単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm031032

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 31 
    Children are curious. They wonder about the ( 1 ) world that
 surrounds them. That world includes colors, movement, sounds, smells,
 animals and people. They learn much by exploring, but our complex ( 2 )
 way of life is difficult to understand without a knowledge of its
 historical background. Fortunately, children like to play and ( 3 ). For
 example, they ( 4 ) primitive shelters in their backyards and imagine they
 are starting human ( 5 ) with just their own ( 6 ) to meet their needs.
 For a time, they are able to forget modern civilization. In this way, they
 find a ( 7 ) from which they can understand the real world. They begin to
 see the world in proportion, as it came from the past.
    The more open children's minds are, the more ( 8 ) they are to the
 satisfaction and enjoyment which life ( 9 ). If there is nothing to
 satisfy their eager curiosity, they become bored. Children should not
 lack those resources which ( 10 ) their natural curiosity about the world.
 ア perspective イ construct ウ encourage エ existence オ ingenuity
 カ sensitive  キ external  ク affords  ケ pretend  コ modern
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.キ  2.コ  3.ケ  4.イ  5.エ  6.オ  7.ア  8.カ  9.ク  10.ウ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 31  (161 words)
    Children are curious. They wonder about the external world that
 surrounds them. That world includes colors, movement, sounds, smells,
 animals and people. They learn much by exploring, but our complex modern
 way of life is difficult to understand without a knowledge of its
 historical background. Fortunately, children like to play and pretend.
 For example, they construct primitive shelters in their backyards and
 imagine they are starting human existence with just their own ingenuity to
 meet their needs. For a time, they are able to forget modern civilization.
 In this way, they find a perspective from which they can understand the
 real world. They begin to see the world in proportion, as it came from
 the past.
    The more open children's minds are, the more sensitive they are to
 the satisfaction and enjoyment which life affords. If there is nothing to
 satisfy their eager curiosity, they become bored. Children should not
 lack those resources which encourage their natural curiosity about the
 1. Children are curious. 子供は好奇心が旺盛だ
 2. They wonder about the external world 外の世界について不思議に思っている
 that surrounds them. 自分の周りにある
 3. That world includes colors, movement, その世界には色、動き〜が含まれている
 sounds, smells, animals and people. 音、臭い、動物そして人々
 4. They learn much by exploring, 探検することでたくさんのことを知る
 but our complex modern way of life だが、現代の複雑な生活様式
 is difficult to understand without 〜なしには理解するのが困難
 a knowledge of its historical background. その歴史的背景の知識
 5. Fortunately, children like 幸運なことに、子供は、好きである
 to play and pretend. 遊ぶことも真似をすることも
 6. For example, they construct primitive shelters 例えば原始的な隠れ家を作る
 in their backyards and imagine 裏庭に、そして想像する
 they are starting human existence 人間としての生活を始める
 with just their own ingenuity 自分達の持っている創意工夫だけで
 to meet their needs. 必要を満たす
 7. For a time, they are able to forget しばらくの間は、忘れることができる
 modern civilization. 現代文明のこと
 8. In this way, they find a perspective このようにして、視点を見つける
 from which they can understand the real world. 現実世界を理解することが出来る
 9. They begin to see the world 世界を、見始める
 in proportion, つり合いのとれた見方で
 as it came from the past. 過去から来たものとして
10. The more open children's minds are, 子供の心が開かれていればいるほど
 the more sensitive they are to に対して、より敏感になる
 the satisfaction and enjoyment 満足や楽しみ
 which life affords. 人生で与えられる
11. If there is nothing 何もない場合
 to satisfy their eager curiosity, 旺盛な好奇心を満足させるものが
 they become bored. 子供は退屈してしまう
12. Children should not lack 子供の〜を不足させるべきではない
 those resources which encourage 促進するようなそうした源泉
 their natural curiosity about the world. 子供の世界に対する生まれつきの好奇心
  curious 好奇心が旺盛な
  wonder 不思議に思う
  external 外の
  surround の周りにある、取り囲む
  include 〜が含まれる、含む
  movement 動き
  complex 複雑な
  modern 現代の
  historical 歴史的(な)、歴史上の
  background 背景
  fortunately 幸運なことに
  pretend 真似をする、ふりをする
  construct 作る、組み立てる
  primitive 原始的な
  shelter 隠れ家、避難所
  backyard 裏庭
  imagine 想像する
  existence 生活、存在
  ingenuity 創意工夫
 meet the needs:必要を満たす
 for a time:しばらくの間は
 able to:できる
  civilization 文明
 in this way:このようにして
  perspective 視点、観点、釣り合いのとれた見方
  proportion つり合い、調和
 in proportion:つり合いのとれた見方で
 the more A the more B: AであればあるほどB
  sensitive 敏感な
  satisfaction 満足
  enjoyment 楽しみ
  afford 与える
  satisfy 満足させる
  eager 旺盛な、熱心な
  bored 退屈している
  bore 退屈させる
  lack 持っていない
  resource 源泉
  encourage 促進する

