1890 危険技と禁止技

The Library of Congress 米国議会図書館(LC)
 Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
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Pittsburg dispatch.  February 2, 1890


Wrestling the Best Defense Against
Cowardly Assailants.


The Various Holds Shown by Means of a
Flash-Light and Camera.



 “For self-defense against an assailant who makes his attack in the dark, there is nothing to compare with wrestling.”
 The speaker was a brawny professor of the most exact of athletic sciences.
 “But suppose the assailant uses a pistol or a knife ?” I suggested.


 “I would seize him in such a way as to pinion both hands until he dropped the weapon. I should try to throw him at once. If unarmed, a simple lock would settle the business ; if not, and if he happened to be unusually ugly, I would give him the ‘strangler’s hold,’ which would end him in a twinkling. There would be very little fight left in him after being half choked, you may believe. That is the advantage of wrestling in the dark. It is the highest grade of self-defense. The best evidence of this is that the leading pugilists all learn wrestling nowadays.”


 I had a novel ocular demonstration of the fact that wrestlers can work as scientifically in the dark as in the glare of the footlights yesterday afternoon. With the instantaneous camera and magnesium, light as umpire and referee, Ernest Roeber, the Graeco-Roman champion of New York State, and Jack Carkeek, the champion catch-as-catch-can wrestler, stood stripped to the waist in a darkened parlor on West Twenty-fifth street. Roeber is a Hanoverian, 25 years old and limbed like a Hercules. He weighs 184 pounds, while Carkeek, who is a native of Michigan, 29 years of age and somewhat taller than Roeber, weighs 181 pounds. Both men wore dark trunks. Roeber began wrestling at 15 and has successively encountered Sebastian Miller, the “Strong Man of Munich;” Sorokichi, the “Jap;” “Strangler” Evan Lewis, Greek George and a score of others. Carkeek, who has been 14 years a professional, has competed in over 100 matches here and in England.



 Sufficient light was admitted to permit of poising the camera, after which the room was again obscured in darkness, and the men went to work to illustrate the intricate and dangerous holds, including those that are forbidden by the rules and claimed as “foul.” At the signal the flash-light revealed Roeber fast in the deadly “strangler’s hold,” with Carkeek’s right arm over his neck and his left arm under his throat, the knuckles of both hands being pressed relentlessly on Roeber’s diaphragm, while the latter vainly strained and struggled to escape from the choking embrace.


 A second flash disclosed a variation of the same forbidden hold. Carkeek was on his knees with Roeber’s right arm hugging his neck and his letf encircling the Michigan man’s throat in a vise-like grasp. This is the hold which Evan Lewis introduced and which made him feared by all who met him. Most referees declare it foul, but some are latitudinarian enough to allow wrestlers to use almost any tactics they please, although they are distinctly barred by the rules.


 “This hold,” panted Roeber, as the men paused for breath, “is simply choking a man to death. When I wrestled with Lewis he tried it on me twice. I broke away the first time, but couldn’t wriggle out the second trip. We were wrestling catch-as-catch-can. All the professionals have got the hold now, but they rarely try to use it.



 Again the men set to work in the darkness. A third flash showed Roeber in the throes of the “double-Nelson” lock―a neck-breaking, crushing hold from which there is no escape, unless the victim’s strength is greatly superior to that of his opponent. The “double-Nelson” is used in both Graeco-Roman and catch-as-catch-can wrestling. Carkeek stood immediately behind the Hanoverian with his arms under Roeber’s armpits around the back of his neck and clasped behind the latter’s head, which was forced forward on his breast. Roeber’s arms were apparently powerless in their terrible hold.


 In this hold, which is barred in England and Canada, but allowed here, although many judges consider it an unfair one, as liable to inflict serious injury, the fingers must not be interlocked. Clasping the fingers is barred “foul” at all times, for the double reason that such a clasp cannot be parted and that it enables the owner of the stronger wrist to bend hack and even break the fingers of his rival. The moment such a clasp is observed it is the duty of the referee to award the match to the other man on the “foul.”



