1898.3.26 ユーソフ 対 E・ローバー(1)

The New York Times  March 27, 1898
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“The Terrible Turk,” Angered by the German-American’s Tactics, Pushed Him from the Platform.


Chief of Police McCullagh and a Cordon of Officers Necessary to Get the Big Wrestler Safely to His Dressing Room in Madison Square Garden.


 The much-heralded wrestling match between Ernest Roeber and Yousouf at Madison Square Garden last night, which it was claimed would restore wrestling to its former high favor with the sporting public, ended in a fizzle, and almost resulted in a riot.


 The trouble was caused by the fact that Yousouf, who is known as the “Terrible Turk,” almost frenzied, with anger at being unable to get his opponent to come on the mat and wrestle, gave him a push which sent Roeber flying off the stage to the ground, five feet below. Roeber was unconscious for a few minutes, but was finally revived, and it was discovered upon an examination that he was unable to continue, and the referee, Hugh Leonard, awarded the match to Roeber on a foul.


 When the spectators saw Roeber dive head first from the platform and land on his shoulder on the ground they thought at first that he had been killed, and in spite of the policemen who held the main body of the crowd back many rushed menacingly toward the platform.


 There were cries from all parts of the big Garden of “Kill the Turk!” “Lynch him!” but the big wrestler at whom the threats were directed did not understand or else was too angered to notice them, for he stamped about on the mat and indicated in pantomime to the crowd that the fault was not his, but Roeber’s, who would not take his place on the mat, but kept running around on the board circle outside the platform.


 Chief of Police McCullagh quickly gathered his men around the platform, for it was evident that if the crowd laid hands on the Turk they would deal roughly with him. The spectaors kept up a continuous howl, and in the midst of the confusion a cordon of policemen formed around Yousouf and escorted him to his dressing room.


 Roeber meantime was being cared for by a couple of physicians, and when it was found that the muscles of his back were injured and the fact was announced from the platform, the crowd again yelled and threatened to harm the Turk. The referee awarded the match to Roeber on a foul, and Manager William Brady announced that in order that the public might not be disappointed in seeing the Turk wrestle, Tom Cannon had been secured to give an exhibition with Yousouf. Chief McCullagh, however, saw that the feeling against the big wrestler was too high and refused to allow him to appear. There was considerable grumbling, but the doors were thrown open and the crowd dispersed, while Roeber was taken to his dressing room.


 The crowd that turned out to see the match filled every available seat in the Garden and took up in standing room the greater part of the big arena. There were several preliminary bouts, but the crowd was impatient for the main event of the evening. Many of spectators were women, and they seemed to be as eager as the men to witness the struggle.


 Yousouf, wearing an overcoat over his trunks, and a big plaid turban, was the first to step upon the platform, and Roeber followed him shortly. The referee explained to the men that no hold was to be barred, and that unless a fall was made on the mat it would not count. The announcement was made that the match was for $500 a side and 50 per cent. of the gate receipts, and that the American rules of Graeco-Roman style, the best two out of three falls, would govern the contest.


 The big platform, open on all sides, and in the centre of which was the canvas mat, was cleared, and after shaking hands the men crouched into position. The Turk, who towered fully six inches above Roeber, looked like a giant compared with the German-American, and as he took his place on the canvas it was apparent that if main strength would win, the contest was his. Big bunches of muscles stood out prominently on his back, and at the ends of his long and somewhat sinewy arms a pair of massive hands opened and closed nervously.


Tantalized by Roeber.

 Roeber, compactly built and more agile than his opponent, stepped on the mat, but was off again in a second, and danced around in a tantalizing manner on the board strip outside on the mat. If the Turk scored a fall there it would not count, and this fact angered him, for, after waiting for a short time for Roeber to step on the mat, he bent outside of the mat line and covered Roeber’s head with both hands.


 This was not to the latter’s liking and he wriggled away. But the Turk would not be thwarted. He seemed suddenly maddened when he reached the Fourth Avenue side of the platform, and gave Roeber a sudden push which sent him off the platform. He was still angry, for he jumped back on the mat and danced about in rage like a caged animal until the policeman escorted him out to his dressing room.


 The preliminary bouts were interesting. One of the collar-and-elbow style between William Johnson, the champion middle-weight of America, and Harry Reed of Connecticut was won by Johnson, he making the first and third falls.


