
Wrestling――Lesson [


The Toe Hold


   The next group of photographs will illustrate several of the most important toe and foot holds. All of these are illustrated by photos of myself or Frank Gotch as one of the contestants.


   The toe hold was rarely used and had attracted very little attention until it was worked to its present state of perfection by myself and Frank Gotch. The hold has been used so often and effectively by Frank Gotch that it is known throughout the wrestling world as the “Gotch toe hold.”


Plate 132――Toe Hold by Farmer Burns.


   I shall not attempt to explain the different manners in which these holds are worked up, for most of them offer themselves when you are in a mixup on the mat, either making an attempt for other holds or breaking away from holds which your opponent has secured.


   There is no reason, however, why you cannot work deliberately to secure the toe hold, and when you once learn its use you will find it a most important factor in winning wrestling matches.


PLATE 132――See Page 10.)


   This plate illustrates the operation of a real toe hold with an assisting hold on the heel. The opponent’s left leg has been drawn up until the left foot is over his right knee. Study the photo carefully so you will see that Burns has twisted the ankle and has the foot as a leverage in his two hands. By holding the heel firm and pulling toward him on the toe, the ankle will be twisted and cause great pain, and this pain will become so great that the opponent will usually allow both shoulders to sink to the floor and give up the fall.


   The opportunity to use this hold is apt to occur most any time when working rapidly from one position to another on the mat.


Plate 133――Combination Bar and Toe Hold


   This plate shows one of the many combinations that can be worked in connection with the toe hold. Very frequently in wrestling you can form a bar-arm-hold like that illustrated above. But without some assisting hold you cannot very well secure a fall. When taken, however, in connection with this toe-hold, it is very powerful and effective. Study carefully the positions of the opponent’s left leg and foot.


   Farmer Burns has opponent’s foot bent sharply back and the knee and toe pressed forward to such an extent that the ankle joint is bent to the limit. This makes the opponent helpless in this leg and the bar-arm-hold prevents him rolling or getting away.


   If you can work your opponent into this position a fall is almost sure if you follow up your advantage and keep your body close to the opponent, and give him no lea-way or play. Practice this hold on your partner and then try to get away from the hold when your partner fastens it on you.


Plate 134――Combination Toe and Bar Lock.


   This is another elegant hold for you to sometimes place upon your opponent during a mixup. Farmer Burns has his man fully under control. He can turn neither to the right nor left. One important point in working this hold is to bring your arm across your opponent’s right shoulder and lie on same with your weight to prevent opponent rolling from right to left. By forcing downward on the shoulder and pulling up firmly on the toe, the opponent will drop on his back with both shoulders to the mat.


   You should work rapidly and close to your opponent, giving him no rest or relief from the holds.


Plate 135――Another Combination Toe and Bar-Arm-Lock.


   This fine combination is one that you can often secure by making a decided effort for it. Study the position of both figures carefully. Burns has what might be called a reverse Nelson, but which is in reality a bar-arm-lock, as the arm is held in position by a positive leverage. You will readily see that it is impossible for the opponent to turn to the right as the arm hold effectively prevents it. It is also equally impossible for him to turn to the left as Burns will block him with a knee, and the toe-hold controls the movement of the entire lower body. The opponent is thus in a very dangerous and almost powerless position.


   In order to secure a fall from this hold the toe should be pulled upward to the limit and twisted to the right at the same time. Farmer Burns will then pull the opponent’s shoulder towards him, and roll him over until his two shoulders are on the mat. It will be almost impossible for the opponent to roll out of position, for the toe-hold on the left foot will positively prevent him getting away.


   As you practice with your companion you should work these various combinations with both hands and from both sides of the opponent. While the plates and illustrations show the holds being worked from one side only, you, of course, understand that can be worked equally well from either side.


Plate 136――Gotch’s Famous Toe Hold.


   This plate and the following one, 137, gives you two fine examples of Frank Gotch applying his famous toe hold. You will observe by careful study that these two holds are decidedly different and yet they are equally effective in getting results.


   The hold in Plate 136 is usually secured after a leg dive. Of course it can be secured while mixing and working for the various holds on the mat.


   In this plate Gotch has the opponent’s leg bent sharply upward and backward. He has his right arm between opponent’s legs and grasps opponent’s ankle firmly. The left hand grasps the toe and bends it backward and twists the ankle to the limit. This hold is not only operated on the toe and ankle, but on the leg muscles as well.


