単語学習用英語長文基礎編100        rm063064

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 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 63 
     Charles Maguire ( 1 ) a house from Bill Bailey. The architecture
 looked good but the ( 2 ) was of poor quality. The house ( 3 ), badly
 injuring Maguire's daughter. Maguire ( 4 ) himself that he would give Bill
 Bailey his due for his awful business conduct.
     Bailey, once a ( 5 ) and ambitious young man, was now old and very
 ill. His ( 6 ) was due solely to the fact that he was apt to ( 7 ) threats
 and ( 8 ) to criminal conduct. But now, without an operation, he would
 soon die of cancer. In the hospital a doctor holding a scalpel introduced
 himself:“Hello Mr. Bailey, I'm Charles Maguire. It's nice to see you
 again.” Bill Bailey, ( 9 ) by fear, suddenly died. Nobody was suspicious
 of Dr. Maguire, who finally felt happy and ( 10 ). Everyone thought he was
 an old associate of the unlucky patient.
 ア craftsmanship イ employ ウ prosperity エ justified オ assured
 カ overwhelmed  キ resort ク collapsed  ケ purchased コ vigorous
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
  1.ケ  2.ア  3.ク  4.オ  5.コ  6.ウ  7.イ  8.キ  9.カ  10.エ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 63  (139 words)
     Charles Maguire purchased a house from Bill Bailey. The
 architecture looked good but the craftsmanship was of poor quality.
 The house collapsed, badly injuring Maguire's daughter. Maguire assured
 himself that he would give Bill Bailey his due for his awful business
     Bailey, once a vigorous and ambitious young man, was now old and
 very ill. His prosperity was due solely to the fact that he was apt to
 employ threats and resort to criminal conduct. But now, without an
 operation, he would soon die of cancer. In the hospital a doctor holding
 a scalpel introduced himself:“Hello Mr. Bailey, I'm Charles Maguire.
 It's nice to see you again.” Bill Bailey, overwhelmed by fear, suddenly
 died. Nobody was suspicious of Dr. Maguire, who finally felt happy and
 justified. Everyone thought he was an old associate of the unlucky
 1. Charles Maguire purchased a house チャールズマグワイヤーは、家を買った
 from Bill Bailey. ビルベイリーから
 2. The architecture looked good but その建物は良いものに見えたが
 the craftsmanship was of poor quality. 職人の技能の質が悪かった
 3. The house collapsed, 家は崩れ
 badly injuring Maguire's daughter. マグワイアの娘さんがひどい怪我をした
 4. Maguire assured himself that マグワイアは、〜〜と自分に誓った
 he would give Bill Bailey his due ビルベイリーに正当な報いを受けさせる
 for his awful business conduct. そのひどい商行為に対する
 5. Bailey, once ベイリーは、かつて
 a vigorous and ambitious young man, 元気いっぱいで野心的な若者だった
 was now old and very ill. の時には年老いて重い病気であった
 6. His prosperity was due solely to 彼の成功は、〜によるものでしかなかった
 the fact that he was apt to employ threats 脅迫を用い傾向がある、という事実
 and resort to criminal conduct. そして犯罪行為にたよる
 7. But now, without an operation, しかし、今や、手術しなければ
 he would soon die of cancer. 癌ですぐに死ぬであろう状態なのだ
 8. In the hospital a doctor 病院の中で、一人の医師
 holding a scalpel introduced himself: 外科用メスを握り、自己紹介をした
 “Hello Mr. Bailey, 「こんにちは、ベイリーさん
 I'm Charles Maguire. 私はチャールズマグワイアです
  It's nice to see you again.” 再びお目にかかれて嬉しいです。」
 9. Bill Bailey, overwhelmed by fear, ビルベイリーは、恐怖に圧倒され
 suddenly died. 突然死んだ
10. Nobody was suspicious of Dr. Maguire, 誰もマグワイア博士を疑う者はなく
 who finally felt happy and マグワイアは、やっとのことで幸福を感じ
 justified. これで良いのだと思った
11. Everyone thought 誰もが、思っていた(だけだった)
 he was an old associate マグワイアのことを、古い知り合いだと
 of the unlucky patient. 不運な患者の
  purchase 買う
  architecture 建物
  craftsmanship 職人の技能
  collapse 崩れる
  injure 怪我をさせる、傷つける
  assure 保証する、確信させる
 give him his due:彼に正当な報いを受けさせる
  due 正当な報い、当然与えられるべきもの
  awful ひどい、大変悪い、恐ろしい
  conduct 行為
  vigorous 元気いっぱいの、強健な、力強い
  ambitious 野心的な
  prosperity 成功、繁栄
 due to:〜による、〜が原因
  solely 〜でしかない
 apt to:する傾向がある
  employ 用いる、採用する
  threat 脅迫
 resort to:〜にたよる、(犯罪などの手段等)〜に訴える
  criminal 犯罪の
  operation 手術
 die of:で死ぬ
  scalpel 外科用メス
  introduce 紹介する
 introduce oneself:自己紹介する
  overwhelm 圧倒する
  suddenly 突然
  suspicious 疑っている、疑い深い、怪しい
 suspicious of:を疑っている
  finally やっとのことで、とうとう、ついに
  justify 正当化する
  justified これで良いのだと、正当化された
  associate 知り合い、仲間
  patient 患者
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 64 
     The atmosphere was ( 1 ) as the three jealous brothers waited to
 hear what they would ( 2 ) from their father. Frederick calculated that
 his ( 3 ) would now be worth three million dollars. He would ( 4 ) them
 in horse racing. Gregory ( 5 ) how he would make billions by selling cheap
 land at ( 6 ) prices. Barry had visions of world travel and expensive cars.
