ステーションX, 2000-04-02
00-04-02(日)BSドキュメンタリー 11:00-11:50
Station X 英国軍の暗号解読情報作戦 (1998年英国の放送局が番組作成)
Xの力を信頼していなかった。 英国はエルアラメインの戦いで大勝利したがロンメルはヒットラーに1942年11/2の夜に使える戦車は10数台しかない退却の願いを出したが、機甲部隊にヒットラーは引くなと命令したがロンメルは逃げた。本当はモンゴメリーは、ロンメルを捕まえることができたはずだが何故にげさせたかstationXは理解できない。
Station Xはロンドン近郊にブレンチェリー・パーク、Bletchley
戦後30年間、Station Xの存在は秘密であった。チャーチルは隠して、ソ連の暗号を解読していた。戦後、コロッサスは破棄、埋めた。トミーフラワーズは書類を自ら燃やし、研究所に戻る。プログラム可能なコンピュータであった。情報組織にいくものもいた。
Alan Mathison Turing (1912―54)
March 29, 1999 Time 100 Special Issue, vol.153,No.12
Computer Scientist
Alan Truring by Paul Gray
Born June 23, 1912 in London
1931-5 Studies mathematical logic at Cambridge
1937 Landmark paper introduces the imaginary
Turing machine
1939-45 Secret work with team breaking the
Nazis' Enigma codes
1950 Paper in journal Mind predicts the advent
of artificial intelligence
1952 Convicted of gross indecency for homosexual
1954 Suicide, age 41
While addressing a problem in the arcane
field of mathematical logic, he imagined
a machine that could mimic human reasoning.
Sound familiar?
At 13 he enrolled at the Sherbourne School
in Dorset and there showed a flair for mathematics,
even if his papers were critisized for being
"dirty," i.e., messy. Turing recognized
his homosexuality while at Sherbourne and
fell in love, albeit undeclared, with another
boy at the school, who suddenly died of bovine
tuberculosis. This loss shattered Turing's
religious faith and led him into atheism
and the conviction that all phenomena must
have materialistic explanations. There was
no soul in the machine nor any mind behind
a brain. But how, then, did thought and consciousness
arise? After twice failing to win a fellowship
at the University of Cambridge's Trinity
College, a lodestar at the time for mathe-maticians
from around the world, Turing rcceived a
fellowship from King's College, Cambridge.
King's, under the guidance of such luminaries
as John Maynard Keynes and E.M. Forster,
provided a remarkably free and tolerant environment
for Turing, who thrived there even though
he was not considered quite elegant enough
to be initiated into King's inner circles,
When he completed his degree requiremcuts,
Turing was invited to remain at King's as
a tutor. And there he might happily have
stayed, pottering about with problems in
mathematical logic, had not his invention
of the Turing machine and World War II intervened.
Turing, on the basis of his published work,
was recruited to serve in the Government
Code and Cypher Schoo], located in a Victorian
mansion called Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire.
The task of all those so assembled-mathematicians,
chess champions, Egyptologists, whoever might
have something to contribute about the possiblc
permutations of formal systems-was to break
the Enigma codes used by the Nazis in communications
between headquarters and troops.
Because of secrecy restrictions,Turing's
role in this enterprise was not acknowledged
until long after his death. And like the
invention of the computer, the work done
by the Bletchley Park crew was very much
a team effort. But it is now known that Turing
played a crucial role in designing a primitive,
computer-like machine that could decipher
at high speed Nazi codes to U-boats in the
North Atlantic. After the war, Turing returned
to Cambridge, hoping to pick up the quiet
academic life he had intended. But the newly
created mathematics division of the British
National Physical Laboratory offered him
the opportunity to create an actual Turing
machine, the ACE or Automutic Computing Engine,
and Turing accepted. What he discovered,unfortunately,
was that the emergency spirit that had sbort-circuited
so many problems at Bletchley Park during
the war had dissipated, Bureaucracy, red
tape and interminable delays once again were
the order of the day.
Finding most of his suggestions dismisscd,
ignored or overruled, Turing eventually left
the NPL for another stay at Cambridgc and
then acceptcd an offer from the University
of Manchester where another computer was
being constructod along the lines he had
suggested back in 1937.
Since his original paper, Turing had considerably
broadened his thoughts on thinking machines.
He now proposed the idea that a machine cuu]d
learn from and thus modify its own instructions.
In a famous 1950 article in the British philosophioal
journal Mind, Turing proposed what he called
an "imitation test," later called
the "Turing test." Imagine an interrogator
in a closed room hooked up in some manner
with two subjects, one human and the other
a computer. If the questioner cannot determine
by the responscs to queries posed to them
which is the human and whioh the oomputer,
then the computer can be said to be "thinking"
as well as the human. Turing remains a hero
to proponents of artificial intelligence
in part because of his blithe assumption
of a rosy future: "One day ladies will
take their computers for walks in the park
and tell each other, My little computer said
such a funny thing this morning!"
Unfortunatelly reality caught up with Turing
well before his vision would, if ever, berealized.