 The next rift in the darkness showed a remarkable sight. Roeber was standing on his head, bracing himself on his hands, both feet straight in the air and describing a curve outward to the floor. Carkeek, on his knees, had Roeber’s right arm and neck partly in a “single-Nelson” lock, from which the latter was breaking away. The only way to escape from the “single-Nelson” effectively is by bending down low, jumping on your head and turning a somersault to the floor. This is called “the spin,” and should not be attempted by any man who has not the strongest kind of a neck. Otherwise the chances are even that he will be picked up with a broken neck.


 One of the most dangerous of all holds, “the back heave,” was next illustrated by the athletes in the dark. Carkeek had grasped Roeber by the right arm and shoulder, and with the aid of the “reverse heave”―a combination movement of arm and hip to elevate an opponent, had hoisted him on his back. When the camera caught the pair Carkeek was straining to throw Roeber over his head, but in vain, for the Hanoverian had secured a hold on Carkeek’s left leg with his right foot that effectually stopped the latter’s tactics. A “back heave” at the hands of a strong wrestler would place his rival hors de combat in a twinkling and might disable him.



 “The most effective hold,” said Champion Carkeek. “is the neck lock. In Graeco-Roman wrestling you are not allowed to catch the legs or to clasp hands so as to break fingers. In making the ‘bridge’―that is, arching the back and resting on hands, elbows, head and feet, so as to avoid a fall―the man on top is allowed to press his forearm against the under man’s neck, but he must not press his fingers.”
 “Would not the forearm pressure choke a man as quick as the knuckles?”
 “Yes ; but there’s nothing to prevent the under man from rolling over. The ‘side roll’ is one of the ways of escaping from the bridge. Sebastian Miller is the greatest roller I know.


 “American wrestlers are cleverer than the English now,” Carkeek continued, as he rubbed down his big arms. “The greatest wrestlers to-day are George Stedman, who is the champion of Cumberland and Westmoreland style―better known as the ‘back-hold’ style―and Tom Bragg, the Cornishman. Now we have Lewis, Greek George, Miller and myself, and we have all beaten them at their own game.”



 “Now,” said my chaperon, as we came away, “you have had an illustration of what can be done by skilled wrestlers in a friendly bout in the dark. In an encounter in dead earnest with an assailant they would not be so gentle. I have known a single wrestler to floor five men in as many seconds simply by using ordinary tactics―and they were tough characters, too. Depend upon it they would have stood even a poorer chance in the darkness than in daylight, for while his science never deserts him, they would have fought at random. The man who used up the five ruffians was Matsada Sorakichi, the little Jap.”



※注 “chaperon”は“champion”の誤植かと思いますが、語呂が似ているが故の洒落とも思われます。

 この記事で紹介された「ストラングル・ホールド」(“strangler’s hold”。ただし“stranglehold”、“strangle hold”ないし“strangling hold”と表記されることが多い)のうち、最初のものは今で言う「スリーパー・ホールド」、「絞め殺し」ルイスが得意としたという二番目のものが「フロント・ネック・ロック」に当たるかと思います。首に巻いた方の腕の手でもう一方の腕の肘の内側を掴み、もう一方の手で相手の頭を後ろから押す、というバーン・ガニア流のスリーパー・ホールドは、トム・キャノンが使っていました。記事によれば既に絞め技は禁じ手になっていたようですが、一般ルールとは別に、試合毎に契約で定める条件において特定の技を禁止ないし許容することがありました。「ストラングル・ホールド」の他に、「チョーク」や「スロットル・ホールド」という言い方をする場合もあります。何れも首を絞めて窒息させる技でしょうが、絞め技禁止の試合において顔への「ストラングル・ホールド」(今で言う「フェイス・ロック」でしょうか)でギブ・アップを取った、と書いた記事もあり、微妙に違いはあるようです。

 よろしければこちらのページ「1907 グレコ・ローマンにおける危険技・禁止技」もご覧下さい(フランスの例です)。