     After ( 7 ) a two hour wait, they finally heard the ( 8 ) of the
 will. “My dear sons, knowing how selfish you are, I thought that it is
 best to ( 9 ) to the poor. You may ( 10 ) great spiritual profit from them.
 I bought a hospital for the poor in Calcutta and three plane tickets to
 India for you. I hope that by working there you will learn what is truly
 ア possessions イ contribute ウ enduring エ details オ inherit
 カ schemed    キ derive   ク invest  ケ unjust  コ tense
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
  1.コ  2.オ  3.ア  4.ク  5.カ  6.ケ  7.ウ  8.エ  9.イ  10.キ  
 大学受験 英単語学習用英文 基礎 64   (132 words)
     The atmosphere was tense as the three jealous brothers waited to
 hear what they would inherit from their father. Frederick calculated that
 his possessions would now be worth three million dollars. He would invest
 them in horse racing. Gregory schemed how he would make billions by
 selling cheap land at unjust prices. Barry had visions of world travel
 and expensive cars.
     After enduring a two hour wait, they finally heard the details of
 the will. “My dear sons, knowing how selfish you are, I thought that it
 is best to contribute to the poor. You may derive great spiritual profit
 from them. I bought a hospital for the poor in Calcutta and three plane
 tickets to India for you. I hope that by working there you will learn
 what is truly important.”
 1. The atmosphere was tense 雰囲気は緊張していた
 as the three jealous brothers waited 3人の嫉妬深い兄弟が待っており
 to hear what they would inherit 自分が何を相続するのか聞こうと
 from their father. 父親から
 2. Frederick calculated that フレドリックは、〜〜と計算していた
 his possessions would now be 自分の財産は今では〜〜だろう
 worth three million dollars. 3百万ドルの価値がある
 3. He would invest them in horse racing. 競馬に投資するつもりだった
 4. Gregory schemed グレゴリーは、企んでいた
 how he would make billions どうやって何十億ドルもの金を稼ごうかと
 by selling cheap land at unjust prices. 安い土地を不正な価格で売って
 5. Barry had visions of world travel バリーは、世界旅行を想像していた
 and expensive cars. そして高価な車
 6. After enduring a two hour wait, 2時間の待ち時間を我慢したの後
 they finally heard the details of the will. 3人はとうとう遺書の詳細を聞いた
 7. “My dear sons, 「親愛なる息子達よ
 knowing how selfish you are, おまえ達がいかに自分本位かを知っているので
 I thought that 〜〜だと考えた
 it is best to contribute to the poor. 貧しい人達に寄付するのが一番
 8. You may derive おまえ達は、得られるかも知れない
 great spiritual profit from them. その人達から、大きな精神的利益を
 9. I bought a hospital 私は病院を買った
 for the poor in Calcutta カルカッタに貧しい人達のため
 and three plane tickets そして飛行機の切符を3枚
 to India for you. おまえ達のために、インド行きの
10. I hope that 〜ならいいと思っているよ
 by working there you will learn そこで働くことで、おまえ達が学び取れば
 what is truly important.” 本当に大切なもの」
  atmosphere 雰囲気
  tense 緊張した
  jealous 嫉妬深い
  inherit 相続する
  calculated 計算する、考える
  possession 財産、所有物
  million 百万
  invest 投資する
 invest in:〜に投資する
 horse racing:競馬
  schem 企む、計画する
  billion 十億
  unjust 不正な、不当な
  vision 想像する
  endure 我慢する
  finally とうとう、ついに
  detail 詳細
  will 遺書
  dear 親愛なる
  selfish 自分本位な、わがままな
  contribute 寄付する、貢献する
 contribute to:〜に寄付する
 the poor:貧しい人達
  derive 得る、引き出す
 derive A from B:AをBから引き出す
  spiritual 精神的な
  profit 利益
  truly 本当に

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