1903.9.3 谷幸雄 対 J・アクトン

 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA(オーストラリア国立図書館)のAustralia Trove(豪州の宝庫)というウェブ・サイト

Examiner (Launceston, Tas.) Wednesday 21 October 1903

 An exciting scene was witnessed when veteran Joe Acton encountered Tani (“The Jap.”) at the Oxford Theatre, London, on September 3. Japanese wrestling is entirely different from the Graeco-Roman and catch-as-catch-can systems. The Jap. aims at keeping on his legs, while at the same time he endeavours to throw his opponent, oftentimes a very hard fall. Tani’s leading characteristics are chipping and tripping, and when he is down he is not down, as it were. His opponent has to be held in a helpless position, which he usually signifies by holding up his hand in token of defeat, either from the arm-hold or the arm-lock.


 Wrestling as practised in Japan is known as “jujitsu” and “judo,” which, being translated, means “fighting to the last.” “Judo” with the jacket is Tani’s favourite style, and he is most dangerous when carpeted, and the fatal arm-lock comes into play. The little Jap. was at his best on the date mentioned, and defeated four men in 12min. Big Victor, a young giant of 17.0 weight, was twice buttocked, and lasted 1min. only.


 Joe Acton followed, and essayed to stand 10min. This was the wrestle of the evening, and considerable excitement prevailed, as Acton had created some excitement on a previous occasion. Acton was cross-buttocked four times―twice thrown by the outside stroke and twice back-heeled. Tani was down once, but quickly up, and got the lock on. Acton broke loose, however, and again the Jap applied the arm-lock, and won in 4 1/2min. The contest was a grand one. Peter Harbon lasted 4 1/4min., and was severely handled. Tani fairly mopped the floor with Peter. John Vergonts, the fourth man, lasted 1 1/2min.


 彼はジム・メラー戦に際して谷のトレーナーを務め、キャッチ・アズ・キャッチ・キャン・スタイルを谷に教えました(「1904.4.18 谷幸雄 対 J・メラー(2)」)。

 谷や三宅太郎達、日本柔術学校教師による演武にも参加しています(「1905. 1.27 チェルシー兵営にて柔術演武」)。

 彼のような著名なレスラーの協力は、柔術の普及に大いに効果があったのではないかと思います。こちらのページ「1881 I・スミス 対 J・アクトン」もご覧下さると幸甚です。
