1887 キャッチ・アズ・ユー・キャンとルース・レスリング

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Dick’s Art of Wrestling  By William B. Dick
 Kirk LawsonさんがきれいにスキャンしてくれたものをPDFファイルで見ることができます。なお氏は無断の商業利用を戒めています。



 Wrestling is decidedly one of the most ancient of athletic sports, and has doubtless existed ever since man possessed the attributes of muscle and emulation. In the times of Jacob, the first champion wrestler on record, it was probably employed as a natural method of testing physical strength, agility, and endurance, somewhat after the “catch-as-you-can” style; but we know that wrestling was one of the sports adopted by both Romans and Greeks at their periodical public “games,” and that the contestants, even in those early times, were subjected to rules and regulations specially provided for their “agonizing”―as the Greeks termed all physical contests.


 The English, as a nation, have always been fostering patrons of all manly and field sports; and physical superiority and pluck have never lacked the support and encouragement of all classes of society.


 Wrestling has long been a prominent pastime with the hardly, muscular men who dwell in the mountainous region of Cumberland and Westmoreland, in the north of England; and their method, which was codified more than sixty years ago, is still one of the most popular of the present day.


 The more barbarous characteristics of the Cornish style, introducing the hug and kick, finds but little favor outside of Cornwall, where it is practiced by the miners and wreckers; as it is generally deemed more fitting for bears and mules than for athletes.


 In America there appears to be no specific or national style of wrestling, the Cumberland, German, and Graeco-Roman methods being adopted according to circumstances.


 At present, the Graeco-Roman meets with considerable favor, and the Japanese style has also been introduced by a native of Japan, where successful wrestlers receive unmarked public encouragement. This new importation has tended to give special prominence to the “catch-as-you-can” method, in which agility is one of the chief elements of success.


 In the following pages, the different systems at present in vogue in America are referred to in turn, and the various aggressive and defensive positions and movements are described and graphically illustrated.



 「キャッチ・アズ・キャッチ・キャン」“catch-as-catch-can”を、「キャッチ・アズ・ユー・キャン」“catch-as-you-can”ということもあったようです。それに影響を与えたという「日本式」“the Japanese style”とは、日本人初のプロレスラー、ソラキチ・マツダが米国に伝えた相撲のことと思われます。歴史を語るには著者は自分の好みをはっきり出し過ぎのようですが、相撲は気に入ったようです。


 This style of wrestling is general in the greater part of England. The rules of this style of wrestling are restrictive, but not as much as those of the Germans style. At the same time, it should be observed that the principal falls and stops of which a Cumberland man avails himself are available also, on being modified in a suitable manner, to the loose style of wrestling, and some time devoted to the Cumberland style, is therefore not lost, even in the case of those whose predilections lead them to the other style.




In this style of wrestling all modes of attack or of defence are fair with following reservations. It is not allowed to strike or kick; to lay hold of the hair, the flesh, or the clothes; to twist the fingers or arms, or to make use of grasps which are extremely painful or dangerous. With respect to these latter it is the duty of the umpire to interfere, and a wrestler not desisting when warned, should be disqualified.


 A wrestler is thrown if he falls on his back, both shoulders touching the ground. This is the usual rule, but we are inclined to recommend that any man touching the ground with any part of the body except his feet, knees, or hands, should be considered thrown. This restriction would do away with much unseemly pulling about after a man is once on the ground, and in reality at the mercy of his antagonist.



 ここでは“catch-as-you-can”ではなく“catch-as-catch-can”と言っていますが、寝技のある「ランカシャー・スタイル」“Lancashire style”とは違っています。ニュー・ジーランドで行われた「ルース・ノース・カントリー・スタイル」“Loose North Country style”(自由型北国式)もこのようなものだったのでしょうか。
(別ページ「1870-1877 ノース・カントリー・スタイルとキャッチ・アズ・キャッチ・キャン」もお読み下されば幸いです。)
