単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm037038

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 37 
    The young science of biotechnology has recently ( 1 ) much attention.
 Does society have the ( 2 ) to judge whether its discoveries are really
 good for the world? It is possible to ( 3 ) the negative aspects of this
 science because of the ( 4 ) things it promises. Careful study of the
 advantages and disadvantages of new discoveries is necessary before they
 are put into ( 5 ).
    Biotechnology has already ( 6 ) up new opportunities for human
 ( 7 ). New medicines are being developed, which may end the ( 8 )
 caused by many illnesses. Parents can even choose the type of baby they
 want. Biotechnologists have also reported several successes in ( 9 )
 disease-resistant plants and animals which grow faster and bigger.
 But some people ( 10 ) if these discoveries are really safe.
 ア suffering イ attracted ウ creating エ overlook オ positive
 カ practice  キ progress  ク opened  ケ wisdom  コ wonder
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.イ  2.ケ  3.エ  4.オ  5.カ  6.ク  7.キ  8.ア  9.ウ  10.コ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 37  (123 words)
    The young science of biotechnology has recently attracted much
 attention. Does society have the wisdom to judge whether its discoveries
 are really good for the world? It is possible to overlook the negative
 aspects of this science because of the positive things it promises.
 Careful study of the advantages and disadvantages of new discoveries is
 necessary before they are put into practice.
    Biotechnology has already opened up new opportunities for human
 progress. New medicines are being developed, which may end the suffering
 caused by many illnesses. Parents can even choose the type of baby they
 want. Biotechnologists have also reported several successes in creating
 disease-resistant plants and animals which grow faster and bigger. But
 some people wonder if these discoveries are really safe.
 1. The young science of biotechnology 生物工学という出来て間もない科学
 has recently attracted much attention. 最近大変な注目が集まってきている
 2. Does society have the wisdom 社会には、知恵があるのだろうか
 to judge whether 〜かどうかを判断する
 its discoveries are really その科学での発見結果が本当に
 good for the world? 世界にとって良いもの
 3. It is possible to overlook 見逃してしまう可能性がある
 the negative aspects of this science この科学の良くない側面
 because of the positive things it promises. それで促進される有望なことのため
 4. Careful study of 〜を注意深く検討すること
 the advantages and disadvantages of new discoveries 新しい発見の長所と短所
 is necessary before they are put into practice. 実行に移す前に、必要だ
 5. Biotechnology has already opened up すでに生物工学によって開けてきた
 new opportunities for human progress. 人類の進歩に新しい機会
 6. New medicines are being developed, 新しい薬が開発されつつある
 which may end the suffering それによって、苦しみがなくなるかも知れない
 caused by many illnesses. 多くの病気によって引き起こされる
 7. Parents can even choose 親は〜さえ選べるかも知れない
 the type of baby they want. 自分達が欲しい赤ん坊の種類
 8. Biotechnologists have also reported 生物工学の研究者達は報告もしている
 several successes in creating 生み出すのにいくつも成功したこと
 disease-resistant plants and animals 病気に対する抵抗力を持った動植物
 which grow faster and bigger. より速く大きく成長する
 9. But some people wonder if しかし、〜〜だろうかと考える人々もいる
 these discoveries are really safe. こうした発見が本当に安全なの
  biotechnology 生物工学
  recently 最近
  attract 集める、引きつける
  attention 注目、注意
  wisdom 知恵
  judge 判断する
  discovery 発見(結果)
  overlook 見逃す
  negative 良くない、否定的な
  aspect 側面
  positive 有望な、前向きの
  promise 促進する、約束する
  advantage 長所、利点
 advantages and disadvantages:長所と短所
  disadvantage 短所、不利な点
 put into practice:実行に移す、実行する
 open up:開く
  opportunity 機会
  medicine 薬、医学
  suffering 苦しみ
  illness 病気
  biotechnologist 生物工学の研究者
  disease-resistant 病気に対する抵抗力を持った
  resistant 抵抗する、耐〜の
  wonder if 〜だろうかと考える