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 32 
    Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, ( 1 ) up the four chief ( 2 ) of
 money some 2,000 years ago. Money must be ( 3 ), easy to recognize, easy
 to divide, and easy to carry. Today we ( 4 ) money as round, flat pieces
 of metal which we call coins, or as printed paper notes. But in some parts
 of the world today coins and notes are not used. A traveler might ( 5 ) if
 he has no local‘money’to ( 6 ) for food.
    Among ( 7 ) peoples, who do not often meet traders from outside,
 commerce usually means ( 8 ). They trade fish for vegetables, meat for
 grain, or ( 9 ) kinds of food for pots, baskets or other manufactured
 goods. Here money is not ( 10 ). Still, there is often something that
 everyone wants and everybody can use, such as salt to flavor food, shells
 for ornaments, or iron and copper to make into tools and vessels. Such
 thing ― salt, shells, or metals ― are still used as money in isolated
 parts of the world today.
 ア barter   イ exchange ウ isolated エ needed オ picture
 カ qualities キ starve  ク summed  ケ tough  コ various
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.ク  2.カ  3.ケ  4.オ  5.キ  6.イ  7.ウ  8.ア  9.コ  10.エ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 32  (166 words)
    Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, summed up the four chief
 qualities of money some 2,000 years ago. Money must be tough, easy to
 recognize, easy to divide, and easy to carry. Today we picture money as
 round, flat pieces of metal which we call coins, or as printed paper notes.
 But in some parts of the world today coins and notes are not used. A
 traveler might starve if he has no local‘money’to exchange for food.
    Among isolated peoples, who do not often meet traders from outside,
 commerce usually means barter. They trade fish for vegetables, meat for
 grain, or various kinds of food for pots, baskets or other manufactured
 goods. Here money is not needed. Still, there is often something that
 everyone wants and everybody can use, such as salt to flavor food, shells
 for ornaments, or iron and copper to make into tools and vessels. Such
 thing ― salt, shells, or metals ― are still used as money in isolated
 parts of the world today.
 1. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, ギリシャの哲学者アリストテレス
 summed up the four chief qualities of money お金の4つの主な特質をまとめた
 some 2,000 years ago. 2000年ほど前に
 2. Money must be tough, お金は丈夫でなければならない。
 easy to recognize, easy to divide, 識別しやすく、分けるのが簡単で
 and easy to carry. そして運ぶのが簡単
 3. Today we picture money as 今日では、お金というと、〜が思い浮かぶ
 round, flat pieces of metal 丸くて、平たい金属
 which we call coins, or 貨幣と呼んでいるものか
 as printed paper notes. それとも印刷された紙幣
 4. But in some parts of the world today しかし、今日の世界には、場所もある
 coins and notes are not used. 貨幣も紙幣も使われていない
 5. A traveler might starve 旅行者は、飢えることになるかも知れない
 if he has no local‘money’地元の「お金」を全く持っていないと
 to exchange for food. 食料と交換する
 6. Among isolated peoples, who 孤立した民族の中には、〜〜民族もある
 do not often meet traders from outside, 外部からの商人とあまり会うことがない
 commerce usually means barter. 商業が通常、物々交換の意味である
 7. They trade fish for vegetables, 魚を野菜と交換し
 meat for grain, or 肉を穀物と、あるいは
 various kinds of food for pots, 様々な食物を壷や〜
 baskets or other manufactured goods. 籠その他の製品と
 8. Here money is not needed. そこではお金は必要ない
 9. Still, there is often something that それでも、〜〜な何かがある場合が多い
 everyone wants and everybody can use, みんなが欲しがってみんなが使える
 such as salt to flavor food, 例えば食物の味付けをする塩
 shells for ornaments, or 飾りのための貝殻、あるいは
 iron and copper to make into tools and vessels. 道具や容器を作る鉄や銅
10. Such thing ― salt, shells, or metals ― そういった塩や貝殻あるいは金属
 are still used as money 今でもお金として使われている
 in isolated parts of the world today. 今日の世界の孤立した場所で
  Aristotle アリストテレス
  Greek ギリシャ(の)
  philosopher 哲学者
  sum まとめる、合計する
 sum up:まとめる
  chief 主な
  quality 特質、質
  some ほど、約
  tough 丈夫な、強い
  recognize 識別する、認識する
  divide 分ける
  flat 平たい
  metal 金属
  print 印刷する
  note 紙幣
  starve 飢える
  local 地元の
  exchange 交換する
  isolated 孤立した
  isolate 孤立させる
  peoples 民族、国民
  trader 商人
  commerce 商業
  barter 物々交換
  trade 交換する
  grain 穀物
  various 様々な
  manufacture 製造する
  still = but それでもまだ、しかし
  flavor 味付けをする
  shell 貝殻
  ornament 飾り、装飾(品)
  tool 道具
  vessel 容器

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