1886.1.28、2.15 E・ルイス 対 松田そら吉

The New York Times January 29, 1886
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 CHICAGO, Jan. 28.―An exciting contest with incidents bordering on the sensational was witnessed by a large audience at Central Music Hall, in the wrestling match between Matsada Sorakichi, the Japanese athlete, and Evan Lewis, of Madison, Wis. The terms were $250 a side and 75 per cent. of the gate receipts to the winner ; best three in five falls ; catch-as-catch-can. Frank Glover, the pugilist, acted as referee. Sorakichi was hardly a match for Lewis in point of strength, but as to quickness and agility there could be no choice, and in skill the Jap was a trifle the superior man. The first fall was won by Lewis in exactly two minutes and a half. There had been a couple of moments’ preliminary skirmish in which Sorakichi appeared to decided advantage. With a rush Lewis secured a hold on his opponent’s legs, and lifting him high in the air, threw him squarely on his back. In the second bout Lewis got a terrific neck hold on the Jap and was choking him with a deathlike grip when the referee interfered. A moment later Sorakichi, with a sudden jerk, pitched Lewis headforemost off the stage. The Jap profusely apologized and Lewis and he shook hands.


 Again the wrestlers grasped each others shoulders. Quick as a flash the form of Sorakichi went straight over the footlights and sprawling below on the reporters’ chairs. The referee, without hesitation, declared this action by Lewis willful, and gave the fall to Sorakichi. Both wrestlers eyed each other wickedly, and in the third bout Lewis succeeded in getting his favorite neck hold and pressing the Jap’s neck till he was too feeble to resist. Sorakichi at once declined to wrestle the remaining bouts, declaring the choke process unfair. Lewis offered to leave it out, but the Jap feared to trust the Wisconsin man, and firmly refused to proceed. At 9:45 P. M. Lewis was declared the winner.



Old Fulton NY Post Cards
Historical Newspapers From New York State

New York Herald, Tuesday, February 16, 1886



 CHICAGO, Feb. 15, 1886.―Fully three thousand five hundred people assembled at Central Music Hall tonight to witness the second catch-and-catch wrestling match between Matzada Sorakichi, the noted Japanese wrestler, and Evan Lewis, appropriately named “The Strangler.” In this match Lewis’ favorite hold, the strangling lock, was barred. At five minutes to nine Charles E. Davis, who brought about the match and managed the entertainment, introduced the principals. Mr. Harry Palmer was chosen referee, and at three minutes to nine the men shook hands for the first bout. After a couple of unsuccessful manoeuvres on both sides Lewis got the Japanese on his stomach, and placing his knee on the calf of the Jap’s leg seized his foot with both hands and began bending the foot in such a manner as to wrench the ankle out of the socket. A shout of indignation rose from the crowd at this inhuman treatment, and cries of “Hang the scoundrel !” “Pitch him in the lake !” “Kill the big coward !” &c., arose from the audience. The Jap, compelled by the pain to give in, was turned over on his back and lay there unable to rise to his feet, and was carried off the stage in the arms of his trainer, Edwin Bibby.


 Lewis stood apparently taken a back by the tumult he had occassioned, while loud cries of “Shame !” and “Foul !” rose on every hand. Mr. Palmer, the referee, announced that he could do nothing but award the match to “The Strangler ; ” but it is safe to say that Evan Lewis will never draw another crowd in Chicago. He appears to have no science, and relied solely upon his superior weight and brute force to carry his point. The “Jap’s” ankle was found to be dislocated and he was carried to a carriage after the doctors had dressed his leg.




The Library of Congress 米国議会図書館(LC)
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

The Abbeville messenger,  April 06, 1886


Scenes at the Wrestling Match when the Wisconsin Man Tried to Break the Jap’s Leg.
From the Chicago Times, Feb, 16.

 Never before in the history of the Central Music Hall was that building so jammed with squeezed humanity as last night. The occasion was the wrestling match, at catch-as-catch-can, between Matsada Sorakichi, the Jap, and Evan Lewis, the Wisconsin strangler, who some three weeks ago defeated his foreign antagonist. No less than 3,500 people were present, but none of them were prepared for the inhuman, brutal, butcher-like exhibition to which they were treated. In the last match between the two wrestlers, Lewis almost choked the Jap to death, and because of this brutality another match, the one of last night, was arranged under the patronage of Parson Davies. The neck or strangle hold, was barred, but that was all.


