単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm051052

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 51
    Do you think“retired”means“old and useless”? Do you know that
 many people have become very ( 1 ) in their retirement years? Colonel
 Harland Sanders was sixty-six years old when he met success with his
 Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. I once knew a university student who
 had ten grandchildren. All her children were married, so she decided to
 ( 2 ) her lifelong dream and get a ( 3 ) in language.
    I think there are three groups of retired people: dreamers, losers,
 and winners. Dreamers spend their lives dreaming about ( 4 ) they might do
 someday, but they never actually do anything about it. Losers spend all
 their time ( 5 ) sad about what they have ( 6 ) in life and the things they
 didn't do when they were young. They ( 7 ) their bad luck and complain
 about their ( 8 ) and pains. But when winners retire, they often become
 more active than people who are much younger. Their dream is to be active
 and ( 9 ) until the day they die. They find new things to do, sometimes
 even new jobs. Retirement can be a time for ( 10 ). “Old age”is all in
 the mind.
ア accomplishment イ successful ウ feeling エ degree オ follow
 カ missed     キ useful   ク aches  ケ curse  コ what
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.イ  2.オ  3.エ  4.コ  5.ウ  6.カ  7.ケ  8.ク  9.キ  10.ア  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 51  (188 words)
    Do you think“retired”means“old and useless”? Do you know that
 many people have become very successful in their retirement years?
 Colonel Harland Sanders was sixty-six years old when he met success with
 his Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. I once knew a university student
 who had ten grandchildren. All her children were married, so she decided
 to follow her lifelong dream and get a degree in language.
    I think there are three groups of retired people: dreamers, losers,
 and winners. Dreamers spend their lives dreaming about what they might do
 someday, but they never actually do anything about it. Losers spend all
 their time feeling sad about what they have missed in life and the things
 they didn't do when they were young. They curse their bad luck and
 complain about their aches and pains. But when winners retire, they often
 become more active than people who are much younger. Their dream is to be
 active and useful until the day they die. They find new things to do,
 sometimes even new jobs. Retirement can be a time for accomplishment.
 “Old age”is all in the mind.
 1. Do you think と思うだろうか
 “retired”means 「引退した」というのは〜ということ
 “old and useless”? 「年を取って役に立たない」
 2. Do you know that ことを知っているだろうか
 many people have become very successful 非常に成功した人達がたくさんいる
 in their retirement years? 引退後の年月で
 3. Colonel Harland Sanders カーネルハーランドサンダース
 was sixty-six years old 66歳だった
 when he met success with 成功を収めた時
 his Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. ケンタッキフライドチキンのレストラン
 4. I once knew a university student 私にはかつて、大学生の知人がいた
 who had ten grandchildren. 10人の孫がいる
 5. All her children were married, so 子供達は全員結婚していたので
 she decided to follow her lifelong dream 彼女は生涯の夢を追うと決めた
 and get a degree in language. そして言語学の学位を取る
 6. I think there are three groups 3つの集団があると思う
 of retired people 引退した人達には
 :dreamers, losers, and winners. つまり夢見る人達、負け組そして勝ち組だ
 7. Dreamers spend their lives dreaming about 夢見る人達は、夢見て日々を過ごす
 what they might do someday, 自分がいつかするかも知れないこと
 but they never actually do だが、実際にすることは決してない
 anything about it. そのことに関して何か
 8. Losers spend all their time 負け組の人達は、ずっと時間を過ごす
 feeling sad about 〜を悲しいと感じながら
 what they have missed in life and 自分が人生で得られなかったものと
 the things they didn't do when they were young. 若い時にしなかったこと
 9. They curse their bad luck and 自分の不運に毒づき
 complain about their aches and pains. 自分の痛みや苦しみについて文句を言う
10. But when winners retire, しかし、勝ち組の人は、引退すると
 they often become more active もっと活発になることが多い
 than people who are much younger. 自分よりずっと若い人達よりも
11. Their dream is to be active and useful その人達の夢は、活発で役に立つこと
 until the day they die. 死ぬ日までずっと
12. They find new things to do, すべき新しいことを見つけ
 sometimes even new jobs. 新しい仕事まで見つけることがある
13. Retirement can be a time 引退は、時に成り得る
 for accomplishment. 成果をあげるための
14. “Old age”is all in the mind. 「老齢」というのは、すべて心の中
  retire 引退する
  useless 役に立たない
  successful 成功した
  retirement 引退
  success 成功
  follow 追う、従う
  lifelong 生涯の
  degree 学位
  loser 負け組、敗者
  winner 勝ち組、勝者
  actually 実際に
 spend time (in) doing:〜して時間を過ごす
  miss 得られない、逃す
  curse 毒づく、呪う、ののしる
  complain 文句を言う
  ache 痛み
  pain 苦しみ、痛み
  active 活発な
  useful 役に立つ
  job 仕事
  accomplishment 成果、達成

