単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm029030

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 29 
    Music has always been an expression of our hopes and fears. Folk
 music is an unwritten record of the beliefs and attitudes of a culture.
 It has been ( 1 ) on by word of ( 2 ) from one ( 3 ) to the next.
    The songs which survive are the people's favorites. A folk song
 which we hear today may not exactly be the same as the one our ( 4 )
 heard. It has changed through the different ( 5 ) of many generations.
    Folk songs tell tales of heroic leaders, famous battles, and love.
 One culture may ( 6 ) and change songs from another culture. For example,
 the same tune may appear as a ballad in Germany and as a Christmas carol
 in Poland. People in border ( 7 ) probably learned it from their
 friends in the nearby country. During the Middle Ages, for example,
 songs were ( 8 ) from one place to another by wandering musical
 entertainers or young workmen. If the people liked the melody of a song
 but not the theme, they would often adopt the tune and ( 9 ) the words
 or the story with something more ( 10 ).
 ア ancestors イ borrow  ウ generation エ interpretations オ mouth
 カ passed   キ regions ク replace   ケ suitable     コ transferred
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.カ  2.オ  3.ウ  4.ア  5.エ  6.イ  7.キ  8.コ  9.ク  10.ケ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 29  (182 words)
    Music has always been an expression of our hopes and fears. Folk
 music is an unwritten record of the beliefs and attitudes of a culture.
 It has been passed on by word of mouth from one generation to the next.
    The songs which survive are the people's favorites. A folk song
 which we hear today may not exactly be the same as the one our ancestors
 heard. It has changed through the different interpretations of many
    Folk songs tell tales of heroic leaders, famous battles, and love.
 One culture may borrow and change songs from another culture. For example,
 the same tune may appear as a ballad in Germany and as a Christmas carol
 in Poland. People in border regions probably learned it from their
 friends in the nearby country. During the Middle Ages, for example,
 songs were transferred from one place to another by wandering musical
 entertainers or young workmen. If the people liked the melody of a song
 but not the theme, they would often adopt the tune and replace the words
 or the story with something more suitable.
 1. Music has always been an expression 音楽はこれまで常に、表現になってきた
 of our hopes and fears. 人間の希望や恐怖の
 2. Folk music is an unwritten record 民族音楽は、文字で書かれていない記録
 of the beliefs and attitudes 信じられていることや姿勢についての
 of a culture. ある文化の中の
 3. It has been passed on by word of mouth それは、口伝えで伝承されてきた
 from one generation to the next. 世代から世代へと
 4. The songs which survive 生き残っていく歌
 are the people's favorites. 庶民のお気に入りの歌だ
 5. A folk song which we hear today 今日聴かれる民族音楽
 may not exactly be the same 全く同じものではないかも知れない
 as the one our ancestors heard. 先祖達が聴いていたものと
 6. It has changed through それは〜を通して変わってきた
 the different interpretations of many generations. 多くの世代の様々な解釈
 7. Folk songs tell tales of 民族音楽では、〜についての話が語られる
 heroic leaders, famous battles, and love. 英雄的な指導者、有名な戦いそして愛
 8. One culture may borrow and change 借りてきて変える文化もあるかも知れない
 songs from another culture. 他の文化から歌を
 9. For example, the same tune 例えば、同じ旋律
 may appear as a ballad in Germany ドイツのバラードに出てくるかも知れない
 and as a Christmas carol in Poland. ポーランドのクリスマスキャロルと
10. People in border regions 国境地域に住む人達
 probably learned it from their friends 恐らく、友達から教えてもらったのだろう
 in the nearby country. 近くの国の
11. During the Middle Ages, for example, 例えば、中世の時代
 songs were transferred from one place to another 歌はあちこちに伝えられた
 by wandering musical entertainers 流れ歩く楽器の演奏者によって
 or young workmen. あるいは若い労働者達
12. If the people liked the melody of a song 歌の旋律を人々が気に入れば
 but not the theme, だが題材が気に入らない
 they would often adopt the tune 曲を取り入れることが多かった
 and replace the words or the story そして台詞や話を取り替える
 with something more suitable. もっとふさわしいものに
  expression 表現
  hope 希望
  fear 恐怖
  folk music 民族音楽
  unwritten 文字で書かれていない
  record 記録
  belief 信じられていること、信条、信仰
  attitude 姿勢、態度
 pass on:伝承する、伝える
 by word of mouth:口伝えで
  generation 世代
  survive 生き残る
  favorite お気に入り(の人、もの)
  exactly 全く
  the same as:と同じ
  ancestor 先祖
  interpretation 解釈
  heroic 英雄的な
  battles 戦い
  borrow 借りる
  tune 旋律
  ballad バラード
  Christmas carol クリスマスキャロル
  border (国)境の
  region 地域
  probably 恐らく〜だろう
  nearby 近くの
 the Middle Ages:中世の時代
  transfer 伝える、移動させる
  wander 流れ歩く、うろうろする
  musical 楽器の
  entertainer 演奏者、楽しませる人
  workman 労働者
  melody 旋律
  theme 題材
  adopt 取り入れる、採用する
  replace 取り替える
 replace A with B:AをBと取り替える
  suitable ふさわしい、適切な

