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Mainichi Shinbun News 08/30 <Special; Science and Technology>A univeristy of U.S. listed top 10 of next decade (and next century)
The details are shown on web-site of George Washigton University.

Prof. Halal of GW university published a top ten breakthrough for the next century, based on the survey of related professionals. Main breakthroughs are related to computer technologies, and IT revolution will be proceeded.

(comment; more interesting data is the top ten breakthrough for the next century, which was not listed on the Mainichi news, but here the ten is attached, K. TAKAHASHI)

The GW Forecast ( 1, 2000 (Prof. William E. Halal)

Breakthrough,   Date,   Confidence Level
Top Ten Breakthrough for the Next Century
"Maglev" trains connect major cities  2012  +/- 5 years
Children can be genetically desighed  2012  +/- 5 years
Optical computers are developed  2015  +/- 5 years
Automated, intelligent highways are developed 2015  +/- 5 years
A base on the Moon is established  2015  +/- years
Cloned/artificial organs can replace most body parts 2020  +/- years
Human land on Mars  2022  +/-  5 years
Genetic therapy can cure most illnesses  2025  +/- 5 years
Average human life span reaches 100 years 2030  +/- 3 years
Human travel to nearby star system  2050  +/- 10 years

Mainichi Shinbun News 08/30 <Special; Science and Technology>A univeristy of U.S. listed top 10 of next decade

(1)Portable information devices accessing all media are common 2003  +/- 2 years
Mobile device will be in wide use, capable of watching TV. Mobile device will be a key player as a post-personnel computer.
(2)Fuel-cell cars enter the market 2005   +/- 3 years
Instead of gasolin cars, fuel-cell cars will come into wide use. Toyota and Ford will sell fuel-cell car arounf year 2003 and 2004.
(3)Precision farming is common     2005   +/- 3 years
Tractors with receiver from satelite will be used. Computer on tractor will regulate planting, watering, and chemical spraying. Agricultural business becomes on a more larger scale.
(4)Mass customization of cheap, high quality goods is common 2007  +/-  3 years
In year 2007, about 30% of total sale will be done by online shopping in US.
(5)"Teleliving" --interactive wall monitors are used for work, shopping, etc  2008 +/-  3 years
Teleliving is a new word, with combination of "Telecomunication" and "Living". Many jobs will be done at the living room with use of the Internet.
(6)"Virtual" electronic assistants help people conduct their work  2008 +/-  3 years
The helper (virtual assistant) who will aid busy people will be in practical use after 10 years. VA will have artificial intelligence, and deputize the sending of mail or receiving of telephone call.
(7)Genetically modified foods gain wide acceptance 2008  +/-5 years
GM foods are surronded in the hostile feeling of anti GM people, but will be accepted gradually.
For the vitamin-A deficient people of under developed county, rice plant with affluent vitamin-A will be developed.
(8)Computerized health care is available  2009  +/- 4 years
Medical area, which has been said as the most backworld industry for introducing computer, will be improved. The data of patient from the birth will be used for medical treatment.
(9)Alternate energy sources are widely used  2009  +/- 4 years
Alternative energy, such as wind-power, sunshine and biomass will produce 30% of total energy output after 10 years. The price of oil will increase to the comparable level of alternative energy, because of strong demand increase
in China and India.
(10)Smart mobile robots used in homes and factories 2010 +/-5 years
Robot "Aibo" of Sony can play and learn. After 10 years, smart robot will appear to do housework, and to take care handicapped people.

The GW Forecast (
January 1, 2000 (Prof. William E. Halal)
Top Ten Breakthroughs for the Next Decade
Breakthrough,   Date,   Confidence Level
Portable information devices accessing all media are common  2003  +/- 2 years
Fuel-cell cars enter the market 2005   +/- 3 years
Precision farming is common     2005   +/- 3 years
Mass customization of cheap, high quality goods is common 2007  +/-  3 years
"Teleliving" --interactive wall monitors are used for work, shopping, etc  2008 +/-  3 years
"Virtual" electronic assistants help people conduct their work  2008 +/-  3 years
Genetically modified foods gain wide acceptance 2008  +/-5 years
Computerized health care is available  2009  +/- 4 years

Alternate energy sources are widely used  2009  +/- 4 years
Smart mobile robots used in homes and factories 2010 +/-5 years