In Manchester, he told police investigating
a robbery at his house that he was having
"an affair" with a man who was
probably known to the burglar. Always frank
about his sexual orientation, Turing this
time got himself into real trouble. Homosexual
relations were still a felony in Britain,
and Turing was tried and convicted of "gross
indecency" in 1952. He was spared prison
but subjected to injections of female hormones
intended to dampen his lust. "I'm growing
breasts!" Turing told a friend. On June
7, 1954, he committed suicide by eating an
apple laced with eyanide. He was 41.
Who built the first computer?
<Mauchly;Paid a fateful five-day visit
to Atanasoff>
<Eniac; The original room-size computer
If you look at most history books, they'll
tell you ENIAC (for Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Computer) was the first true
all-purpose electric computer.
Unveiled in 1946 in a blaze of publicity,
it was a monstrous 30-ton machine, as big
as two semis and filled with enough vacuum
tube (19,000), switches (6,000) and blinking
lights to require an army of attendants.
Capable of adding 5,000 numbers in a second,
a then unheard of feat, it could compute
the trajectory of an artillery shell well
before it landed (compared with days of labored
hand calculations).
But while this electronic brain, as headline
writers called it, took the spotlight, ENIAC
had a lot of unsung rivals, many of them
shrouded in wartime secrecy. At Bletchley
Park, Alan Turing built a succession of vacuum-tube
machines called Colossus that made mincemeat
of Hitler's Enigma codes. At Harvard, large,
clattering electromechanical computers in
IBM's Mark series also did wartime calculations.
Even the Germans made a stab at computing
with Konrad Zuse's Z electromechanical computers,
the last of which was the first general-purpose
computer controlled by a program. For years,
Eniac's principle creators, the late John
Mauchly and J.Presper Eckert, held the unchallanged
title of inventors of the modern computer-until
an obscure physicist named John Atanasoff
came forth to dispute their claims. In the
late 1930s, while teaching at Iowa State
College, he and a graduate student named
Clifford Bell begun building a device that
would allow them to solve large linear algebraic
Their machine,later called ABC (for Atanasoff
Berry computer), incorporated a number of
novel features, including the separation
of data processing from memory, and relied
on binary numbers instead of ENIAC'S clumsier
decimal arithemetic. But Atanasoff was called
away in 1942 to work for Navy. Iowa State
never filed for patents, and ABC was left
abandoned in a storeroom.
But not entirely forgotten. In the late 1960s,
Sperry Rand, which held the rights to Eckerts
and mauchly's original Univac patents, sued
Honeywell(which, like IBM, had got into the
computer business) for royalty payments.
At one point in the six-year litugation,
Atanasoff testified that Mauchly cribbed
ABC's key features during a five-day visit
in 1941. Mauchly indiguantly denied the aceusation.
But the judge took a different view, In a
1973 decision that was never appealed, he
invalidated Eckert and Mauchly's patents
and in effect declared Atanasoff the winner.
Hisiorians however, interpret the ruling
more broadly, viewing it as an effort to
keep competition alive in a fast-growing,industry.
So who did invent, the computer? Novel as
it may have been,ABC could not be reprogrammed,
did not handle large numbers well and never
became fully operational. By contrast, the
reprogrammable ENIAC did initial calculations
for the H-bomb, kept flashing away for nearly
a decade and led to a host of more sophisticated
successors. Take your pick. By Frederic Golden
チューリング機械 ちゅーりんぐきかい
イギリスの数学者チューリングA. Turingが考えた、思考のうえでの計算機械である。これは、現在のコンピュータの理論的な原型であるともいえる。計算の理論を展開するための思考上の機械であるから、現実のコンピュータのように計算時間を短縮するための機構や結果を見やすくするためのプリンターなどはついていない。理論を展開するのに必要な最小限の部品しかついていない。
Cole Kleene(1909― )、ゲーデルK. Goedelや、チャーチAlonzo
Church(1903― )、ポストEmil Leon Post(1897―1954)などが別々に考えていたが、のちになって、どれも同値の定義であったことが示された。チューリング機械の考え方は、現在のコンピュータ科学にとって重要な成果をもたらした。とくに、「チューリング機械で解けない問題が存在する」ことが証明されて、「アルゴリズムが存在しない問題がある」ことが明らかになった。つまり、このことはコンピュータに解けない問題があることを示している。
【本】小林孝次郎著『計算可能性入門』(1980・近代科学社) ▽M・ミンスキー著、金山裕訳『計算機の数学的理論』(1970・近代科学社) ▽相沢輝昭著『計算理論の基礎』(1970・文一総合出版)
アルゴリズム Algorithm
Turingや、クリーニStephen Cole Kleene(1909― )、ゲーデルK.
GoedelおよびチャーチAlonzo Church(1903― )などの数学者により別々の方法で行われた。現在、それらの試みはすべて同値であることが示され、アルゴリズムという漠然とした概念が明確にされた。その結果、アルゴリズムが存在しない問題、すなわち、コンピュータで解けない問題があることも明らかにされている。〈中西正和〉