単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm033034

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 33    
    Jane ( 1 ) from ( 2 ) feelings of ( 3 ) and stress. Her friends found
 her company so ( 4 ) that they stopped visiting her. Many became angry
 with her, often directing ( 5 ) at her, especially when she started
 “drowning her pain”in alcohol. Nobody knew the ( 6 ) reasons for her
 behavior. She seemed to be physically healthy. One day she died suddenly.
 The doctor found a large ( 7 ) in her ( 8 ) which had been ( 9 ) her
 suffering. Her friends were sorry that they had not understood her or been
 more ( 10 ) with her.
 ア brain    イ causing ウ criticism  エ frustration オ lump
 カ oppressive キ patient ク persistent ケ specific   コ suffered
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.コ  2.ク  3.エ  4.カ  5.ウ  6.ケ  7.オ  8.ア  9.イ  10.キ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 33  (90 words)
    Jane suffered from persistent feelings of frustration and stress.
 Her friends found her company so oppressive that they stopped visiting her.
 Many became angry with her, often directing criticism at her, especially
 when she started“drowning her pain”in alcohol. Nobody knew the specific
 reasons for her behavior. She seemed to be physically healthy. One day
 she died suddenly. The doctor found a large lump in her brain which had
 been causing her suffering. Her friends were sorry that they had not
 understood her or been more patient with her.
 1. Jane suffered from persistent feelings ジェインはずっと感じて苦しんでいた
 of frustration and stress. 欲求不満とストレスを
 2. Her friends found her company 友人達は、彼女と一緒にいるのが〜と思っていた
 so oppressive that とても重苦しいので〜
 they stopped visiting her. て彼女のところに来るのをやめてしまった
 3. Many became angry with her, 彼女に対して腹を立てる友人も多く
 often directing criticism at her, 彼女を面と向かって批判することも多かった
 especially when she started 特に、彼女が始めた時がそうだ
 “drowning her pain”in alcohol. 痛みをアルコールで忘れようとすること
 4. Nobody knew the specific reasons 特定の理由を知っている者は誰もいなかった
 for her behavior. 彼女の行動の
 5. She seemed to be physically healthy. 彼女は、肉体的には健康なようであった
 6. One day she died suddenly. ある日、彼女は突然死んだ
 7. The doctor found a large lump 大きなかたまりを医者が発見した
 in her brain 彼女の脳の中に
 which had been causing her suffering. 彼女の苦しみの原因であった
 8. Her friends were sorry that 彼女の友人達は、〜〜を後悔した
 they had not understood her or 彼女を理解してあげなかったことや
 been more patient with her. もっと彼女に対して忍耐強くしなかった
  suffer 感しむ
 suffer from:に苦しむ
  persistent ずっとの、しつこい、固執する
  feelings 感じ、感情
  frustration 欲求不満
  stress ストレス、重圧、圧迫
  company (人)と一緒にいること
 her company:彼女と一緒にいること
 so A that B:とてもAなのでB
  oppressive 重苦しい、不快な、過酷な
 angry with:に対して腹を立てている
  direct 向ける
  criticism 批判
  especially 特に
  drown 紛らす、はらす、忘れようとする、おぼれ(させ)る
  pain 痛み
  alcohol アルコール
  specific 特定の、明確な
  behavior 行動
  physically 肉体的には
  suddenly 突然
  lump かたまり
  cause の原因となる、引き起こす
  patient 忍耐強い
 patient with:に対して忍耐強い