   It is not necessary for Gotch to use much power when he once secures this hold, for a little exertion and twisting causes opponent great pain, and by applying it steadily the opponent simply gives up and turns over on his back, willing to stop the contest.


   Many of the great wrestlers of the world have under taken to perfect the use of the toe hold, but none of them have able to apply it with the great perfection that Gotch has attained. The great secret of using this hold is to get the leg and ankle into such position that a twist on the foot will cause intense pain.


   It the position is exactly right it is very difficult for any opponent to break the hold, for in addition to the great pain there is always the chance of breaking or injuring the leg or ankle.


   Gotch has never permanently injured any man with this hold, although he has caused the member to become very weak, so that in the next fall the opponent would be greatly handicapped.


   There has been some newspaper talk of barring this hold in wrestling, but certainly there is no more reason to bar the toe hold than there is the hammer-lock and other painful holds.


   These toe holds require great study and practice on your part. Work them over again and again and have your opponent place them on you and apply power until you request him to stop.


   The block for all toe holds is to stop your opponent before the hold is fastened on you. The man who is very powerful in the legs and feet need not fear the hold a great deal from the average wrestler, but as most of your opponents will have more or less weakness in the legs and ankles you must perfect yourself in applying these holds, for they will be the means of winning many matches if you follow up professional wrestling.


Plate 137――Gotch With Another Toe Hold.


   This plate illustrates Gotch’s famous toe hold applied by bending the leg upward and forward instead of upward and backward.


   Note the position of Gotch’s left leg. He has the opponent’s right leg between his own legs and is pulling opponent’s lower leg across his own thigh, thus forming a powerful and effective bar. He has grasped the right toe with his right hand and is assisting with his left hand. Study this hold carefully in comparison with Plate 94 in Book V.


   Note carefully that the position of the leg in Plate 137 is very similar to the position of the arm in Plate 94. In fact, you might call this hold the toe-hold-bar-hammer-lock on the leg.


   This is one of the positions in which the opponent is positively helpless and powerless and there is no possible way for him to get out.


   This hold simply means that he must quit and the sooner he quits the less punishment he will have to take, for this is a punishing hold. The slightest twist of the ankle in this position causes great pain and it is far better for him to accept the situation gracefully and roll both shoulders to the mat, and save his strength for the next fall.


   This plate and the one above are exceedingly fine and accurate demonstrations of the world renowned GOTCH TOE HOLD.


Plate 138――Toe Hold From Standing Position.

Plate 138――Toe Hold From Standing Position.



   In this plate you see Frank Gotch applying one of his great toe holds on Oscar Samuelson, the noted wrestler. This is a very different toe hold than any previously described. This toe hold can often be secured from a position like that shown in Plate 120.


   If, when the opponent is thrown to the floor from position 120, he should turn when falling and protect himself with his hands on the mat, then the hold like 138 may probably be worked out.


   This is one of the few toe holds that can be worked from a standing position. You should study the position of Frank Gotch and the opponent with great care and note that the opponent’s right leg is bent sharply at the knee and that Gotch has formed a bar by grasping the ankle and pressing the toe downward and forward. He has opponent’s left leg under his own left arm and his opponent’s right knee firmly in his own crotch, which absolutely prevents any side rolling, head spinning or get-away in any form whatever.


   The simplest beginner or novice can see that Gotch has his man powerless and that he can easily force his shoulder down to the mat.


   This is a tremendous hold and one that I want my students to become thoroughly familiar with.


   I also want my students to clearly understand that I am giving them some of the deepest and classiest wrestling holds that have ever been worked out in the profession, and that if they are thoroughly mastered my students are going to be far superior to the most of the contestants that they will ever meet on the mat.



B Lessons in Wrestling & Physical Culture
 The famous Farmer Burns Mail Order Course
 Scanned direct from a 1912 set of lessons
 Contributed by Mr. Gordon Anderson

H Wrestling―Lesson [



Catch wrestling From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Just as today "tapping out" signifies a concession, back in the heyday of catch wrestling rolling to one's back could also signify defeat. Frank Gotch won many matches by forcing his opponent to roll over onto their back with the threat of his toe-hold.[2]

2.^ Frank Gotch: World's Greatest Wrestler, Publisher: William s Hein & Co (January 1991), ISBN 0899417515






 Directly Gotch was on him, his powerful right hand firmly locked upon the under man’s left toe. Hackenschmidt screamed a couple of times, rolled over on his shoulders, and gave up.

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