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ブルーポップ紹介 ポップのなかま紹介 ポップ
Bluepop Factoryとは
ブルーポップ Bluepop グリーンブルーム Green Broom

If  there is a side of pop at the time when you were tired, power appears strangely and can get well.

It is a friend of  Bluepop! When everybody is troubled, knowledge of  Broom helps all. He is existence of a leader of all.

チェリードロップ Cherry Drop ラズベリーマース Raspberry Mars

It is a friend of  Bluepop! She is loved by a lot of  people. I am playful, and it is a warmhearted, tender girl.

It is a friend of  Bluepop! He takes it easy. However, he does his best if he decides once.

ポピーマークレッド Poppy Markred マリンポップ Marinepop
It is a friend of  Bluepop! He puts it into an action immediately if he thinks. Because he is cheerful, a laughter does not die out all the time.
ポピーマークレッド Poppy Markred ブルーポップのかわいい弟さ!いつもぼくのうしろにくっついて、ぼくを慕ってくれている。すごく元気ですごく大声で、すごく泣き虫なのさ。
It is a dear younger brother of  Bluepop! He loves me very much. And he has a very big voice and is cheerful, and he is a crybaby very much.
マリンポップ Marine pop

カンナじいさん Canna Grand-pa ブラウン博士 Brown DC.
Grandfather who brought up me and a younger brother. He does work to make a ship with wood. He made my raft.
カンナじいさん Canna Grand-pa ブルーポップと仲間たちが通っている、小学校の科学の先生。学校の授業以外でも、いろいろなことを教えてくれるんだ。
The teacher who teaches science at school. Besides a thing of a school, he teaches a lot of things.
ブラウン博士 Brown DC..

シスターエメラルド Sister Emerald ベル保安官 Bell Police-man
A sister of the church where we go to on Sunday. She bake my favorite cookie!
シスターエメラルド Sister Emerald いつも海岸の安全を守ってくれる、ポップたちの地区の保安官。彼の前を通るときは話が長くなるから、注意が必要さ!
A local peace officer of  pop. Because a story gets longer when I go along his very front, attention is need!
ベル保安官 Bell Police-man
