. The fact is that 事実、
 meat provides nutrients 肉からは、栄養素が得られる
 in a highly concentrated form. 非常に凝縮された形で
 6. Its flavors and smells have become 肉の味も香りも、なってきた
 so thoroughly familiar 全く馴染み深いもの
 in the traditional Western diet 伝統的な西洋の食事では
 that many people think that と思っている人が多い
 the prospect of doing without it 肉なしにする可能性
 is unthinkable. 考えられない
 7. Yet vegetarianism しかし、菜食主義(の考え方)
 as a matter of individual choice 個人の選択の問題として、
 is now spreading. 今、広がりつつある

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  poultry 鶏肉
  originally 元々
  diet 食べるもの、食事
  evolve 発達する、進化する
 so that can:できるように、ために
  chew 噛む
  plant 植物
  flesh (獣の)肉
  digestive 消化器の
  system 系統
  evolutionary 進化上の
  argument 議論
  thin 弱い、薄い
  basis 基礎、根拠
  adopt 受け入れる
  vegetarian 菜食主義者(の)
  fact 事実
  provide が得られる、提供する
  nutrient 栄養素[物]
  highly 非常に、高度に
  concentrated 凝縮された、集中した
  flavor 味、風味
  smell 香り、におい
 so A that B:とてもAなのでB
  thoroughly 全く、完全に
  familiar 馴染み深い、よく知っている
  traditional 伝統的な
  prospect 可能性、見込み
 do without:なしですます
  unthinkable 考えられない
  vegetarianism 菜食主義(の考え方)
 as a matter of:の問題として
  matter 問題
  individual 個人(の)
  choice 選択

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 22 
    In Africa and Asia, many people eat very little meat because it ( 1 )
 too much to ( 2 ). About eighteen percent of the world's population
 eats less than 10 grams of animal ( 3 ) per person each day. This is
 ( 4 ) to two small eggs or one cup of milk.
    In places which are becoming more wealthy, however, the ( 5 ) of
 animal protein is increasing. Vegetarianism in the West is not a matter
 of economic ( 6 ). It is a ( 7 ) of choice. The number of voluntary
 vegetarians in Europe and the U.S. is ( 8 ) at several million. Some
 people are ( 9 ) by taste. Others have moral reasons; they dislike
 the killing of animals and some of the ( 10 ) used in animal farming.
 Still others simply believe a vegetarian diet is healthier.
 ア equivalent イ estimated ウ motivated エ necessity オ methods
 カ produce   キ protein  ク intake   ケ matter   コ costs
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.コ  2.カ  3.キ  4.ア  5.ク  6.エ  7.ケ  8.イ  9.ウ  10.オ 
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 22  (129 words)
    In Africa and Asia, many people eat very little meat because it costs
 too much to produce. About eighteen percent of the world's population
 eats less than 10 grams of animal protein per person each day. This is
 equivalent to two small eggs or one cup of milk.
    In places which are becoming more wealthy, however, the intake of
 animal protein is increasing. Vegetarianism in the West is not a matter
 of economic necessity. It is a matter of choice. The number of voluntary
 vegetarians in Europe and the U.S. is estimated at several million. Some
 people are motivated by taste. Others have moral reasons; they dislike
 the killing of animals and some of the methods used in animal farming.
 Still others simply believe a vegetarian diet is healthier.

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 1. In Africa and Asia, アフリカとアジアでは
 many people eat very little meat 肉をほとんど食べない人が多い
 because it costs too much to produce. 肉の生産に費用がかかりすぎるからだ
 2. About eighteen percent of the world's population 世界の人口の約18%
 eats less than 10 grams 10グラム未満しか摂らない
 of animal protein per person each day. 1人1日につき、動物性蛋白質を
 3. This is equivalent to これは、〜に等しい
 two small eggs or one cup of milk. 小さな卵2個あるいは、コップ1杯の牛乳
 4. In places which are becoming more wealthy, より豊かになりつつある地域では
 however, しかし、
 the intake of animal protein is increasing. 動物性蛋白質の摂取量は増えている
 5. Vegetarianism in the West 西洋の菜食主義
 is not a matter of economic necessity. 経済的な必要性の問題ではない
 6. It is a matter of choice. それは選択の問題だ。
 7. The number of voluntary vegetarians 自分の意志で菜食主義者になった人の数
 in Europe and the U.S. ヨーロッパとアメリカで
 is estimated at several million. 数百万人と推定されている
 8. Some people are motivated by taste. 味が動機になった人もいる。
 9. Others have moral reasons; 道徳的な理由の人もいる
 they dislike the killing of animals 動物を殺すのが好きでない
 and some of the methods used in animal farming. と、動物の飼育に使われる方法
10. Still others simply believe また、単に、〜〜と考えているだけの人もいる
 a vegetarian diet is healthier. 菜食主義の食事の方が健康的だ

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  little ほとんどない
  cost 費用がかかる
  produce 生産
  protein 蛋白質
  per 〜につき
  equivalent 等しい、同等の
 equivalent to:〜に等しい
  wealthy 豊かな
  intake 摂取量
  increase 増える
  vegetarianism 菜食主義
 a matter of:の問題
  economic 経済的な
  necessity 必要(性)
 the number of:の数
  voluntary 自分の意志での、自ら進んで、自発的な
  vegetarian 菜食主義者
  estimate 推定する
  million 百万
 some A others B still others C:AもいればBもいればCもいる
  motivate 動機づける、動機を与える
  moral 道徳的な
  method 方法
  farming 飼育、農業

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