 A catch-as-catch-can affair between Leo Pardell of Chicago and Frank Idone was stubbornly contested, and was won by the former. In his first throw he secured a foothold combined with a half-nelson on his opponent and floored him neatly. Idone secured the second fall. He made a bridge of Pardell’s body, and then with a “further arm-and-leg” hold turned him until he was flat. Pardell, however, got a body lift on Idone in the next engagement, and tossed him high in the air. The wrestler landed on his hands, but a moment later he was caught with a hip lock and then a half-nelson, which sent him prone.


The Library of Congress 米国議会図書館(LC)
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

The Salt Lake herald  March 27, 1898


Roeber Given the Decision In Graeco-Roman Match.



Fifteen Thousand People at Madison Square Garden at the Wrestling Contests―Our Bob Thompson Defeated William Hester―Oxford Defeated Cambridge.


 New York, March 26.―Fifteen thousand people crowded into Madison Square Garden tonight to witness the Graeco-Roman wrestling match between Yousouf, the Turk, and Ernest Roeber, the world’s champion.


 Bob Fitzsimmons was warmly received when he walked into the building.


 The first pair in the wrestling contests went in at 9 o’clock. They were William Johnson, champion collar and elbow wrestler of America, and Harry Reed of Connecticut. Johnson won the first fall in two minutes. Reed won the second in two minutes, 25 seconds, and Johnson won the third and the match in two minutes and five seconds.


 Frank Idore of New York and Leon Pardell of Chicago were the next. Pardell scored the first fall in three minutes, 45 seconds, and Idore got the second in five minutes and five seconds. Pardell won the third and the match in four minutes, 10 seconds.



 At 9:30 o’clock Yousouf got on the platform and had a rousing reception. A few minutes later, Roeber climbed upon the stage. His welcome was deafening. Yousouf was the favorite in the betting. Hugh Leonard was chosen referee. Bob Fitzsimmons held the watch for Roeber, and “Honest John Kelley” for Yousouf.


 When the men stepped into the ring, it was seen that the Turk was at least five inches taller than his adversary, and fully 50 pounds heavier. When time was called, both men stepped to the center of the mat, and Yousouf was the first to get his hands on. Roeber kept sprinting away from the big fellow, and finally took up a position near the edge of the platform. Yousouf reached and pushed his opponent clear off the stage.


 Martin Julian sprang upon the platform and claimed the match for Roeber on a foul, which Leonard allowed. Time―one minute 15 seconds.



 One of Yousous friends then made the announcement that Yousouf desired to give the fall to Roeber and to go on again in one hour, also taking the loser’s end of the money, whether he won or not.


 At five minutes after 10 the announcement was made that the referee had gone with physicians to ascertain if Roeber was able to go another bout.


 The contestants following were Jerry Runkl of New York and Louis Skato ot Japan. Runkl won the first fall in four minutes, 15 seconds. After this fall, the announcer said that doctors who examined Roeber had declared him to be in unfit condition to go back on the mat, and that the referee had decided to finally award the match to Roeber, as it was evident to him that the Turk had deliberately fouled his opponent.



 This announcement was followed with mingled hisses and cheers, but the former predominated.


 The bout between Runkl and the Jap was then resumed, and Runkl won in short order.


 W. A. Brady then announced that Yousouf would give an exhibition with Tom Cannon, one of his trainers. Chief McCullogh, who was at the side of the stage, refused to permit the Turk to appear again, and 15,000 men filed out of the garden, very much disgusted.


 It was announced tonight that Evan Lewis had challenged either man for a side bet of $1,500, and it is possible that the Turk will take him up.


 前座試合に出場した日本人は“Louis Skato”と表記されていますが、1905年2月27日、ソルト・レイク・シティで、レスラーのエディ・ロビンソンと対戦した日本人柔術家“S. Mookayama”(もーかやま?)のマネージャーが“Louis A. Sato”(ルイ・A・さとう)という名前で、同一人物かと思います。フランス風のファースト・ネームを名乗っているので、あるいはユーソフと共にパリ経由で渡米したのかもしれません。
 この時期、ニューヨークでは他に“Takezwa”(たけざわ)という日本人も試合をしています(別ページ「1898.8.25 タケザワ 対ヘラクリデス」で記事を紹介しています)。


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