1887 キャッチ・フー・キャッチ・キャン(ランカシャー・スタイル)

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND(ニュージーランド国立図書館)のPAPERSPAST(過去の新聞)というウェブ・サイト

The Hudson-Pearce Wrestling Match.  Wanganui Herald,  13 May 1887

The Hudson-Pearce Wrestling Match.

 From the Hawera Star we take a few particulars of the wrestling match which took place there between Hudson and Pearce on Monday night. The contest commenced with the Cumberland style, Hudson having won the toss. Pearce acted on the defensive, but after a little smart play Hudson had hold of him. Pearce broke away, and when next they got to work Hudson, with wonderful quickness, caught Pearce up and cross buttocked him heavily, thus winning first fall.


The local man looked the worse for this fall, and when he next came in a few minutes later walked a little stiff. Pearce next chose the Graeco-Roman style, in which the men closed quickly, and after one or two attempts on Pearce’s part to throw his opponent, Hudson went down on the floor. There he lay with his legs spread-eagled, and Pearce worked like a Trojan for five or ten minutes trying to turn Hudson over. After many efforts Pearce at last succeeded in getting what is known as claw hammer or full Nelson lock with his arms under Hudson’s, but his hands clasped at the back of Hudson’s neck, “Give in,” said Pearce, “or I’ll break your neck ;” and after one desperate wriggle to try and get free Hudson gave way.


In the American side-hold style, Hudson (having won the toss for choice of hold) curled his right arm around the small of Pearce’s back, and grasped the belt well over his opponent’s right hip. This evidently gave him a great advantage. In fact, it is estimated at almost equal to two to one against the man who has to take upper outside hold. Pearce quickly got a grape vine hold round Hudson’s leg, but Hudson held off, and declined to close. Gradually he worked Pearce round to the front, and then, with surprising quickness, swung him round and cross-buttocked him again, thus giving him two falls to one. Hudson was loudly cheered by all hands.


In the next style―Devon and Cornish, catch who catch can―Pearce made most play, and several times attempted to close. After numerous smart attempts, Pearce chucked Hudson right over his head, but, Hudson falling on his shoulders only, no fall was scored. They were quickly at work again, but this time Pearce succeeded in getting an under hold with both arms round his opponent’s waist, Hudson holding on with a leg hank. Pearce shook the hank free, and, with the advantage of this Cornish hug, he quickly swung Hudson round, and “hyped” him across his (Pearce’s) thigh. The score now stood two falls each.


Great excitement prevailed when the men came out for the final, which was Catch who catch can (Lancashire style). Both men came out evidently determined each to do his best. They played hard and keen, First Hudson was down with his opponent on top of him, vainly trying to turn him over. Then Pearce went down, and Hudson tried a variety of manoenvres to put him on his back. After a lot of interesting, but very tiring work, the two men watching one another like cats, both rose to their feet, Pearce held out his hand, and Hudson, gripping it, swung Pearce round the stage, nearly overbalancing him by the suddenness of the jerk. Hudson was now breathing hard, and the perspiration was running off both. After some running round, Hudson again went down. Pearce went to work like a lion, and ultimately succeeded in forcing his way by sheer strength to a half Nelson hold, and turned his man over with loud applause. Hudson shook hands on rising. The Mayor came forward, and in a neat speech presented the medal.



 レスリングの各スタイルについては、やや時代を下りますが、G・ボスナーの著書「科学的レスリング」“Scientific Wrestling”(1912)にルールが載っています(11から27ページ)。
 こちらのページからKirk LawsonさんがスキャンしてくれたPDFファイルを無料でダウンロードできます。なお氏は無断の商業利用を戒めています。


Amateur Wrestling Collectibles Gallery
   Historic World Champions
 John McMahon(ジョン・マクマホン)という選手のコスチュームがハーネスであろうと思います。



ATHLETIC QUACKS.  NZ Truth , 25 August 1906

WRESTLING.  NZ Truth , 8 September 1906

ATHLETIC.  Star , 29 January 1904
 Tani, the Japanese wrestler, is to come to Australia under engagement to Harry Rickards.

WRESTLING.  Otago Daily Times , 14 July 1885