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 30 
    The care of infants has usually been a female ( 1 ). In most normal
 families, the mother has been the central ( 2 ) in the child's early life.
    But this is changing. Now many husbands and wives share family jobs,
 worries and responsibilities. They also ( 3 ) more decisions together.
 “Tackle it together!”is the theme and this is meant to ( 4 ) equally to
 things like holiday plans, modernizing the kitchen and buying a new car.
    Some ( 5 ) show that the wife is still the main spender of the family
 ( 6 ). But makers of“do-it-yourself”equipment ( 7 ) that it is usually
 wives and husbands together who decide ( 8 ) the living-room needs to be
 redecorated. In ( 9 ), they often do the actual work together. The old
 joke ( 10 ) husbands washing the dishes is not so funny anymore.
 ア acknowledge イ surveys ウ whether エ figure オ income
 カ about    キ apply  ク fact   ケ make  コ task
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.コ  2.エ  3.ケ  4.キ  5.イ  6.オ  7.ア  8.ウ  9.ク  10.カ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 30  (131 words)
    The care of infants has usually been a female task. In most normal
 families, the mother has been the central figure in the child's early life.
    But this is changing. Now many husbands and wives share family
 jobs, worries and responsibilities. They also make more decisions
 together. “Tackle it together!”is the theme and this is meant to apply
 equally to things like holiday plans, modernizing the kitchen and buying
 a new car.
    Some surveys show that the wife is still the main spender of
 the family income. But makers of“do-it-yourself”equipment acknowledge
 that it is usually wives and husbands together who decide whether the
 living-room needs to be redecorated. In fact, they often do the actual
 work together. The old joke about husbands washing the dishes is not so
 funny anymore.
 1. The care of infants 幼児の世話
 has usually been a female task. これまで通常は、女性の仕事であった
 2. In most normal families, 普通の家庭ではたいてい
 the mother has been the central figure その母親が中心的な人物であった
 in the child's early life. 子供の人生の初期には
 3. But this is changing. しかし、これは変わりつつある
 4. Now many husbands and wives share 今では、分担する夫や妻が多い
 family jobs, worries and responsibilities. 家事、心配事そして責任を
 5. They also make more decisions together. 意志決定も一緒にすることが多い
 6. “Tackle it together!”is the theme 「一緒に取り組もう。」が題材
 and this is meant to apply equally これは、同じように当てはまるとされている
 to things like holiday plans, 休日の計画に
 modernizing the kitchen and 台所を近代化することと
 buying a new car. 新しい車を買うことに
 7. Some surveys show that 〜〜がいくつかの調査から分かっている
 the wife is still the main spender 使うのはいまだ、主に妻
 of the family income. 家庭の収入を
 8. But makers of“do-it-yourself”equipment しかし「日曜大工」用品の製造業者
 acknowledge that it is usually 通常〜〜ということを認めている
 wives and husbands together who decide 決めるのは夫婦一緒
 whether the living-room needs 居間に必要があるかどうか
 to be redecorated. 模様替えをする
 9. In fact, they often do 事実、夫婦一緒にすることが多い
 the actual work together. 実際の作業
10. The old joke about husbands washing the dishes 夫が皿を洗うという古い冗談
 is not so funny anymore. もはやそれほど面白いものではない
  care 世話
  infant 幼児
  female 女性(の)
  task 女性の仕事
  normal 普通の
  central 中心的な
  figure 人物
  share 分担する、共有する
  job 仕事
  worry 心配(事)
  responsibility 責任
 make decisions:決定をする
  decision 決定
  tackle 取り組む
  theme 題材
  apply 当てはまる
  equally 同じように
  modernize 近代化する
  survey 調査
  main 主な
  spender 使う人
  income 収入
  do-it-yourself 日曜大工(の)
  equipment 用品、備品
  acknowledge 認める
  decide 決める
  redecorate 改装する、模様替えをする
 in fact:事実
  actual 実際の
  funny 面白い

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