1899 T・キャノン 対 J・カーキーク

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND(ニュージーランド国立図書館)のPAPERSPAST(過去の新聞)というウェブ・サイト

Great Wrestling Match.  Taranaki Herald, 14 December 1899

Great Wrestling Match.

A great wrestling match, for £50 and the Championship of the World, in the Graeco-Roman style, took place at Hengler’s Circus, Liverpool, a few days ago, in the presence of 5000 spectators, between Tom Cannon, the holder, and John Carkeek, champion of America. Cannon, who is 12 years older than his opponent, has defeated all the leading wrestlers in the Graeco-Roman style. The match was the best of three falls. Cannon won the first in 8min. 48sec., and Carkeek the second in 11 1/2min. In the last fall, Carkeek’s shoulder becoming dislocated in the ‘hammerlock,’ the match was awarded to Cannon.


 Commenting on the growing popularity of this form of wrestling, the Liverpool Post says:―The reason is not far to seek, considering that to an onlooker it is the most refined form of the game yet produced. In saying so it is only fair to the Continental nations among whom is originated, to acknowledge their good taste in producing, whether through renaissance or pure invention, a form of contest which may be witnessed by all classes, like fetes of ancient Greece, with admiration, and without any element of repugnance. It is a sport in which physique and stamina have to be developed to the utmost, until the contest between two first-rate wrestlers becomes a battle of Titans. It is also one of the exigencies which sharpen the wits to a point when one wanting to hold his own against a cunning adversary requires to be planning out his next move while being swung in the air. Even the occasional accidents, which are perhaps inseparable from any violent or rapid exertion have, in the sport in question, been neither numerous nor very alarming ― far less so, indeed, than those arising from reckless bicycling ― though, in the words of Cannon, ‘ forcing a powerful opponent to the ground with a combined momentum of perhaps half a ton isn’t exactly like laying a baby in its cradle ’’


 Australia Trove(豪州の宝庫)

Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW) Saturday 23 December 1899

Wrestling Championship.

 A return match for the wrestling championship of the world (in Graeco-Roman style) and £50 between Tom Cannon, who has held the honor for some years, and Jack Carkeek, the champion of America, took place lately at Hengler’s Circus, before 5000 spectators. At the first match, six weeks previously, Cannon was declared the winner, on Carkeek’s arm becoming dislocated in the last round. Cannon gained the first fall on the present occasion in 8 1/2min, but Carkeek, by superior science, gained the next two falls in 28min and 27min, and was declared the winner amid great excitement.


 G. Leroyさんの下記ウェブ・サイトで、キャノン自身によるハンマーロックの写真を見ることができます。


 ジョン(ジャック)・カーキークは、「ロシアの獅子」ジョージ・ハッケンシュミットが渡英して名を上げるや、日本の谷幸雄と争うように挑戦を表明(「1904.1 谷幸雄がハッケンシュミットに挑戦」)。

 後のハッケンシュミット対フランク・ゴッチ戦では、ゴッチのセコンドを務めました(「1908.4.3 ハッケンシュミット対ゴッチ」)。

 また、「1890 危険技と禁止技」にも登場しています。合わせてお読みいただければ幸甚です。
