Multi timbre field
It is the field which chooses ON/OFF of a multi timbre. Please refer to a
"Multi timber".
Active track receive channel field
It is a field that selects the received MIDI channel.
If you set this field to ALL, the MPC will receive all channels.
If you select any channel from 1 to 16, the MPC will receive only the selected channel.
Soft thru field
The soft thru field determines how to output the incoming MIDI signal.
You can select the following options.
OFF: The MPC will not output the incoming MIDI signal.
AS TRACK: .The MPC refers to the MIDI channel setting of the sequence's track.
The channel information of the incoming MIDI signal will be replaced with the MIDI channel selected the track.
OMNI-A: The MPC will output the incoming MIDI data as it is from MIDI OUT A.
OMNI-B: The MPC will output the incoming MIDI data as it is from MIDI OUT B.
OMNI-C: The MPC will output the incoming MIDI data as it is from MIDI OUT C. (Selection that exists only in MPC2500)
OMNI-D: The MPC will output the incoming MIDI data as it is from MIDI OUT D. (Selection that exists only in MPC2500)
OMNI-AB: The MPC will output the incoming MIDI data as it is from both MIDI OUT A and B.
OMNI-CD: The MPC will output the incoming MIDI data as it is from both MIDI OUT C and D.
(Selection that exists only in MPC2500)
OMNI-ALL: The MPC will output the incoming MIDI data as it is from all of MIDI OUT A, B, C, and D.
(Selection that exists only in MPC2500)
Sequence change by program change field
When this field is set to "ON", MPC can change to a different sequence by MIDI Program Change message from an external MIDI device.
The sequence of the same number as the incoming Program Change number will be selected.

Please refer to "MMC-MTC-CLOCK" for Sync.

Please refer to
"MIDI FILTER" for F2 (FILTER). (OS3 is F3)

Please refer to
"CC Changer" for F3 (CCchange). (OS3 is F5)

Please refer to
"MIDI IN monitor" for F4 (MONITOR).

Please refer to
"A function is assigned to MIDI NOTE (MPC is operated by a MIDI controller)" for F5 (BUTTON).