


         38trainees, they came over the sea

〜研修員雑感(平成11年度)〜                About the trainees 1999



This sentence was translated by using the translation software. Translation software sometimes does mistranslation. I can't correct the mistranslation because I am not so good at English. Please accept my apologies.

人に一生の中では、誰しもいろいろな出会いがあるのだろうが、 私の場合、少しばかり普通の人たちより幸運だったといえるかもしれない。


そもそも、コームインなどという商売の中で、国際交流なんて部門を担当するというのは、 きわめてまれなことだ。
日本人と言葉を交わすことさえおっくうな私にとっては、「なんでまた・・・」といった感じで この日を迎えることになった。

海外の技術者を日本国内の企業で養成しようというこの事業も4年目となった。 中小企業の人材確保という色合いが強かった先行事業から数えると9年目である。
 これまで事業を担当した諸先輩方の本事業への思い入れは強く、 熱い口調での語りを聞くとまた「なんでまた・・・」という気分になってしまう。

Everyone experiences various meeting in his live. In my case, it might be able to be said that I was somewhat luckier than usual people.
We embraced 38trainees in the middle of June. It was the season in Japan that the profile of summer had appeared and disappeared in reverberations of spring.
It is extremely rare for an ordinary civil servant like me to take charge of international exchange. But I was not able to consent why to have taken charge of me. Because I feel the bother even exchange the word with the  stranger even if he would be a Japanese.  Unfortunately I am sheepish and not good at conversation . 
Thus, the day came. 

This measure of training overseas engineers in Japanese enterprise  became year fourth. It is also ninth year from beginning of the preceding measure which had the tendency of securing the manpower of the small and medium-sized enterprise. 
The senior person who took charge of it in the past speaks this measure by a hot tone, giving whole mind to this work. When I heard it, I felt that it is not appropriate for me getting this job, again. 
The mood looks like feelings next morning by which I have eaten a pinguid dish at the previous night. 


  いきなりの大問題  problem! problem!

あわただしい来日直後のバタバタが終わり、1か月あまりの日本語研修が始まる。 研修員たちにとって、これからの東京暮らしへの期待と不安の中での第一歩だ。


だいぶ前からおなかが痛かったようだが、言い出せずに我慢していたのが、良くなかった。 もう少し入院が遅れていたら、生命にも影響しかねない状況だった (迅速な対応は、研修員担当の北原次席の大手柄である)。
持ち直すまでの数日間、私たちは交代で彼の付き添いにあたることになった。 手術になれば、研修は中止だ。できることなら、そうしたくないというのが、 私たちにとっての共通の願いだった。

結果、7月30日には退院となるのだが、 プリヤント君にとっては、病院が日本語研修の学校になってしまった。

ジャカルタの研修員は皆、陽気な人たちだ。 連帯感も強い。病院にも交代で見舞いに来てくれた。 研修中もみんなで、プリヤント君の回復を願ってお祈りをしてくれていたという。

プリヤント君は実に真面目、病院で私にいう。「日本の一般雑誌にはポルノグラフィが載っている。 どうしてそんなことを許可しているのか?」
週刊誌のグラビアのことをいっているらしい。20歳代の日本青年なら、そんな疑問はいだかないだろう。 生真面目な性格だから病気になるのかもしれない。

ともかくも、8月の企業研修には、プリヤント君もどうにか間に合った。 その後の評判も好評で、「帰国させなくてよかったな・・・と」胸をなで下ろした次第である。

We spent very busy every day for the first several days.  Japanese training of one and a half months started. This becomes a first step for trainees expecting and uneasily of the future Tokyo living. In that situation, the first problem occurred.

Jakarta trainee Mr.PRIYANTO  was hospitalized in the police hospital by intestinal obstruction on July 2. 
Having a pain in the abdomen for several days, he was not able to start to say and was enduring it. That was not good. It was a situation by which the life might be lost, if hospitalization was late a little more (Quick correspondence of sub-chief clerk Mr.KITAHARA is a contribution which should be admired. )
We alternatively undertook his attendance for several days until he escaped from the crisis of the life. If he will undergo the operation, his training is discontinued. All staff of us were wishing not to do so.

