“The Game of Ju-jitsu”と日本柔術学校 |
The fighting man of Japan : the training and exercises of the Samurai (1905) http://archive.org/details/fightingmanofjap00norm http://www.archive.org/stream/fightingmanofjap00norm#page/n5/mode/1up この本の初めに日本柔術学校の広告があります。終わりには本の広告もありますが、具体的なことは書いてありません。ただ柔術学校の住所が載っています。 ‥THE‥ JAPANESE SCHOOL OF JU-JITSU. Chief Instructors: MR. MIYAKE AND MR. TANI. Instructors: MR. EIDA AND MR. KANAYA. Assistant Instructors: MESSRS. COLLINGRIDGE, McDONNELL AND HOBDAY. Instructor for Ladies: MISS ROBERTS. The School will be open for lessons from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. According to the hour of the day there will be two or three or four instructors at work. The day is divided into lesson periods. Pupils who desire to do so may book in advance (at the School or by telephone) any particular period with any particular instructor. M. ALLERDALE GRAINGER, Secretary. The Game of Ju-jitsu http://www.scribd.com/doc/88787193/The-Game-of-Jujitsu-Yukio-Tani-Gunji-Koizumi-1906 THE GAME OF JU-JITSU For the Use of Schools and Colleges BY TARO MIYAKE AND YUKIO TANI AND THE INSTRUCTORS OF THE JAPANESE SCHOOL OF JU-JITSU 91 ILLUSTRATIONS DRAWING BY GEORGE MORROW EDITED BY L. F. GIBLIN AND M. A. GRAINGER SECOND EDITION PUBLISHED FOR THE JAPANESE SCHOOL, 305, OXFORD STREET, LONDON BY HAZELL, WATSON AND VINEY, LD. 52, LONG ACRE, LONDON, W.C. 〔All rights reserved〕 … (7ページから) PREFACE … NOTE.―We hope that readers of this book will write and tell us when they find the descriptions wanting in clearness. We shall be very happy to answer questions and to receive suggestions. The subject has been a difficult one to put on paper, and we are much indebted to our colleagues, Messrs. J. Hirano, S. K. Eida, and Shozo Kanaya for help in this task. TARO MIYAKE, YUKIO TANI. THE JAPANESE SCHOOL OF JU-JITSU, 305, OXFORD STREET, W. IN the four months that have elapsed since the publication of the first edition, Ju-jitsu has made visible progress in popularity. Cambridge has, naturally, taken the lead in the recognition of a new and valuable game ; the enthusiasm of the University Ju-jitsu Club has been most gratifying. Charterhouse School, and the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich have both been undergoing instruction, and here and there (at such places as the Staff College and Oxford) and classes have been formed. Last winter, in writing the Preface to this book, we deleted, at the last moment, various paragraphs dealing with the Ju-jitsu game for women―under the impression that feminine ideas were not yet sufficiently advanced to permit interest in any woman’s game involving real physical exertion. We have been agreeably surprised to find that Newnharn College has taken keenly to Ju-jitsu, and Girton (as we understand) is on the point of forming a class for its study. The Admiralty having made a grant for the purpose, the instruction of the Navy in Ju-jitsu began (October 1st) both at the School of Physical Training at Portsmouth and at Whale Island. THE EDITORS. … (84ページから) CHPTER ]W THE JAPANESE SCHOOL OF JU-JITSU. 305, OXFORD STREET, W. Chief Instructors: Mr. MIYAKE, Mr. TANI, and Mr. HIRANO Instructors: Mr. EIDA and Mr. KANAYA Assistant Instructors: Messrs. COLLINGRIDGE, McDONNELL, and HOBDAY Instructor for Ladies: Miss ROBERTS … DEMONSTRATIONS OF JU-JITSU The School has already given a number of private demonstrations at such places as the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, Eton College, Charterhouse, Chelsea Barracks, and at various club reunions, at various social festivities known as “at homes,” and in the open air at garden parties in various parts of the country. We would draw the attention of headmasters and secretaries of clubs and of military and athletic associations to the fact that a demonstration of Ju-jitsu is not only interesting, effective, and highly genteel, but that it can also be counted upon to arouse a certain enthusiasm among spectators. It forms in effect a striking novelty in entertainment. A pamphlet is published by the School giving the demonstration programme with full explanatory notes. A full demonstration will occupy from one hour to an hour and twenty minutes. A floor space of 20 feet by 20 feet is required for the mats. A postcard to the Secretary will procure notice of public demonstrations given by the School. チーフ・インストラクターに平野氏が加わっています。 85ページにある教師陣の集合写真で、中央後方の道着でなくネクタイをしている男性だけ名前がありませんが、柔術学校の幹事(Secretary)で、この本の編者(Editor)でもあるM. Allerdale Graingerだろうと思います。 A Cambridge Alumni Database, University of Cambridge http://venn.lib.cam.ac.uk/Documents/acad/intro.html Grainger, Martin Allerdale. http://venn.lib.cam.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search.pl?sur=&suro=c&fir=&firo=c&cit=&cito=c&c=all&tex=jujitsu&sye=&eye=&col=all&maxcount=50 … Formed and managed: Jujitsu Ltd 1905-6 柔術会社を組織・運営1905-6 Martin Allerdale Grainger From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Allerdale_Grainger ウィキペディアには生没年が(1874−1941)とありますが、ケンブリッジ大学卒業生データベースでは(1875−1973)となっています。父親は豪州の政治家ヘンリー・ウィリアム。子供の頃は豪州で育ちましたが、大学はケンブリッジで1896年卒。カナダの鉱山で働いていましたが、第二次ボーア戦争(1899−1902)に騎兵として従軍。ロンドンで柔術に関わった後、1906年再びカナダへ。その後は主に森林官“Forester”、ジャーナリストとして活動。1908年の小説“Woodsmen of the West”により、作家として知られています。 追記2012.12.2 1908年、ロンドンのアルハンブラ劇場で行われたレスリング・トーナメントに、平野という日本人が出場しており、日本柔術学校の平野と思われます。別ページ「1908 前田光世 対 アブドーラ」に書きました。 メニューページ「柔術の理解者 アラーデイル・グレインジャー親子」へ戻る |