1913 E・J・ハリソン「日本の闘魂」(T・フィッシャー・アンウィン)



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Title: The Fighting Spirit of Japan

Author: Harrison, E. J. (Ernest John)

Published: 1955

Publisher: W.Foulsham & Co. Ltd.










When I asked Mr. Yokoyama to tell me something about his strenuous youth he readily complied. On the day appointed he took dinner with me at my residence in Kojimachi, Tokyo, and then over the post-prandial whisky and cigarettes promptly fell into reminiscent mood to which he gave verbal expression.





In the old feudal days,” he began, “jujutsu was divided into many schools. I commenced my study of the art from boyhood under a master of the Tenjin[→Tenshin] Yoshin-ryu. In those days contests were extremely rough[,] and not infrequently cost the participants their lives. Thus, whenever I sallied forth to take part in one of these affairs I invariably bade farewell to my parents, since I had no assurance that I should ever return alive. Competitions were of such a drastic[→strenuous] nature that few tricks were barred[,] and we did not hesitate to have recourse to the most dangerous methods in order to overcome an opponent. I have had experiences of this kind without number. Since then the more dangerous tricks have been eliminated from these encounters to avoid serious consequences, and this circumstance, I think, accounts for the growing popularity of the art.




When I was about twenty-three years old I had a contest with Mr. Samura Masahara, of the Takeuchi School[→school]. The scene was the dojo of the Metropolitan Police Bureau[,] and I was fortunate enough to gain the victory. Some time afterwards[→after,] I had a contest in the same dojo with Mr. Nakamura Haruze, of the Ryo Shinto School[→school]. Mr. Nakamura was then in the prime of manhood[,] and enjoyed the reputation of being the strongest representative of jujutsu in the country. Our bout lasted fifty-five minutes—the longest time recorded in matches of this kind—and had not then been decided in favour of either of us. Fearing lest a continuation of the struggle should result in fatal injury to one or both of us—for we were prepared to go the limit—Mr. Mishima Tsuyo, then Chief of the Metropolitan Police, stepped forward and ordered the suspension of the match. The above-mentioned masters are the most formidable I have ever met in my life. For the most part the matches in which I have wrestled have terminated in my favour after two or three minutes. About that time a list of jujutsu masters was published[,] in which Mr. Nakamura appeared as the champion of the East and I as champion of the West.




From 1890 the taste for jujutsu began to decline[,] and the various ryugi (schools)[(schools)なし] lost their pupils,[「,」→「;」] but with the foundation of the Kodokan[→Kodo-kwan] the tide again turned[,] and no pains are spared nowadays to produce competent teachers. The art is taught at all the high schools and to military and naval officers. The pupils of the Kodokan[→Kodo-kwan] number about 13,000[→thirteen thousand], of whom[→which] the proportion of yudansha[,] who are allowed to wear black belts as a sign of efficiency[,] is about 1,200. The seventh-grade[「-」なし] (shichidan) is now the highest conferred at the Kodokan[→Kodo-kwan,] and has so far been obtained by only two men,[「,」→「―」] viz.[「.」→「.,」] Mr. Yamashita and myself. The sixth-grade[「-」なし] (rokudan) is held by three men, Mr. Isogai, Mr. Nagaoka[,] and Mr. Iizuka[→Iidzuka]. There are six persons holding the fifth-grade [「-」なし](godan)[,] and about thirty the fourth (yodan). It may be interesting to note[→mention] that Commander Hirose, who lost his life in the attempt to block the entrance to Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese war[→War], held the fourth-grade[「-」なし][,] and was posthumously raised to the sixth-grade[「-」なし] by Dr.[→Mr.] Kano. The third-grade[「-」なし] (sandan) comprises about 120 names; the second (nidan) about 300,[「,」→「;」] and the lowest of the yudansha grades[,] known as shodan[,] are correspondingly numerous. There are some well-known masters outside the Kodokan[→Kodo-kwan] School[→school][,] of whom Mr. Imai[,] of Okayama[,] who in point of skill is equal to our fifth-grade[「-」なし], Mr. Tanabe, also of Okayama, and Mr. Yamamoto[,] of Chiba, both of whom may be classed as fourth-grade[「-」なし], deserve special notice. The yudansha of the Kodokan[→Kodo-kwan] are scattered all over the provinces[,] where they are striving to popularize the art. Some of them have gone abroad and are winning a high reputation in foreign lands.