In conclusion, he fortunately left the hospital on July 30. The hospital has become the school of Japanese training for Mr.PRIYANTO . 
All trainees of Jakarta are cheerful people. Their solidarities are also strong. They came for the alternation visit in the hospital. All members had prayed the recovery of Mr.PRIYANTO  in the morning before Japanese training start. 

Mr.PRIYANTO has serious character, indeed . He said to me in the hospital. Why has Japanese Government permitted that some general magazine publishes pornographic in their book.? He seems to say the gravure of the weekly magazine. Maybe, Japanese young  in his twenties will not hold such a doubt. Perhaps Mr.PRIYANTO has a serious character, so he is likely to get sick. 

At any rate, Mr.PRIYANTO was suitable for the enterprise training in August. His reputation in the enterprise was favored. I thought that it must be good that he did not return home. 


  一致団結、北京研修員   Unity of Beijing trainees
「中国人は見た目は東洋人だが、中身は西洋人的で、 権利意識が強い」
しかし、それが不正確なのか、たまたま私が出会ったメンバーが違ったのかはわからないが、 北京研修員も、実に律儀な人たちだった。

来日前から、北京でよく教育を受けてきていて、彼らは「国家の代表として来ている」という誇りを 強く意識している様子だ。
「残念ながら、日本で犯罪を犯す中国人がいる。社会からそんな目で見られても、気にしないでほしい」 とお願いすると、「母国の名誉を、自分たちの努力で取り戻してみせます」と、彼らは明言する。

毎日の日本語研修はもとより、どこに行くにしても第一番に待ち合わせ場所に来ているのは 北京のメンバーだった。
野外の見学が終わって解散になると、必ず、北京のメンバーは集合してその場でミーティングを開いていた。 たとえ、それが真冬であった場合でも。

中でも、JATC設計の楊君は、実に気働きのできる研修員で、「あれ、姿が見えないな」と思うと、 実は別室の後かたづけを一人でやっていたりする。
国に奥さんを残してきて心細いだろうが、あれだけまめに働く旦那を日本に送ったのでは、 奥さんもさぞ困ったことだろう。

「日本じゃもう、だいたいWindowsだから、わからないことがあれば教えてあげるよ」 といったのは単なる親切心からだったのだが、彼は1か月でExcelとWordをマスターし、 職場での自己紹介はPowerPointでやってのけていた。



Someone says as follows.
 Chinese looks the face like the Orient people. However, their contents westerner, and the sense of entitlement is strong. 
However, it might be not accurate. If it was not so, the member whom I had met by chance should have been different. Beijing trainees were indeed cordial people.

They have often received the education in Beijing before they come to Japan. They seem to consider the boast "Come as a representative of the nation" strongly. 
I explained as follows.: To our regret, there is Chinese who commits the crime in Japan. I want you to be unabashedly even if seen from the society by such eyes. However, they declared that they will regain the honor in the home country by their efforts. 
Including Japanese training of every day, the trainee in China had come to the meeting place first wherever we went. When we ended the visit of the outdoors and dissolved, the member in Beijing always gathered and was opening the meeting in the scene, even when it is a midwinter. 

Yang Xiao Lin trained by the JATC design was a character to which the nature was quick-witted in the trainee. When we search for him because there is no appearance, he was cleaning an untidy another room alone. I think that he might feel to be helpless, because he has left his wife in the home country. However, I imagine that his wife was fairly embarrassed because she sent Japan her husband who works attentively, too.
The Beijing trainee has the member who has the ability in the field of the technology. Mr.WANG trained in Hitachi Ltd. works with a personal computer which moves by MS-DOS in Beijing. I said him that many software in Japan moves almost on the MS-Windows, so if  he does not understand the usage of software in Japan I shall teach him. He mastered Excel and Word in only one month. And, he executed his self introduction in the office by using PowerPoint. His ability surpassed two years of me in one month. I was surprised for it. 


