レスリング・トラスト 米国プロレス裏面史

  ① 1910 フランク・ゴッチの君臨




Missouri Valley times. (Missouri Valley, Iowa),  June 23, 1910, Page 3




St. Louis Writer Finds Good Reasons for Suspecting That All Is Not Right.




 Whether the wrestling game is above suspicion is a question that has arisen in connection with the rapid rise of the sport. Frequently it has been intimated that there was a “wrestling trust.” That the rumor is not unfounded is evidenced by the following from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:




 Imagine a “wrestling trust!” One finds some difficulty trusting most wrestlers. But there exists a syndicate that has reached out and, in one way or another, obtained control of all the wrestlers of consequence in the country. And of some not so fortunate.




 Now this may be a good thing for the wrestler―it insures him regular employment at a fixed salary and enables him to earn a living without Ernest-Roeborizing the whole sport or giving it a most dissolute appearance to the public.




 But it is awfully rough on the sport lovers, as St. Louis must be realizing from the dearth of good shows of the mat variety held in St. Louis.




No Real Contest.



 The recent Zbyszko-Olson contest was the first in which out-of-town wrestlers of note have competed here since the “trust” introduced its own show, right under the noses of local promoters. That was when Gotch and company appeared with Jeffries and his combination, last Christmas.




 Now nobody for a moment thinks that either the exhibitions given by Gotch and his troupe or that by Olson and Zbyszko had any of the savor of a real contest. So we haven't really been permitted to get a match here with red corpuscles in it since the old days when Charles Haughton was on earth. Nor is there much likelihood that we will ever be able to see a good show unless the heads of the "trust" see fit to come into town and stage one here on their own account.




Et Tu, Frank Gotch!



 For today the syndicate of men headed by George Kennedy and Joe Coffey, of Chicago, has virtually control of the services of every American wrestler; and it has a pretty good understanding with Frank Gotch.




 If you think this is drawing it too strong here is a bona fide reply, in part, written by Kennedy to a St. Louis man who has since offered as high as $12,000 to bring a certain match here:




 "Here are the men I can get for your show, who are not hooked up with other dates now: Eugene Trembly, Canada, 135 pounds; Yussif Mahmout, 200 pounds; Stanislaus Zbyszko, 235 pounds; Jim Essen, 225 pounds; Raoul de Rouen, 230 pounds; Charles Cutler, 220 pounds; Pat Connolly, 198 pounds: Con Kelley, 212 pounds. * * * I will put on Mahmout for 50 per cent of the gross receipts, transportation and a guarantee that the wrestlers themselves get not less than $250 for their share.”


 「此処にあるのはわたしがあなたの興行の為に手に入れられる、現在他の約束に縛られていない所の、男達である。カナダの、ユージン・トレンブリー、135ポンド。 ユシフ・マハムート、200ポンド。 スタニスラウス・ズビスコ、235ポンド。ジム・エッソン、225ポンド。ラウル・ド・ルーアン、230ポンド。チャールズ・カトラー、220ポンド。パット・コノリー、198ポンド。コン・ケネリー、212ポンド。…わたしは総入場料収入の50パーセント、旅費とレスラー達自身が彼等の分け前として少なくとも250ドルを得る保証と引き替えにマハムートを出場させよう。」


 Modest One.



 How could you take it for so little! And he'll do just as nicely for any of the other wrestlers, won't you. Fifty per cent guarantee and let the St. Louis man carry the bag for all the expenses. Great! Gotch is a little better―it's 60 per cent if you'd like him. Within the last year promoters have several times tried to bring prominent wrestlers here. But the wires could not be pulled so that the shows could be made to break even.




Possibility for Evil.



 Darker practices than mere control on the wrestler's time and dates are hinted at by the enemies of the trust. If the trust is nursing a prospective big match, we are told, through wire pulling it prevents the affair reaching an ante-climax such as might happen by having the wrestling gentleman being groomed for the the championship occasion beaten before he meets Gotch. All wrestlers are "pointed" by the trust, for bouts with Gotch.




 When Mahmout came to this country, it was over a tortuous route that he worked his way up to Gotch. He met everything in sight before he finally won the privilege of getting beaten―just as everyone knew would happen all along. But think of the box office receipts before the Mahmout lemon was entirely squeezed!




 Next it was Zbyszko, who was imported and sent around the circuit. And does it not look peculiar that Gotch could not budge this man in Buffalo long ago, but could throw him twice in half an hour at Chicago? The difference between a $5,000 house and a $35,000 gate explains, perhaps.




Smart Men, Those Trusty Ginks.



 There's nothing really illegal in what is actually known of the trust's methods. But the combination stultifies the game a bit. It is perhaps not more to be censured than the theatrical trust.




 The man who deserves most blame gets away with least. He is Frank Gotch. He lends his assistance to the plans of the promoters in their "date" making. Without Gotch the "trust" would fall of its own weight.




 If Gotch really retires, now is the time, ye gentlemen of promoting instincts, who have been raving for a chance to re-open the wresting game in this and other cities, to step in and guess who is to be next champion, and get him down on a contract.




 If you do you can get a little pin money for the winter hoard, too.











The daily Alaskan. (Skagway, Alaska),  May 19, 1909, Page 1






 MONTREAL―George Kennedy, the Montreal wrestling magnate, whose ramifications extend all over North America, is bound to find some one who will defeat Gotch and is going after him.






Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]),  February 02, 1909, Page 9






Denies He is Mahmout's Manager or Crowded Westergaard Out.






Gillan Returns from Chicago, Where He Went to Match These Two Giants for Friday at the Auditorium.



 George Kennedy, the wrestling promoter, has addressed a letter to the sporting editor of The Bee, in which he says he is not manager of Yousiff Mahmout, the big Turk, who is to wrestle Raoul de Rouen, the gigantic Frenchman, at the Auditorium Friday night. Also he denies that Jess Westergaard was crowded out after accepting the challenge sent by the Turk to the winner of the Westergaard-de Rouen match.




 Mr. Kennedy writes at much length and goes into detail in order to establish his statement that he has "nothing to do with Mahmout." He says Joe Coffey, president and matchmaker for the Empire Athletic club of Chicago is the Turk's manager and that all engagements for the Turk must be made through Coffey. He said the present engagement, the match of Friday night, was made by Manager Gillan of the Auditorium, with Coffey in Chicago after "three-fourths" of a day was spent in the negotiations.










1898.3.26 ユーソフ 対 E・ローバー(1)


1898.4.30 ユーソフ 対 E・ローバー(2)






1909-1910 オケリーとゴッチとジェフリーズ






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