単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm047048

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 47 
    Life is full of ups and downs. In our ( 1 ) search for ( 2 )
 happiness, security and satisfaction, we sometimes ( 3 ) great success and
 we sometimes ( 4 ) miserable failure. One day the sun seems to be shining
 brightly; the next day our minds are dark and ( 5 ). This is life. Sooner
 or later we realize that nothing is permanent in human ( 6 ). Happy times
 do not ( 7 ) forever; similarly, ( 8 ) pass away and are soon forgotten.
 One thing is certain, however: in order to survive and to ( 9 ) even simple
 happiness, we have to make a continual ( 10 ).
 ア encounter イ existence ウ permanent エ constant オ achieve
 カ sorrows  キ gloomy   ク effort   ケ obtain  コ last
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.エ  2.ウ  3.オ  4.ア  5.キ  6.イ  7.コ  8.カ  9.ケ  10.ク  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 47  (97 words)
    Life is full of ups and downs. In our constant search for
 permanent happiness, security and satisfaction, we sometimes achieve great
 success and we sometimes encounter miserable failure. One day the sun
 seems to be shining brightly; the next day our minds are dark and gloomy.
 This is life. Sooner or later we realize that nothing is permanent in
 human existence. Happy times do not last forever; similarly, sorrows pass
 away and are soon forgotten. One thing is certain, however: in order to
 survive and to obtain even simple happiness, we have to make a continual
  人生は、浮き沈みで満ちている。常に 永久の幸福、安全、そして満足を探し求め
 1. Life is full of ups and downs. 人生は、浮き沈みで満ちている
 2. In our constant search 常に探し求める中で
 for permanent happiness, security and satisfaction, 永久の幸福、安全と満足を
 we sometimes achieve great success and 大きな成功を収めることもあれば
 we sometimes encounter miserable failure. 悲惨な失敗に遭遇することもある
 3. One day 日があるかと思えば
 the sun seems to be shining brightly; 太陽が明るく輝いているような
 the next day 次の日には
 our minds are dark and gloomy. 心が暗く陰気になる
 4. This is life. それが人生だ
 5. Sooner or later we realize that 遅かれ早かれ、〜〜を悟る
 nothing is permanent in human existence. 人間の生活には永続するものは何もない
 6. Happy times do not last forever; 幸せな時は永遠には続かない
 similarly, sorrows pass away and 同様に、悲しみも過ぎていき
 are soon forgotten. やがては忘れられる
 7. One thing is certain, however: しかし、確実なことが一つある
 in order to survive 生き残るため
 and to obtain even simple happiness, そしてたった一つでも幸せを手に入れるため
 we have to make a continual effort. 絶え間なく努力しなければならない
  ups and downs:浮き沈み、良い時と悪い時
  constant 不変の、一定の
  permanent 永久の
  security 安全
  satisfaction 満足
  achieve 達成する
  encounter 遭遇する
  miserable 悲惨な
  failure 失敗
  brightly 明るく
  gloomy 陰気な
 sooner or later:遅かれ早かれ、いつかは
  existence 生活、存在、生存
  last 続く
  forever 永遠に
  similarly 同様に
  sorrow 悲しみ
  certain 確実な、確かな
  obtain 手に入れる
  continual 絶え間ない、頻繁な、連続した
 make an effort:努力する