[ ]1913年版との異同を示しています。例えば[,]は、1913年版にはその位置にカンマ(読点)が加わる、という意味です。[ なし]1955年版にあって1913年版にはないもの、[→ ]は置き換えを表しています。参照した1913年版の書誌は次の通りです。なお、1912年にニューヨークでも出版されたそうです。


The Fighting Spirit of Japan and Other Studies. (1913). London: T. Fisher Unwin



Ernest John Harrison

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia








Author’s Acknowledgements

Author’s Foreword

i          Introductory

ii         Physical Culture in General

iii        History and Rationale of Judo

iv        Judo in Action

v         Strangulation Extraordinary

vi        A Champion’s Reminiscences

vii       Karate and Aikido

viii       Post-War Expansion of Judo

ix        Fencing, Wrestling and Sword Dancing

x         The Esoteric Aspects of Bujutsu

xi        The Esoteric Aspects of Bujutsu—concluded

xii        Practice after Precept

xiii       More about Kiai

xiv       The Zen Cult in Japan

xv       The Japanese Equivalent of the Yogi

xvi       The Cult of Cold Steel

xvii      The Art of Ninsō or Physiognomy

xviii     The Sock and Buskin

xix       The Japanese Eternal Feminine

xx       “The Nightless City”

xxi       Postscript





1.        The late Dr. Jigoro Kano, Founder of The Kodokan

2.        Japanese Archer Mounted. Feudal Period

3.        The late Shuichi Nagaoka, 10th Dan

4.        Kyuzo Mifune when 5th Dan

5.        The Butokukai, Kyoto

6.        Three Famous Fencing Masters

7.        The late Sakujiro Yokoyama when Director of The Kodokan

8.        Kunimiya and Umegatani about to close. Umpire in the background

9.        Portrait of the Author showing Pectoral and Abdominal Muscles due to Judo Practice

10.      The late Nobuyuki Kunishige

11.      Swords formerly belonging to Yoritomo (1147-1199). Founder of the Shogunate

12.      Seki’s Residence in Shiba, Tokyo

13.      The Author Writing the Figure “One” in Japanese for Seki’s Examination

14.      The “” Dance styled “Mori Hisa

15.      A Girl “” Dancer

16.      Hosho Shin impersonating “Benkei

17.      Scene from “Sakura-Shigure

18.      Japanese Girl Playing the Gekkin

19.      The Japanese Bow

20.      Japanese Girl in Outdoor Costume








i          Introductory

ii         Physical Culture in General

iii        History and Rationale of Judo

iv        In the Dojo

v         Strangulation Extraordinary

vi        A Champion’s Reminiscences

vii       Fencing, Wrestling, and Sword-Dancing

viii       The Esoteric Aspects of Bujutsu

ix        The Esoteric Aspects of Bujutsu (concluded)

x         Practice after Precept

xi        More about Kiai

xii        The Zen Cult in Japan

xiii       The Japanese Equivalent of the Yogi

xiv       Some Superstitions and Occult Practices

xv       The Art of Ninso or Physiognomy

xvi       The Cult of Cold Steel

xvii      The Sock and Buskin

xviii     The Japanese Thespian up to Date

xix       The Japanese Eternal Feminine





Dr. Kano

Japanese Archer Mounted (Feudal Period)

Mr. Weed, of Keio University

Mr. Hide Kazu Nagaoka

The Kodo-Kwan, Tokyo

Mr. Mifune

Mr. Toku

The Butoku-Den, Kyoto

Mr. Mayeda

Mr. Yokoyama

Three Famous Fencing Masters

A Bout of Kenjutsu

Aioi, a Champion Wrestler

Umegatani, a Champion Wrestler

Kunimiya and Umegatani about to close

Kunimiya wrestling with Kobitachi

Portrait of the Author

Mr. Kunishige

Seki’s Residence in Shiba, Tokyo

Seki examining a Client

The Author Writing the Figure “One” in Japanese for Seki’s Examination

Seki examining the Author

Samurai in Armour

Swords formerly belonging to Yoritomo

No Dance, styled Mori Hisa

A Girl No Dancer

The Imperial Theatre : Proscenium Front

Mr. Hosho Shin impersonating “Benkei

Scene from “Sakura-Shigure

Scene from “Toyotomo Ten-Shu-Ni”

Japanese Girl Playing the Gekkin

The Japanese Bow

Japanese Ladies and Child showing Shimada Style of Coiffure

Japanese Girl in Out-Door Costume



