1905.1 F・ゴッチがまなべに挑戦

Old Fulton NY Post Cards
Historical Newspapers From New York State

Buffalo Courier  Saturday, January 7, 1905


It Transpires That the Jap, Manabe, Fails to Show Any New Tricks to the Champion Wrestler.


Evan Lewis Once Broke Man’s Leg With a Hold the Japs Claim as Belonging to Art of Jiu Jitsu.


 “I will meet this Jap, Manabe, in a room, allow the Buffalo sporting writers to pick out five reputable, neutral citizens to act as judges, and have them allow for my strength. That is, I will not use all my strength against the Jap, and if he beats me, he using Jiu Jitsu, I acknowledge the Japanese art of self-defense and offense to be superior to wrestling.”
 ―Challenge issued by Frank Gotch.


“Jiu Jitsu,” laughed Frank Gotch. “It has no terrors for me. I don’t see why it should be feared by any athlete much less a trained wrestler.”


 “Then that Jap who is visiting Buffalo at present did not scare you,” said a Courier reporter, who found the clever wrestler in his room in Church Street yesterday afternoon.


 “You mean Manabe?” replied Gotch.


 Upon being informed that he was right Gotch added that the Jap, his manager, and another local newspaper man gathered in a room at the Iroquois Hotel, Thursday afternoon, about 5:30 o’clock. Gotch had been told that the Jap, who claims he is an expert at Jiu Jitsu, wished to show some of his tricks to Gotch. It also transpires that Gotch stripped for action and told the Jap to go ahead upon his arrival at the room where the test took place.


 “Were you greatly impressed?” was asked of Gotch.


 “Impressed? I should say not,” said the champion of American wrestlers. “Why that Jap showed me just one new move that I had not learned in wrestling. That was gouging the eye out.”


 “Did he try many others?”


 “All he knew,” said Gotch, “and I thwarted him so easily and made him look so foolish that for a time his manager, G. Willoughby, became quite angry. However, we parted good friends.



 “If the art of Jiu Jitsu is known to Manabe, as he claims it is, then it is nothing new to me or to other wrestlers. Why, Evan Lewis, the ‘strangler’, broke a man’s leg in a match ten years ago with a leg hold which Manabe showed me and which the Jap declared was one of the tricks of Jiu Jitsu. There are about seven in all. One is to grasp a man on each side of his collar. The Jap tried it on me and it failed to affect my breathing. Then he squeezed harder and my shirt tore.”


 “Shirt not strong enough,” said the Jap.


 “What good is the art of Jiu Jitsu then if a man does not wear shirts with strong collars?”


 “Then,” broke in Gotch, “he showed me the arm twist. You see the aggressor will have to use both his hands to twist your arm. Your other one is free. What’s to prevent you from swinging on a man’s jaw?


 “I told the Jap this. He said, ‘You too big.’


 “Yes, I said,” went on Gotch, “but you claim that a Jiu Jitsu artist can overcome a big man. Then the manager got ‘sore’ again. Then the Jap put his knee in my back. He claims there is a vunerable (※vulnerableの誤植か) spot there. In addition he placed his arms around my neck. ‘That a great hold,’ he said.”



 “What’s the matter with my turning around and grasping you around the neck, I said to the Jap.


 “And this proved to be an easy way out of that hold.


 “I say to learn Jiu Jitsu you have got to learn wrestling. After the Jap got through I told him this and he admitted that to know Jiu Jitsu you have got to know wrestling.”


 “How about that ‘pressing of thumbs’ trick’ on your throat?” was asked.


 “Same effect as a strangle hold would have on a man in a wrestling match,” said Gotch. “Why every Jiu Jitsu trick this Jap Manabe showed me, with the exception of the eye gouging one, is known to me. He claims he showed me about all the moves in the art and that he is an expert at it. Well if that is so then there is not much to the art.


 “Of course,” said Gotch, “if a Jap got me tied up on the floor he might then put some of his holds on me and do some damage. But as I said above what would I be doing all this time? What would anyone be doing while the Jap is going after these holds?


 “No,” added Gotch, “I cannot say that Jiu Jitsu has impressed me to any great extent.”


 “What other move did the Jap make in addition to those you have cited?”



 “Once he dived at my legs. ‘That’s one you don’t know,’ Willoughby, the manager, cried triumphantly.


 “If you had been up to the last wrestling when I tackled Parr, I interposed, you would have seen that trick worked. That occurs in nearly every wrestling match.


 “It was the same with the other tricks that he showed me,” Gotch added, “I knew them all.”


 The Jap Manabe is a well-built little athlete according to Gotch. He may know the art of Jiu Jitsu, but whether he does not nor Gotch gives him credit for being a wiry little athlete. He weighs less than 130 pounds and is very quick.


 Tonight, at the University Club, the Jap is slated to give an exhibition of some of the moves in the art of Jiu Jitsu. Who the victim will be it is not known. Wednesday night he will take in the wrestling match at Concert Hall.


 It is to be hoped that he will accept Gotch’s challenge. This would give those interested a chance to see what there is to this art of Japanese offense and defense.



Niagara Falls Gazette  Friday, January 13, 1905
(左から3列目、“Sporting News”という見出しのすぐ下。)


 There undoubtedly will be a large gathering of members of the Niagara Club tomorrow night, the members of the entertainment committee having arranged an entertainment out of the ordinary. Cards have been issued to the effect that Enow Manabe of Waseda University, Japan, and his manager, C. Willoughby, will give an exhibition of jiu jitsu, the Japanese gentleman’s art of self defense. Considerable has been printed recently of this gentle art of the Lotus Kingdom and as a result the feature arranged by the entertainment committee of the club is looked forward to with more than ordinary interest.


