単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm059060

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 59 
    If we were pressed for a ( 1 ), we might make a distinction between
 friends and ( 2 ). Within the category of friends, we could speak of
 close friends and ( 3 ) friends, work friends and neighbors. Surprising
 differences in people's ideas of friendship ( 4 ) when they begin to talk
 about what the word means to them. A ( 5 ) philosopher once said that it
 is very difficult to ( 6 ) a“game.” It is the same with“friends”;
 different people ( 7 ) different ( 8 ) in friends.
    Poets, novelists, and philosophers have written about the joys and the
 ( 9 ) of friendship; and while we may agree or disagree with them, we know
 they are ( 10 ) about the importance of friends.
 ア characteristics イ appreciate ウ define エ casual オ costs
 カ acquaintances  キ definition ク famous ケ emerge コ right
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.キ  2.カ  3.エ  4.ケ  5.ク  6.ウ  7.イ  8.ア  9.オ  10.コ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 59  (114 words)
    If we were pressed for a definition, we might make a distinction
 between friends and acquaintances. Within the category of friends, we
 could speak of close friends and casual friends, work friends and
 neighbors. Surprising differences in people's ideas of friendship emerge
 when they begin to talk about what the word means to them. A famous
 philosopher once said that it is very difficult to define a“game.” It
 is the same with“friends”; different people appreciate different
 characteristics in friends.
    Poets, novelists, and philosophers have written about the joys and
 the costs of friendship; and while we may agree or disagree with them, we
 know they are right about the importance of friends.
 1. If we were pressed for a definition, 定義を強要されれば
 we might make a distinction 区別をするかも知れない
 between friends and acquaintances. 友達と知り合いの
 2. Within the category of friends, 友達の区分の中に
 we could speak of close friends 親しい友人〜を含めて言うことが出来る
 and casual friends, そしてうわべだけの友達
 work friends and neighbors. 職場の友達や隣人
 3. Surprising differences in people's ideas 人々の持っている考えの驚く違い
 of friendship 「友情」という語の
 emerge when they begin to talk 話し始めると、出てくる
 about what the word means to them. 自分にとってどういう意味なのかについて
 4. A famous philosopher once said that 昔〜と言った有名な哲学者がいる
 it is very difficult to define a“game.”「遊技」を定義するのは非常に難しい
 5. It is the same with“friends”; それは「友達」に関しても同じ
 different people appreciate 評価するのは人によって様々
 different characteristics in friends. 友達の持っているどういう性格か
 6. Poets, novelists, and philosophers 詩人、小説家、そして哲学者達
 have written about について記してきた
 the joys and the costs of friendship; 友情の喜びと代償
 and while we may agree そして、それに賛成するとしても
 or disagree with them, あるいは反対するとしても
 we know they are right それが正しいことを、人は知っている
 about the importance of friends. 友達の重要性について
  press 強要する、せがむ、押す
  definition 定義
 make a distinction:区別する
  distinction 区別
  acquaintance 知り合い
  category 区分、範囲、範疇
  casual うわべだけの、気軽な
  neighbor 隣人
  surprising 驚く(ほどの)
  difference 違い
  friendship 友情
  emerge 出てくる、現れる
  famous 有名な
  philosopher 哲学者
  define 定義する
  appreciate 評価する、感謝する
  characteristics 性格、特徴
  poet 詩人
  novelist 小説家
  joy 喜び
  cost 代償、費用
  agree 賛成
  disagree 反対する

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 60 
    The power of your mind is developed by effort and exercise. This is
 the ( 1 ) product of hard study. If you don't train your body, you can't
 be an athlete, and ( 2 ) you train your mind, you can't be a successful
 scholar. We ( 3 ) a champion baseball team, but we don't realize the
 training which ( 4 ) the players successful. Study, like physical training,
 may not seem to be so ( 5 ), but your mind will become a better instrument
 if you have trained it. The ( 6 ) of gaining and using knowledge is real
 power. You are ( 7 ) to enjoy learning if you can ( 8 ) how to discover
 knowledge for yourself. Even if your mind ( 9 ) no specific information
 ( 10 ) the knowledge of how to find information, if you are self-disciplined
 enough to use that mind, then you are, in a manner, well educated. Think of
 your mind as a muscle to be trained.
 ア admire イ bound ウ contains  エ except オ faculty
 カ grasp  キ makes ク principal ケ unless コ valuable
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

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  1.ク  2.ケ  3.ア  4.キ  5.コ  6.オ  7.イ  8.カ  9.ウ  10.エ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 60  (153 words)
    The power of your mind is developed by effort and exercise. This
 is the principal product of hard study. If you don't train your body, you
 can't be an athlete, and unless you train your mind, you can't be a
 successful scholar. We admire a champion baseball team, but we don't
 realize the training which makes the players successful. Study, like
 physical training, may not seem to be so valuable, but your mind will
 become a better instrument if you have trained it. The faculty of gaining
 and using knowledge is real power. You are bound to enjoy learning if you
 can grasp how to discover knowledge for yourself. Even if your mind
 contains no specific information except the knowledge of how to find
 information, if you are self-disciplined enough to use that mind, then
 you are, in a manner, well educated. Think of your mind as a muscle to
 be trained.
 1. The power of your mind 知性の力
 is developed by effort and exercise. 努力と訓練によって発達する
 2. This is the principal product それは、最も重要な産物である
 of hard study. 懸命の学習による
 3. If you don't train your body, 体を鍛えなければ
 you can't be an athlete, 運動選手にはなれない
 and unless you train your mind, そして、知力を鍛えなければ
 you can't be a successful scholar. 成果をあげる学者にはなれない
 4. We admire a champion baseball team, but 優勝した野球チームを賞賛するが
 we don't realize the training 訓練のことはよく分かっていない
 which makes the players successful. 選手が成果を上げるようになる原因である
 5. Study, like physical training, 学習は、体の訓練と同じで
 may not seem to be so valuable, それ程価値があるようには思えないかも知れない
 but your mind will become a better instrument だが、知性はより良い道具になる
 if you have trained it. 訓練すれば
 6. The faculty of gaining and using knowledge 知識を手に入れて使う能力
 is real power. 本当の力である
 7. You are bound to enjoy learning 必ず学習を楽しめるようになる
 if you can grasp how to discover knowledge 知識を発見する方法が理解できれば
 for yourself. 自分で
 8. Even if your mind 自分の知性に〜としても
 contains no specific information 何ら特定の情報を持っていない
 except the knowledge of how to find information, 情報の見つけ方という知識以外
 if you are self-disciplined 十分な自己訓練を積んでいれば
 enough to use that mind, その知性を使えるくらい
 then you are, in a manner, その場合には、ある意味では、
 well educated. 十分教養がある、と言える
 9. Think of your mind 知力を、〜と考えるようにしよう
 as a muscle to be trained. 訓練すべき筋肉
  effort 努力
  exercise 訓練
  principal 最も重要な、主要な
  athlete 運動選手
  unless もし、〜なければ
  successful 成果をあげる、成功した
  scholar 学者
  admire 賞賛する
  realize よく分かっている、認識する
  physical 体の、肉体の
  valuable 価値がある
  instrument 道具
  faculty 能力
  gain 手に入れる
 bound to:必ず〜する
  grasp 理解する
 for oneself:自分で
  contain 含む
  specific 特定の
  except 〜以外、〜を除いて
  self-disciplined 自己訓練を積んでいる
 in a manner:ある意味で
 well educated:十分教養がある
 think of A as B:AをB考える
  muscle 筋肉

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