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 48  
    In Britain a large number of birds are destroyed every year. Some are
 shot or trapped ( 1 ). Others are taken before they ( 2 ) from their eggs.
    Many others die by ( 3 ) as a result of human activities. Children
 who find young birds kill them when they take them indoors, ( 4 ) their
 good ( 5 ). While young birds are learning to fly and they are gaining
 strength, they are fed by their parents. So, leave young birds where they
 are and they will live.
    Thousands of birds are killed every year by cars and lorries,
 especially in narrow lanes ( 6 ), because of bushes, it is difficult to
 see approaching ( 7 ). Town pigeons die sometimes even though they are
 expert jay-walkers.
    All of our activities affect birds in some way. Farming activities
 destroy nests and they ( 8 ) many birds. Human waste in our rivers and
 seas kills birds. We ( 9 ) birds simply by watching them because it keeps
 them from their nests and from their food. When we build our homes, we
 destroy the birds' natural homes. These human activities have a bad ( 10 )
 on the landscape and kill many birds.
 ア accident イ deliberately ウ despite エ disturb  オ effect
 カ hatch   キ intentions  ク poison  ケ vehicles コ where
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.イ  2.カ  3.ア  4.ウ  5.キ  6.コ  7.ケ  8.ク  9.エ  10.オ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 48  (188 words)
    In Britain a large number of birds are destroyed every year. Some
 are shot or trapped deliberately. Others are taken before they hatch from
 their eggs.
    Many others die by accident as a result of human activities.
 Children who find young birds kill them when they take them indoors,
 despite their good intentions. While young birds are learning to fly and
 they are gaining strength, they are fed by their parents. So, leave young
 birds where they are and they will live.
    Thousands of birds are killed every year by cars and lorries,
 especially in narrow lanes where, because of bushes, it is difficult to
 see approaching vehicles. Town pigeons die sometimes even though they are
 expert jay-walkers.
    All of our activities affect birds in some way. Farming activities
 destroy nests and they poison many birds. Human waste in our rivers and
 seas kills birds. We disturb birds simply by watching them because it
 keeps them from their nests and from their food. When we build our homes,
 we destroy the birds' natural homes. These human activities have a bad
 effect on the landscape and kill many birds.
 1. In Britain a large number of birds 英国では、非常にたくさんの鳥が
 are destroyed every year. 毎年殺されている
 2. Some are shot or 撃ち殺されたり、〜するものがある
 trapped deliberately. 意図的に罠にかけられる
 3. Others are taken 捕らえられるものもある
 before they hatch from their eggs. 卵から孵る前に
 4. Many others die by accident たまたま死んでしまうものも多い
 as a result of human activities. 人間の活動の結果
 5. Children who find young birds 子供が幼い鳥を見つけて
 kill them when they take them indoors, 家の中に持って帰ると小鳥を殺してしまう
 despite their good intentions. よかれと思ってそうしているにもかかわらず
 6. While young birds are learning to fly 飛べるようになりつつある若鳥は
 and they are gaining strength, そして強くなりつつある
 they are fed by their parents. 親に餌をもらっている
 7. So, leave young birds where they are だから若い鳥はその場所に放っておこう
 and they will live. そうすれば、生きていくのだ
 8. Thousands of birds are killed every year 毎年、何千羽もの鳥が殺されている
 by cars and lorries, 車やトラックに
 especially in narrow lanes where, 特に、狭く細い道ではそうだ
 because of bushes, 灌木の茂みがあるので
 it is difficult to see approaching vehicles. 近づいてくる車が見えにくい
 9. Town pigeons die sometimes 町の鳩は、死ぬ時もある
 even though they are expert jay-walkers. 信号を無視して渡る名人だが
10. All of our activities 人間の活動は全て
 affect birds in some way. 何らかの形で鳥に影響する
11. Farming activities destroy nests and 農業活動によって巣が破壊され
 they poison many birds. 多くの鳥が害されている
12. Human waste in our rivers and seas 川や海に人間の出す廃棄物で
 kills birds. 鳥が死んでいる
13. We disturb birds simply by watching them 鳥を見ているだけでも鳥を害する
 because it keeps them 見られていると鳥は離れているからだ
 from their nests and from their food. 巣からも食べ物からも
14. When we build our homes, 人間が家を建てると
 we destroy the birds' natural homes. 鳥たちの自然の家を破壊する
15. These human activities そうした人間の活動によって
 have a bad effect on the landscape 景色に悪い影響が及び
 and kill many birds. 多くの鳥が殺されている
 a large number of:(非常に)たくさんの
  destroy 殺す、破壊する
  shoot 撃ち殺さす、撃つ
  trap 罠にかける
  deliberately 意図的に、故意に、慎重に
  hatch 孵[カエ]る、孵化[フカ]する
 by accident:たまたま
 as a result of:〜の結果
  indoor 家の中に、室内の
  despite にもかかわらず
  intention 意図
 learn to do できるようになる、するようになる
  gain 得る
  strength 強さ
  feed 餌を与える
 thousands of:何千もの
  lorry トラック
  narrow 狭い
  lane 細い道
  bush 灌木
  approach 近づく
  expert 名人
  jay-walker 信号を無視して渡る人
  affect 影響する
 in some way:何らかの形で
  farming 農業
  poison 害する、毒する
  waste 廃棄物
  disturb 害する、かき乱す、邪魔をする
 have an effect on:に影響する
  effect 影響
  landscape 景色

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