単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm049050

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 49 
    The ( 1 ) brain is naturally lazy and ( 2 ) to take the path of least
 ( 3 ). The mental world of ordinary people ( 4 ) of beliefs which they
 have accepted without question. People naturally become very attached to
 old beliefs. This is why they are ( 5 ) to anything which ( 6 ) the
 familiar ( 7 ) of their life. A new idea, which doesn't suit their older
 beliefs, means that they have to change their way of thinking. This
 process is usually ( 8 ). When any person and his fellows who belong to a
 ( 9 ) group hear new ideas and opinions which ( 10 ) doubt on traditional
 beliefs, they often say these new ideas are evil, simply because they
 demand change.
 ア uncomfortable イ resistance ウ consists エ majority オ average
 カ hostile    キ upsets   ク order   ケ tends   コ cast
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.オ  2.ケ  3.イ  4.ウ  5.カ  6.キ  7.ク  8.ア  9.エ  10.コ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 49  (114 words)
    The average brain is naturally lazy and tends to take the path of
 least resistance. The mental world of ordinary people consists of beliefs
 which they have accepted without question. People naturally become very
 attached to old beliefs. This is why they are hostile to anything which
 upsets the familiar order of their life. A new idea, which doesn't suit
 their older beliefs, means that they have to change their way of thinking.
 This process is usually uncomfortable. When any person and his fellows
 who belong to a majority group hear new ideas and opinions which cast
 doubt on traditional beliefs, they often say these new ideas are evil,
 simply because they demand change.
 1. The average brain is naturally lazy and 平均的な脳は元々怠け者で
 tends to take the path 道を選ぶ傾向がある
 of least resistance. 出来るだけ抵抗の小さい
 2. The mental world of ordinary people 通常の人の精神的な世界
 consists of beliefs 信条から成り立っている
 which they have accepted without question. 疑問なしに受け入れてきた
 3. People naturally become 人は当然ながら、〜になるものだ
 very attached to old beliefs. 古い信条にとても愛着を持つよう
 4. This is why they are hostile to anything だから、何であれ敵対するのだ
 which upsets the familiar order 慣れ親しんだ秩序を乱すもの
 of their life. 自分の生活の中にある
 5. A new idea, 新しい考え方
 which doesn't suit their older beliefs, 古い方の信条に合わない
 means that they have to change 変えなければならない、ということになる
 their way of thinking. 考え方を
 6. This process is usually uncomfortable. この過程は通常心地よいものではない
 7. When any person and his fellows 人は誰であれ仲間と一緒になって
 who belong to a majority group 多数派に属する
 hear new ideas and opinions 新しい考え方や意見を聞くと
 which cast doubt on traditional beliefs, 従来の信条に疑問を投げかけるような
 they often say these new ideas are evil, それが悪いものだと言うことが多い
 simply because 〜〜という理由だけで
 they demand change. そうした考え方には変化が必要になる
  average 平均的な
  naturally 元々、自然に、当然
  lazy 怠け者の
 tend to:する傾向がある
  least 出来るだけ小さい、最も小さい
  resistance 抵抗
  mental 精神的な
  ordinary 通常の
 consist of:〜で成り立っている
  belief 信条、信じていること
  attach くっつける、愛着を持たせる
 attached to:に愛着を持っている
 this is why:だから
  hostile 敵の、敵意のある
  upset かき乱す、ひっくり返す、狂わす
  familiar 慣れ親しんだ、精通している
  order 秩序
  suit 合う
 way of:のやり方
  process 過程
  uncomfortable 心地よいものではない、不快な
  fellow 仲間
 belong to:〜に属する
  majority 多数(派)
  opinion 意見
  cast 投げ(かけ)る
 cast doubt on:疑問を投げかける
  traditional 従来の、伝統的な
  evil 悪い
  demand 要求する、必要である

