単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm041042

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 41   
    Studies in recent years have shown that plant hormones and a ( 1 )
 called ethylene ( 2 ) a major part in the growth and death of leaves. In
 the spring and early summer, three different hormones flow to all parts of
 the tree. They speed the growth of new green leaves. In the early ( 3 )
 ethylene and a hormone ( 4 ) abscisic acid ( 5 ) in the leaves. They begin
 the series of chemical changes that ( 6 ) place several weeks before an old
 leaf ( 7 ) off.
    As a leaf is preparing to die, it begins sending water and ( 8 ) back
 into the tree. The nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, proteins, and
 carbohydrates. These fluids are stored safely inside the tree and ( 9 )
 until they are ( 10 ) again when new leaves come out in the spring.
 ア nutrients イ chemical ウ collect エ autumn オ called
カ needed   キ falls   ク roots  ケ takes  コ play
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.イ  2.コ  3.エ  4.オ  5.ウ  6.ケ  7.キ  8.ア  9.ク  10.カ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 41  (130 words)
    Studies in recent years have shown that plant hormones and a
 chemical called ethylene play a major part in the growth and death of
 leaves. In the spring and early summer, three different hormones flow to
 all parts of the tree. They speed the growth of new green leaves. In the
 early autumn ethylene and a hormone called abscisic acid collect in the
 leaves. They begin the series of chemical changes that takes place
 several weeks before an old leaf falls off.
    As a leaf is preparing to die, it begins sending water and
 nutrients back into the tree. The nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus,
 proteins, and carbohydrates. These fluids are stored safely inside the
 tree and roots until they are needed again when new leaves come out in the
 1. Studies in recent years have shown that 近年の調査から分かってきた
 plant hormones and 植物のホルモンと
 a chemical called ethylene エチレンと呼ばれる化学物質
 play a major part in 〜に主要な役割を果たしている
 the growth and death of leaves. 葉の成長と死
 2. In the spring and early summer, 春と初夏には
 three different hormones flow 3種類のホルモンが流れていく
 to all parts of the tree. 木のあらゆる部分に
 3. They speed the growth それによって、成長速度が増す
 of new green leaves. 新しい緑の葉の
 4. In the early autumn 初秋には
 ethylene and a hormone エチレンとホルモン
 called abscisic acid アブシシック酸と呼ばれる
 collect in the leaves. が葉に集まってくる
 5. They begin the series of chemical changes それにより一連の化学変化が始まる
 that takes place several weeks before 数週間前に起きる
 an old leaf falls off. 古い葉が落ちる
 6. As a leaf is preparing to die, 一枚の葉は死の準備をしている時
 it begins sending water and nutrients 水分と栄養分を送り始める
 back into the tree. 木に返し
 7. The nutrients include nitrogen, その栄養分には、窒素、〜が含まれている
 phosphorus, proteins, and carbohydrates. リン、タンパク質そして炭水化物
 8. These fluids are stored safely こうした水分は、安全に蓄えられる
 inside the tree and roots 木と根の中に
 until they are needed again 再び必要とされるまでずっと
 when new leaves come out in the spring. 春に新しい葉が出てくる時に
  hormone ホルモン
  chemical 化学物質
  ethylene エチレン
 play a part:役割を果たす
  major 主要な
  growth 成長
 abscisic acid:アブシシック酸
  collect 集まる
 series of:一連の
 take place:起きる
 fall off:落ちる
  nutrient 栄養分
  include 含む
  nitrogen 窒素
  phosphorus リン
  protein タンパク質
  carbohydrate 炭水化物
  fluid 水分、流体
  store 蓄える
  come out 出てくる、(つぼみが)出る、(花が)咲く

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 42 
    Aging leaves also send back chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the green
 ( 1 ) the tree needs to change sunlight, water, and carbon ( 2 ) into food
 energy. As the green chlorophyll flows back into the tree, other colors
 that are also in the leaf ( 3 ). These are the bright reds, yellows, and
 oranges that we ( 4 ) in autumn. The colors had always been in the leaves,
 but they could not be ( 5 ) because there was much more green chlorophyll.
    At the same time, the leaf's ( 6 ) begin to die. A special group of
 cells at the bottom of the leaf begins to ( 7 ). The leaf breaks off at
 this weak point in a strong wind or heavy rain.
    The aging and death of leaves is nature's way of ( 8 ) water and
 nutrients from year to year. If the large flat leaves ( 9 ) on the trees
 all the time, many of these important ( 10 ) would be lost.
 ア appear イ cells ウ dioxide エ fluids   オ remained
 カ saving キ see  ク seen   ケ substance コ weaken
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.ケ  2.ウ  3.ア  4.キ  5.ク  6.イ  7.コ  8.カ  9.オ  10.エ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 42  (153 words)
    Aging leaves also send back chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the green
 substance the tree needs to change sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
 into food energy. As the green chlorophyll flows back into the tree,
 other colors that are also in the leaf appear. These are the bright reds,
 yellows, and oranges that we see in autumn. The colors had always been in
 the leaves, but they could not be seen because there was much more green
    At the same time, the leaf's cells begin to die. A special group
 of cells at the bottom of the leaf begins to weaken. The leaf breaks off
 at this weak point in a strong wind or heavy rain.
    The aging and death of leaves is nature's way of saving water and
 nutrients from year to year. If the large flat leaves remained on the
 trees all the time, many of these important fluids would be lost.
 1. Aging leaves also 古くなった葉はまた〜も
 send back chlorophyll. 葉緑素を送り返す
 2. Chlorophyll is the green substance 葉緑素は緑色の物質
 the tree needs to change 変えるのに木に必要なもの
 sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide 太陽光と水と二酸化炭素
 into food energy. 食物エネルギーに
 3. As the green chlorophyll flows 緑の葉緑素が流れるにつれて
 back into the tree, 木へと戻る
 other colors that are also in the leaf appear. 葉の中にある他の色が姿を現す
 4. These are the bright reds, yellows, それは、明るい赤、黄色、
 and oranges that we see in autumn. そして秋に見られる赤茶色
 5. The colors had always been in the leaves, そうした色はずっと葉の中にあった
 but they could not be seen だが、見られることがなかった
 because there was much more 〜がずっと多かったので
 green chlorophyll. 緑色の葉緑素
 6. At the same time, これと同時に
 the leaf's cells begin to die. 葉の細胞が死に始める
 7. A special group of cells 特別な細胞の集団
 at the bottom of the leaf begins to weaken. 葉の底の部分の〜が弱まり始める
 8. The leaf breaks off at this weak point この弱い場所から葉は割れていく
 in a strong wind or heavy rain. 強い風や雨の中で
 9. The aging and death of leaves 葉の老化と死
 is nature's way of saving 自然によって保持される方法
 water and nutrients from year to year. 水と栄養分が毎年
10. If the large flat leaves remained もしも大きくて平たい葉が残っていると
 on the trees all the time, ずっと木に
 many of these important fluids こうした大切な水分の多くが
 would be lost. 失われてしまうであろう
  age 古くなる、年を取る
  chlorophyll 葉緑素
  substance 物質
  sunlight 太陽光
  carbon 炭素
  dioxide 二酸化物
  carbon dioxide:二酸化炭素
  energy エネルギー、力
  bright 明るい
 at the same time:同時に
  cell 細胞
  weaken 弱まる
 break off:割れる、壊れる、ちぎれる
 way of:〜の方法
  save 保持する、蓄える、守る
  nutrient 栄養分
 from year to year:毎年
  remain 残る
 all the time ずっと、いつも

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