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 38  
    We are constantly ( 1 ) by media advertising to buy many things which
 we don't need. This flood of advertising, which promises to make us happy,
 healthy or more attractive, has given Americans the ( 2 ) of being very
 materialistic. It is true; America is an ( 3 ) and materialistic nation.
    But it is interesting to note that as any country grows in affluence
 it also becomes materialistic. Traffic jams increase as more people buy
 cars. Sales people also work harder to increase our ( 4 ) to buy more of
 their products. It seems that humans everywhere are ( 5 ) in this ( 6 ).
 As soon as there is any ( 7 ) money, they seek to raise their standard of
    The wide ( 8 ) of similar products is based on many different factors
 ( 9 ) quality and brand name. But the biggest factor in manufacturing and
 advertising is‘human desire.’ Advertisers try to ( 10 ) desire and then
 they sell us what we desire.
 ア including イ reputation ウ stimulate エ affluent オ respect
 カ desire   キ extra    ク range   ケ alike   コ urged
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.コ  2.イ  3.エ  4.カ  5.ケ  6.オ  7.キ  8.ク  9.ア  10.ウ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 38  (155 words)
    We are constantly urged by media advertising to buy many things
 which we don't need. This flood of advertising, which promises to make
 us happy, healthy or more attractive, has given Americans the reputation
 of being very materialistic. It is true; America is an affluent and
 materialistic nation.
    But it is interesting to note that as any country grows in
 affluence it also becomes materialistic. Traffic jams increase as more
 people buy cars. Sales people also work harder to increase our desire to
 buy more of their products. It seems that humans everywhere are alike in
 this respect. As soon as there is any extra money, they seek to raise
 their standard of living.
    The wide range of similar products is based on many different
 factors including quality and brand name. But the biggest factor in
 manufacturing and advertising is‘human desire.’ Advertisers try to
 stimulate desire and then they sell us what we desire.
 1. We are constantly urged 絶えず衝動に駆られている
 by media advertising 報道媒体の広告によって
 to buy many things which we don't need. 必要のない様々なものを買いたいと思う
 2. This flood of advertising, この広告の氾濫
 which promises to make us happy, 幸せになれると約束してくれる
 healthy or more attractive, 健康で、より魅力的
 has given Americans the reputation アメリカ人はそれによって、評判を得てきた
 of being very materialistic. 非常に物質的だという
 3. It is true; 確かに
 America is an affluent and アメリカは豊かで
 materialistic nation. 物質主義の国である
 4. But it is interesting to note that しかし、〜〜に注目すると興味深い
 as any country grows in affluence いかなる国も、豊かさの点で成長するにつれて
 it also becomes materialistic. 物質主義的にもなっていく
 5. Traffic jams increase 交通渋滞が増える
 as more people buy cars. 車を買う人が増えるに連れて
 6. Sales people also work harder 販売員達もまたさらに一生懸命に努力する
 to increase our desire 〜したい気持ちにもっとなってもらおうと
 to buy more of their products. 自分達の製品をもっと買う
 7. It seems that humans everywhere どこに行っても人間は〜なようだ
 are alike in this respect. この点では、似ている
 8. As soon as there is any extra money, 少しでも余分なお金があるとすぐ
 they seek to raise their standard of living. 生活水準を上げようとする
 9. The wide range of similar products 同じような製品に様々な種類がある
 is based on many different factors 非常に様々な要因が基礎になっている
 including quality and brand name. 質と銘柄名を含む
10. But the biggest factor しかし、最大の要因は
 in manufacturing and advertising 製造と広告の
 is‘human desire.’「人間の欲求」である
11. Advertisers try to stimulate desire 広告をする人達は欲求を刺激しようとし
 and then they sell us そしてそれから、売りつけてくる
 what we desire. 欲しいと思うもの
  constantly 絶えず
  urge 駆りたてる、せき立てる
  media 報道媒体(の)
  advertising 広告(宣伝)
  flood 氾濫、洪水
  attractive 魅力的な
  reputation 評判
  materialistic 物質的な
  it is true 〜 , but ; 確かに〜だがしかし
  affluent 豊かな
  nation 国(家)
  note 注目する、気づく
  affluence 豊かさ
 traffic jam:交通渋滞
  sales 販売の
  desire 〜したい気持ち、欲求
 in this respect:この点では
 as soon as:〜するとすぐ
  extra 余分な
 seek to:しようとする
  raise 上げる
  standard of living 生活水準
  range 種類、範囲
 based on:〜が基礎になっている
  factor 要因
  including を含む
  brand name 銘柄名
  manufacturing 製造
  stimulate 刺激する
  desire 欲する

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