1885.12.21 E・ルイス 対 T・キャノン

ニューヨーク・タイムズ  December 23, 1885



 MADISON, Wis., Dec. 22.―A catch-as- catch-can wrestling match between Evan Lewis, the young Welsh champion of Wisconsin, and Tom Cannon, of San Francisco, took place here last night, and was won by Lewis after a severe tussle. In the first bout Lewis gained a neck lock and front crook, with which he brought Cannon to the floor, but it was decided no fall. The second bout lasted four minutes, and was won by Lewis, who got a half-Nelson lock and front crook, bringing Cannon over on his back.


 The third bout was characterized by terrific wrestling. Early in the bout Cannon got a body hold on Lewis and lifted him high in the air and then dashed him into the footlights, coming down on him with the dead weight of his body. Lewis recovered himself with wonderful dexterity, and both men tumbled into the wings of the stage, from which point they retreated slowly to the canvas, where Lewis, from behind, got his right forearm across the windpipe of Cannon, and the latter, to save himself from being choked to death, clapped his hands frantically in the air and gave up. The bout lasted eight minutes, and the winning of it gave Lewis the match. The men appeared very evenly matched, each weighing about 200 pounds.


 「絞め殺し」ルイスが得意とした絞め技(ストラングル・ホールド)を、フロント・ネック・ロック型とする記事を別ページ「1890 危険技と禁止技」ではご紹介しました。

 一本目で用いられたネック・ロック・アンド・フロント・クルック“a neck lock and front crook”がそれなのかもしれませんが、ここではスタンドからグラウンドに持ち込んでピンを狙うために使われているようです。

 対戦相手のトム・キャノンは、大英帝国王者のトム・キャノンでしょう。米国遠征時はサン・フランシスコを本拠としていたのでしょうか。翌々年には豪州で、逆に絞め技を用いてセンセーションを巻き起こしています(別ページ「1887.7.9 T・キャノン 対 H・ダン」でご紹介しています)。