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 34  
    The early American settlers believed strongly in freedom and equality.
 These ideals were well ( 1 ) to the new country. There was plenty of ( 2 )
 for differences in religion and politics. There was also much work to be
 done to ( 3 ) and develop the land. On the frontier, each person's work
 was important and necessary, ( 4 ) of their personal beliefs. So freedom
 and the equality of religion and belief were protected by law in the United
    These ideals of freedom and equality extend to the family. American
 women are very ( 5 ). They ( 6 ) equally with men in many activities
 outside the home. Almost half of all married women have jobs outside the
 home. Children also share in this equality, and take ( 7 ) in family
 activities, discussions and planning.
    American products ( 8 ) the way Americans use their freedom and
 equality. Thanks to frozen foods, preparing meals became easy. Thanks to
 technology, tools and appliances, household chores became easier to ( 9 ).
 Such ( 10 ) have given many Americans the freedom to enjoy hobbies and
 social or political activities. Many Americans also spend a lot of time
 working for non-profit organizations.
 ア participate イ independent ウ regardless エ influence オ advances
 カ perform   キ settle    ク suited   ケ part    コ room
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.ク  2.コ  3.キ  4.ウ  5.イ  6.ア  7.ケ  8.エ  9.カ  10.オ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 34  (187 words)
    The early American settlers believed strongly in freedom and
 equality. These ideals were well suited to the new country. There was
 plenty of room for differences in religion and politics. There was also
 much work to be done to settle and develop the land. On the frontier,
 each person's work was important and necessary, regardless of their
 personal beliefs. So freedom and the equality of religion and belief were
 protected by law in the United States.
    These ideals of freedom and equality extend to the family.
 American women are very independent. They participate equally with men
 in many activities outside the home. Almost half of all married women
 have jobs outside the home. Children also share in this equality, and
 take part in family activities, discussions and planning.
    American products influence the way Americans use their freedom and
 equality. Thanks to frozen foods, preparing meals became easy. Thanks to
 technology, tools and appliances, household chores became easier to
 perform. Such advances have given many Americans the freedom to enjoy
 hobbies and social or political activities. Many Americans also spend a
 lot of time working for non-profit organizations.
 1. The early American settlers アメリカの初期の定住者達
 believed strongly in freedom and equality. 自由と平等の価値を固く信じていた
 2. These ideals were well suited そうした理想は、とてもふさわしいものだった
 to the new country. 新しい国に
 3. There was plenty of room for 〜の余地はたくさんあった
 differences in religion and politics. 宗教や政治の面での違いを受け入れる
 4. There was also much work to be done するべき仕事もたくさんあった
 to settle and develop the land. 土地に定住し土地を開発するのに
 5. On the frontier, (開拓地と未開拓地の)辺境地域では
 each person's work 一人一人の仕事
 was important and necessary, 重要で、必要なものだった
 regardless of their personal beliefs. 個人の信じていることにかかわらず
 6. So freedom and the equality of だから、〜に関する自由と平等
 religion and belief 宗教と信条
 were protected by law 法律によって守られていた
 in the United States. アメリカでは
 7. These ideals of freedom and equality 自由と平等に関してのこうした理想
 extend to the family. 家族にまで拡大されている
 8. American women are very independent. アメリカの女性は、独立心が強い
 9. They participate equally with men 男性と対等に参加する
 in many activities outside the home. 家庭の外でも様々な活動に
10. Almost half of all married women 既婚女性全体のほぼ半数
 have jobs outside the home. 家庭の外で仕事を持っている
11. Children also share in this equality, この平等は子供も共有している
 and take part in family activities, そして家族の活動、に参加する
 discussions and planning. 議論そして計画
12. American products influence the way アメリカ製品によって形態が影響を受ける
 Americans use their freedom and equality. アメリカ人が自由と平等を利用する
13. Thanks to frozen foods, 冷凍食品のおかげで
 preparing meals became easy. 食事の準備は簡単になった
14. Thanks to のおかげで
 technology, tools and appliances, 科学技術と様々な道具や装置
 household chores became easier to perform. 家事の雑用はやりやすくなった
15. Such advances have given そういった進歩によって与えられてきた
 many Americans the freedom to enjoy 多くのアメリカ人に楽しむ自由が
 hobbies and social or political activities. 趣味や社会的あるいは政治的な活動
16. Many Americans also spend a lot of time 多くの時間を過ごすアメリカ人も多い
 working for non-profit organizations. 非営利組織で働いて
  settler 定住者
  equality 平等
  ideal 理想
  suit ふさわしい、適する
  plenty たくさん
  room 余地
  religion 宗教
  politics 政治
  settle 定住する
  frontier (開拓地と未開拓地の)辺境地域
  regardless かかわらず、無頓着な
  regardless of:〜にかかわらず
  protect 守る
  law 法律
  extend 拡大する、広げる、伸びる
  independent 独立した
  participate 参加する
 participate in:〜に参加する
 take part in:〜に参加する
  product 製品
  influence 影響する
 thanks to:〜のおかげで
  freeze 冷凍する、凍る
 frozen foods:冷凍食品
  meal 食事
  technology 科学技術
  appliance 道具、設備
  household 家事の、家族の
  chore 雑用
  perform 行う、する
  advance 進歩
  non-profit 非営利の
  organization 非営利の組織

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