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 52 
    You can ( 1 ) stress if you realize that the matter which is ( 2 ) you
 trouble is not so important. I have done a lot of public speaking. At
 ( 3 ), audiences ( 4 ) me and I was so scared that I couldn't speak freely.
 After speaking I was ( 5 ) because of the strain.
    Gradually I realized that it did not matter much whether I spoke well
 or not; the universe would ( 6 ) much the same in ( 7 ) case. I found that
 the less I cared, the better I spoke. Gradually my fear and stress became
 smaller and finally they ( 8 ). We can deal with most of our ( 9 ) in this
 way. Our actions are not as important as we suppose; our successes and
 failures do not matter so much. You have survived great troubles in the
 past; your present troubles will also fade and you will wonder why you
 ( 10 ) so much.
 ア exhausted イ terrified ウ vanished エ causing オ fatigue
カ worried  キ either   ク reduce  ケ remain  コ first
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.ク  2.エ  3.コ  4.イ  5.ア  6.ケ  7.キ  8.ウ  9.オ  10.カ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 52  (150 words)
    You can reduce stress if you realize that the matter which is
 causing you trouble is not so important. I have done a lot of public
 speaking. At first, audiences terrified me and I was so scared that I
 couldn't speak freely. After speaking I was exhausted because of the
    Gradually I realized that it did not matter much whether I spoke
 well or not; the universe would remain much the same in either case. I
 found that the less I cared, the better I spoke. Gradually my fear and
 stress became smaller and finally they vanished. We can deal with most of
 our fatigue in this way. Our actions are not as important as we suppose;
 our successes and failures do not matter so much. You have survived great
 troubles in the past; your present troubles will also fade and you will
 wonder why you worried so much.
 1. You can reduce stress ストレスは減らせる
 if you realize that 〜と気がつけば
 the matter which is causing you trouble 問題の原因になっていることがら
 is not so important. それ程重要ではない
 2. I have done a lot of public speaking. 私はこれまでたくさんの演説をしてきた
 3. At first, 最初
 audiences terrified me and 私は観客がとても怖くて
 I was so scared that 恐れるあまり
 I couldn't speak freely. 自由に話すことが出来なかった
 4. After speaking 話し終わると
 I was exhausted because of the strain. その緊張のために、私は疲れ果てていた
 5. Gradually I realized that 徐々に、〜〜と気がついてきた
 it did not matter much 大して問題ではない
 whether I spoke well or not; 上手に話してもそうでなくても
 the universe would remain much the same 宇宙はほとんど同じままなのだ
 in either case. どちらの場合も
 6. I found that 私は〜〜(という状況の中に)いた
 the less I cared, 心配しなければしないほど
 the better I spoke. 上手にしゃべった
 7. Gradually 次第に
 my fear and stress became smaller and 私の恐れと重圧は小さくなり
 finally they vanished. ついには消えてしまった
 8. We can deal with 処理出来る
 most of our fatigue in this way. ほとんどの疲労はこうした形で
 9. Our actions are not 自分の行動は〜ではない
 as important as we suppose; 自分で考えているほど重要
 our successes and failures 自分の成功も失敗も
 do not matter so much. それ程重要ではない
10. You have survived great troubles in the past; 過去に大きな失敗を生き延びた
 your present troubles will also fade and 今の問題もまた消えていき
 you will wonder why なぜ〜〜のかと不思議に思う時が来るだろう
 you worried so much. それ程心配した
  reduce 減らす
  stress ストレス
  realize 気がつく、認識する
  matter 問題
 public speaking:演説
 at first:最初は
  audience 観客、聴衆
  terrify 怖がらせる
   terrified 怖がっている
  scare 怖がらせる
   scared 怖がっている
  exhaust 疲れ果てさせる
   exhausted 疲れ果てている
  strain 緊張
  gradually 徐々に
 in either case:どちらの場合も
  care 心配する、気にする
  finally ついには、最後には
  vanish 消える、なくなる
 deal with:処理する
  fatigue 疲労
 in this way:こうした形で、このようにして
  suppose 考る
  fade 消えていく、薄れる
  worry 心配する

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