Loop Edit Mode

It is the mode which can perform the entering and edit of an event, during loop playback of 1 bar or 2 bars. (Only Time signature 4/4 can be used)

For Ver 2.xx, refer to Loop Edit Mode (Ver.2.xx).

OS3 is here.

Change of a track cannot be performed.

Moreover, a UNDO function is does not work.

If F6 (LoopEdit) button is pressed, it will become loop edit mode.

The entering and edit of an event are possible, during loop playback, if the [PLAY] button is pressed.

If F5 (Bars1, 2) button is pressed, it will change to 1 bar mode.

If F5 (Bars1, 2) button is pressed once again, it will return to 2 bars mode.

If F2 (Del.PAD) button is pressed, the pad and event of the cursor position will be deleted.

If F1 (NewPAD) button is pressed, it will become pad selection mode.

If the pad into which you want to enter an event is hit, a pad will be added to the pad field.

If cursor button or F1 (NewPAD) button is pressed, it will return to edit mode.

A screen will be scrolled to up or down by or cursor button, when the arrow is displayed on the pad field.

When a marker is on an event, the info of the event are displayed on the upper field. (The value of shift timing and a velocity is displayed.)

1 Value of the velocity of PAD2. (If PAD2 is hit, the event of this value will be entered)
2 Value of the velocity of PAD6. (If PAD6 is hit, the event of this value will be entered)
3 Value of the velocity of PAD10. (If PAD10 is hit, the event of this value will be entered)
4 Location of a play marker
5 Location of a marker
6 Shift timing.
7 Value of the velocity of an event
8 The value in which a marker carries out step after an event entered.
9 Play marker
10 Marker

Cursor moves to the upper field with a [SHIFT] + cursor button.
Cursor moves to the velocity field of PAD10 with a [SHIFT] + cursor button.

If [SHIFT] + PAD is pressed, cursor will move to the pressed pad.

If [SHIFT] + PAD6 is pressed in the state of the above figure, cursor will move to PAD6.

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