1881.3.31 C・ホイッスラー 対 H・M・ダファー

ニューヨーク・タイムズ  April 1, 1881


於 曲がり角会堂



 Clarence Whistler, the Western wonder, and H. M. Dufur, of Marlboro, Mass., wrestled a catch-as-catch-can match with jackets, last night, at Turn Hall, for $250 a side. The affair was one of the best matches ever seen in this City. There was no “hippodroming” about it. About 200 persons witnessed the struggle. Harry Hill was referee, while W. H. Harding, the athlete, acted as umpire for Dufur, and “Johnny” Magillick, a newly arrived Lancashire wrestler, for Whistler. Magillick comes from Holham, Bibby’s native place, and is trying to get on a match with him.


Whistler was in a very bad condition physically, with a boil as large as a chestnut on his forehead, and another like it on his left elbow. He could not conceal the first from his antagonist, but the second was covered by the sleeve of his canvas jacket, and he took care not to tell Dufur that it was there. Dufur is a well-to-do business man, and wrestles for a hobby. He is a crack collar and elbow wrestler, stands 6 feet 1 inch, and weighs 192 pounds. Whistler is a Graeco-Roman wrestler, wrestles for a living, is 5 feet 8 1/2 inches in height, and weighs 170 pounds. He comes from Delhi, Ind., and once worked as a sledge “striker” in an iron works. He is a marvel of muscular development. Pilkington, of the Broadway squad, and another big policeman have stood on his chest while his body was extended between two chairs, his head resting on one and his heels on the other, and in this position Whistler has lifted a 100-pound dumbbell from the floor and over his own head 10 times in succession.


 The Match last night began very promptly, and Harry Hill called time at 8:20 o’clock. The men crept toward each other very warily, but Dufur towered over the other man, and, quick as lightning, pounced for and got a neck-hold of Whistler’s jacket and his left sleeve. There was some slight fencing with feet, and Whistler, who is perfectly “green” as to collar-and-elbow work, tried it once or twice with his feet.


In a twinkling, almost, Dufur backheeled him, putting his shoulders and both hips on the carpet, and won the first fall. By this time the boil on Whistler’s forehead was bleeding freely, but he was as strong as a lion, and in no wise winded. After 15 minutes’ rest time was called for the second bout. Whistler made no effort to prevent Dufur from clutching his collar with both hands, but he crouched low and kept his own hands free. He had had enough of collar and elbow and the tripping style, and was going to depend on his hands. Again Dufur backheeled him, but did not get the fall, and Whistler clutched his body while they were down with such a grip as Dufur never felt before. After a short struggle Dufur got free and leaped away like a cat. The men, on their feet again, closed, and when Dufur tried to use his foot for a grape-vine lock Whistler grasped his right leg and held it off the stage. A brief struggle ended in both men going do. Whistler rolled on his man, and would not let him rise or get away, and after a savage Graeco-Roman effort laid his weight on Dufur’s chest and pumped him down flat on the carpet, winning the fall.


While they were resting Dufur in a dressing-room under the stage said that his right hand had become actually numb from being obliged to hold Whistler’s collar so tight in keeping him away from getting a body hold. The third round lasted five minutes, and was a repetition of the second, excepting that there were two desperate struggles while the men were in a grape-vine lock. At the end of the second lock both men fell all in a heap, and Whistler, having his man down, got a body grip and turned him and pumped him till his shoulders and a hip touched the carpet. Whistler had now won two falls out of three in five and Dufur one fall. Whistler made up his mind that it was best to win the next fall at all hazards, as it would decide the match.


The men came together very warily again. Once Dufer got hold of him, and Whistler threw him off with such force that he almost fell against the flat at the back of the stage. Dufur kept his legs out straight behind him for fear Whistler might grab them. Every time Whistler dropped on his knees, Dufur let go his hold and jumped clear of him like an acrobat. Once however, Whistler, on his knees, got hold of Dufur’s left leg, while the latter held his opponent’s collar with both hands. Dufur was afraid, but quick as lightning, knowing that he could never break Whistler’s cast-iron hold, he pressed his hands on Whistler’s head, and, pushing him backward, stepped over him, dragging him almost on his back.


The manoeuvre was a clever one and almost successful, but Whistler turned as he went over and Dufur dared not tackle him, though he was lying on the floor. After one or two other sharp grape-vine encounters both men fell heavily, driving off the carpet, on to the bare planks of the stage with a perfect crash, Dufur undermost. Whistler had caught his opponent’s leg again, and the fall was plunge. Whistler hung to him like a tiger and got Dufur’s left arm behind his back and was almost turning it out of the socket in the effort to turn him over. The men were so entangled, however, that Whistler’s own body and legs prevented Dufur’s body from turning. Still Whistler wrenched the arm, and Dufur cried out aloud, “Don’t break my arm.” The referee and umpires clustered over the prostrate men, and Dufur was in such pain that he tried to go over on his back to relieve the intense pain in his arm.


Again he cried, “He’s breaking my arm !” and the referee asked, “Do you give up ?” “Yes, yes, I give up,” gasped Dufur, but Whistler’s intensity in the struggle was so great that he did not hear the cry for quarter, and the referee and his umpire had to shake him to make him let go. The referee decided the fall and the match in Whistler’s favor. Dufur went to his dressing-room declaring that his arm was broken, and there was a call for a doctor from the audience, but none responded. A doctor was finally sent for, and he pronounced the arm not broken, but it was so terribly sprained in the biceps and shoulder-joint that it was powerless and caused intense pain. It would certainly have been broken if Dufur had not yielded the victory when he did.



 少しだけ名前の出てくるBibbyビビーはEdwin Bibby、英国出身のレスラーで、後に日本人初のプロレスラー、ソラキチ・マツダとも闘っています。