 At about 9 o’clock the wrestlers made their appearance, both stripping well and looking the pink of condition. Lewis appeared strong and muscular, while the Jap seemed lithe, agile and shrewd―and too, for that matter, he is as strong a man as the Badgerite. H. C. Palmer, the referee, after announcing the rules, called time, and the contestants sprang toward each other. A hold, a break, and a short lock characterized the work for the first five seconds, when the Jap rushed his man to the edge of the stage. A second more and Lewis had recovered and was clasped in the close embrace of the brown-skinned foreigner. For a brief period, they struggled, when the Jap threw himself prone upon his stomach, a position often assumed when a wrestler is fatigued or desires to tire his opponent. In fact, it is a position of advantage, in a certain sense. Immediately Lewis saw his opponent in his lying position, he pounced upon him, and then began and finished the most brutal, inhuman exhibition ever seen by a Chicago gathering, not excepting a prize butchering contest.


 Kneeling down over the prostrate form of the Jap, the strangler deliberately planned the maiming of his antagonist’s limbs. Catching the Jap’s left leg at the ankle, he pulled it toward him, and with both hands pressed it over his (Lewis’s) left leg, between the knee and thigh. At first it was thought that the American intended to halfway turn his man, but soon his methods were understood. He intended and endeavored in a most cool, deliberate, and brutal manner to break Matsada Sorakichi’s leg. That he did not do it is owing to the cries of “Shame !” “Coward !” “Brute !” “Devil !” which resounded throughout the hall when his intention was understood. The referee, somewhat dilatory, sprang toward the wrestlers and demanded a cessation. Like a snake slowly gorging itself, Lewis released his hold on the foreigner’s leg, and the latter with a groan rolled over on his hack. Lewis arose with a smile of triumph on his face, but when his eyes met those of the spectators, he looked at the padded floor and seemed ashamed of himself. The poor Jap endeavored to rise unassisted, but the all but broken limb refused to support him, and he pitched forward on his face. His seconds rushed to his assistance and dragged him to a chair, where he went off into a faint. Water was thrown in his face, and he opened his eyes and asked to be taken to his hotel. William Lakeman, the master of ceremonies, rushed to the edge of the stage and called loudly for a surgeon, and when two of them mounted the platform the injured man was carried below to his dressing room. An examination revealed the fact that while the leg was not broken, it was strained and twisted so brutally that in effect it is much worse than a break.


 While all this was going on the stage the spectators were greatly excited over matters among themselves. A well-built, handsome gentleman, well-dressed and intelligent looking, suddenly rose up with face as white as snow, and remarking, “Eddie, I must go,” stepped into the main aisle. He fell in a faint, and was carried to the ante-room. There on the floor and sofa were three men lying insensible, their friends throwing water in their faces and bathing them. In the upper gallery a similar scene was being enacted, some four or five men having toppled over at the brutal sight.


LAND & WATER.  Otago Witness, 17 April 1886

 The catch-as-catch-can wrestling match between Matsada Sorakichi, the Japanese, and Evan Lewis, appropriately named “The Strangler,” took place at Central Music Hall, Chicago (Ill.), on February 15. The hall was crowded, and when the wrestlers faced each other for the first bout 3000 people cheered them. After a couple of unsuccessful manoeuvres on both sides, Lewis got the Japanese on his stomach, and placing his knee on the calf of the Jap.’s leg seized his foot with both hands and began bending the foot in such a manner as to wrench the ankle out of the socket. A shout of indignation rose from the crowd at this inhuman treatment. The Jap., compelled by the pain to give in, was turned over on his back, and lay there unable to rise to his feet, and was carried off the stage in the arms of his trainer, Edwin Bibby. The referee (Mr Palmer) awarded the match to Lewis. Lewis appears to have no science, and relies solely on his superior weight and brute force to carry his point. Though no bone is fractured, one of the chords of the Jap.’s leg is broken, and all the muscles are so strained and twisted that Sorakichi is more badly hurt than if the limb had been actually broken. He will not be able to use the limb for some weeks.


 Evan Lewis, who in the match with Matsada Sorakichi, at Chicago, disabled the Japanese wrestler, appeared on February 23 at the Olympic Theatre, Chicago, in an exhibition wrestling match with Edwin Bibby. The immense audience greeted the introduction of Lewis with groans and hisses, calling on Bibby to “break his leg.” Lewis bore the hissing calmly. When he threw Bibby the hissing was renewed. After the performance Lewis said to Charles E. Davis that time would change public opinion, and that lowers of sport would at least give him credit for being honest in his matches and doing his utmost to win in accordance with the rules under which he was contesting.