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 50 
    Scientific advances have put men on the moon and machines on Mars.
 They are also used by humans to destroy each other on a large ( 1 ). We
 think of past ages as uncivilized but there is ( 2 ) to believe that the
 present is less civilized than the past.
    We think of the gigantic modern buildings in great cities like Tokyo
 and Osaka as signs of the greatness of twentieth-century man, but it seems
 to me that these same buildings ( 3 ) as heavily on the freedom of the
 human spirit as on the earth they stand upon. They are ( 4 ) of a society
 with which today's youth are ( 5 ), even if these young people do not rise
 up in open ( 6 ).
    Don't misunderstand me. I have no wish to ( 7 ) the importance of
 modern science, nor of the human mind which has ( 8 ) these things. I only
 wish to ( 9 ) a warning ─“Beware!” The progress of science tends to make
 us less human, to reduce us to the level of machines. It blinds us to the
 glories of the past, and fixes our attention on the present. It ( 10 ) the
 true greatness of people of all ages.
 ア dissatisfied イ rebellion ウ obscures エ diminish オ symbols
 カ devised    キ utter   ク scale   ケ weigh   コ room
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.ク  2.コ  3.ケ  4.オ  5.ア  6.イ  7.エ  8.カ  9.キ  10.ウ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 50  (196 words)
    Scientific advances have put men on the moon and machines on Mars.
 They are also used by humans to destroy each other on a large scale. We
 think of past ages as uncivilized but there is room to believe that the
 present is less civilized than the past.
    We think of the gigantic modern buildings in great cities like
 Tokyo and Osaka as signs of the greatness of twentieth-century man, but it
 seems to me that these same buildings weigh as heavily on the freedom of
 the human spirit as on the earth they stand upon. They are symbols of a
 society with which today's youth are dissatisfied, even if these young
 people do not rise up in open rebellion.
    Don't misunderstand me. I have no wish to diminish the importance
 of modern science, nor of the human mind which has devised these things.
 I only wish to utter a warning ─“Beware!” The progress of science tends
 to make us less human, to reduce us to the level of machines. It blinds
 us to the glories of the past, and fixes our attention on the present. It
 obscures the true greatness of people of all ages.
 1. Scientific advances 科学の進歩によって
 have put men on the moon and 人間は月に降り立ち
 machines on Mars. 機械は火星に降り立つようになった
 2. They are also used by humans 科学の進歩はまた人間に利用されてもいる
 to destroy each other on a large scale. 大規模に互いを滅ぼし合うために
 3. We think of past ages as uncivilized 人は過去を野蛮な時代だと考えている
 but there is room to believe that だが、〜〜と考える余地がある
 the present is less civilized 現在の方が文明化していない
 than the past. 過去ほどには
 4. We think of だと考えている
 the gigantic modern buildings in great cities 大都市の巨大で現代的な建物
 like Tokyo and Osaka 東京や大阪といった
 as signs of the greatness 偉大さの証拠だと
 of twentieth-century man, 20世紀の人間の
 but it seems to me that だが、〜〜ように私には思える
 these same buildings weigh その同じ建物が重くのしかかっている
 as heavily on the freedom of the human spirit 人間の精神の自由にも
 as on the earth they stand upon. その建っている地面と同じくらい
 5. They are symbols of a society そうした建物は社会の象徴なのである
 with which today's youth are dissatisfied, 今日の若者が不満を抱えている
 even if these young people do not rise up たとえその若者が立ち上がらなくても
 in open rebellion. 公然と反抗して
 6. Don't misunderstand me. 誤解しないで頂きたい。
 7. I have no wish to 私は、〜したいと思っているわけでは毛頭ない
 diminish the importance of modern science, 現代の科学の重要性を下げる
 nor of the human mind 人間の知性も
 which has devised these things. それを考え出した
 8. I only wish to utter 私は発したいだけなのだ
 a warning ─“Beware!” 「気をつけろ。」という警告
 9. The progress of science 科学の進歩によって
 tends to make us less human, 人は、より人間的でなくなり〜な傾向がある
 to reduce us to the level of machines. 機械の水準にまで落ちてしまう
10. It blinds us to the glories of the past, 過去の栄光が分からなくなり
 and fixes our attention on the present. そして注意を現在に向けるようになる
11. It obscures the true greatness 科学の進歩によって、本当の偉大さがぼやける
 of people of all ages. あらゆる時代の人々の
  scientific 科学の
  advance 進歩
  Mars 火星
 on a large scale:大規模に
  scale 規模
 think of A as B:AをBと考える
  uncivilized 野蛮な、未開の
  room 余地
 the present:現在
  civilized 文明化した
 the past:過去
  gigantic 巨大な
  modern 現代的な、現代の
  sign 証拠、印
  greatness 偉大さ
  weigh しかかる、重さが〜である
  heavily 重く
  spirit 精神
  symbol 象徴
  youth 若者
  dissatisfied 不満を抱えている、不満の
 rise up:立ち上がる
  rebellion 反抗して
  misunderstand 誤解する
  wish 望み
  diminish 下げる、減らす
  devise 考え出す、工夫する
 I only wish:〜したいだけだ
 I wish:〜ならい良いのに
  utter 言う
  warning 警告
  beware 気をつける
  reduce A to B:AをBまで落とす、下げる
  blind 見えなくさせる、分からなくさせる
  glory 栄光
 fix attention on:〜に注意を向ける、集中させる
  fix 固定する、定める
  attention 注意
  obscure ぼやけさせる、かすませる
  greatness 偉大さ
  age 時代

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