  日本人と間違われるベトナムの研修員   Isn't he a Japanese?

私たちは、彼らに研修報告を義務づけているのだが、ギア君の報告書は、 作業マニュアルの領域にまで達していた。しかも、細かい日本語で説明文がぎっしり書き込まれている。

市も、このことを理解してくれているが、「技術者に日本語の勉強をしてもらうよう、 働きかけてはいるのだが、なかなか簡単には進まなくて・・・」といっている。




One of the trainee of Vietnam, Mr. LIEM was studying about air conditioner. 
He is a good Japanese speaker. His sweetheart is a Japanese women. So I understood that reason. His training enterprise, Air Conditioner Service nicknamed SHO to him. It means in Japanese “going up to the sky”. Everybody calls him SHO, SHO.  So the customer  believed that he was a Japanese.  

Mr.NGHIA, he was a trainee in KATSUMURA construction, is ardent to study. We were obligating the training report to them. The report of Mr.NGHIA reached even the area of the work manual. He tightly wrote the explanation in the report in detailed Japanese. 
Afterwards, I know that his father is the university professor in Vietnam. So I understood his ardor to study. 

It passed only three years from the beginning of this cooperate business of Tokyo and the Hanoi City. The Hanoi City wants to be deepening the relation with Japan more. However, our business gives priority from international friendship to the engineer promotion. Of course, the Hanoi City also knows that. But they said that though they want their engineers to study Japanese, it does not advance as thought easily.

Continuance is very important for such cooperate business as engineer promotion.


  受入企業やーい   I am waiting for the acceptable enterprise. 


「社員へのしめしがつかない」 ある社長は、ぽつりという。
「現場サイドでは、続けたいんだ。でも、営業に結びつかないと・・・」 そういう企業もある。


This measure cannot succeed when the private company does not cooperate. However, we are feeling the difficulty in finding of the acceptable enterprise year after year. Now, even the Japanese cannot find the enterprise which employ him. It is difficult in the much more for the enterprises to accept foreigner's trainee. 

It is the most difficult for the company to prepare the educator for the trainee. The enterprise has the surplus number of men in it at immediately after the achievement of the company passed the peak it. At that time, the company still have  strength in reserve to accept the trainee. However, the company is executing the employment adjustment and the pay control now. 

“Maybe, my employee complains if I accept the trainee. ” A president said like the soliloquy. 
“We want to accept the trainee in our office. However, it does not increase sales. ” There is a company which says like that, too. 
Each company is cooperating in this measure in a really severe situation. For me to be able to do is only to express gratitude. 

  今、見逃していること   We must not forget it. 


今、失業率は高く。仕事を求める中高年にとっては、試練が続く。新規学卒者の就職も苦戦している。 税金を使って、外国人に奉仕する必要はないという人も、いるだろう。





The trainees of Jakarta love a song "Future" which kiroro composed. It start to sing “Just look at your footprint. It is the road you have been walking. Just look forward. So you can see your Future.”

We, Japanese, advanced our best at the high growth period and the bubble time without looking at our feet. We are reflecting on it and regret now.  However, it seems to have forgotten to see ahead this time. I think that everybody see only his feet being pressed against the prolonged economic stagnation. 
The unemployment rate is high today. Middle and advanced age looking for the enterprise is placed in a severe situation. Also the new study graduate person cannot find the enterprise which employs him or her.  There might be a person who argue that it is not necessary to serve to the foreigner by using the tax.

But please consider a long-term manpower demand and supply. The wave of declining population of children will approach in the near future. The number of manpower will be surely insufficient sooner or later. 
Whom should we rely on at that time?
I want to bring up a lot of good neighbors in the future, though Japan is placed in a difficult situation today.