1889 ランカシャー・スタイルとキャッチ・アズ・キャッチ・キャン

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 By Walter Armstrong (1889)
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The Lancashire style of wrestling is, without doubt, the roughest and most uncultivated of the three recognized English systems, as it includes catching hold of the legs, wrestling on the ground, and other objectionable methods of attack and defence. In Lancashire, wrestling displays are confined to matches promoted by the proprietor of some popular pedestrian resort, and differ as much as it is possible to imagine from the immense gatherings in the arenas of Cumberland and Westmorland, where sometimes nearly two hundred wrestlers will assemble, varying in weight from nine stone up to twenty stone odd.


 The Lancashire system is closely allied to the French style. The only material difference is that the French forbid tripping and catching hold of legs, whereas both are allowed in the County Palatine, in addition to the use of any fair means of throwing an antagonist. Dressed in light, airy costumes, usually a pair of bathing drawers and a pair of stockings, to prevent the feet from slipping, the wrestlers confront each other in the arena ready for action, and after numerous feints, both catch hold by the wrists and fall struggling to the ground. Here the real tussle begins, the point aimed at being to bring the antagonist on his back with both shoulders touching the ground at once, as that constitutes a fair back-fall, if the fallen one can be held down a few seconds, or long enough to satisfy the referee, who usually has anything but a rosy time of it while the scrimmage lasts.


 A favourite trick is for one of the combatants to seize the other by the back of the head and send him heels over head, when it seems as if nothing could save him from falling on his back ; with a desperate wriggle round, however, and an acrobatic leap, he often cleverly lands on his chest, and at once commences either to play his adversary a similar trick or to make a sudden and fresh attack. Sometimes a wrestler will apparently make an unsuccessful attempt to wrench off the other’s head, twist his arms from the sockets, or break his fingers, finally rolling him bodily over, all of which are eluded in a simply marvellous manner. The elasticity of their movements is at times something remarkable, as they struggle, writhe, and twist for hours together before obtaining a fall. Sometimes one will throw the other over on his back, and, suddenly getting uppermost, try to force down the shoulders, which only the head and heels support, the body forming a perfect arch. All in vain, the agile wrestler is sure to escape as if by magic, and come down on his chest, when a fearful struggle again ensues, until one or the other is tired out, and is finally compelled to allow his shoulders to be forced to the ground.


 The struggle between two heavy-weights possesses a touch of the terrible. Although they pursue the same tactics as the light-weights, it is a source of amusement to the uninitiated spectator to see an eighteen-stone man spin lightly round on his head, come down like a feather on his chest, and regain his feet as actively as a cat, prepared to renew the struggle with redoubled energy. Stamina is a necessary factor in this class of wrestling, in conjunction with a perfect knowledge of the business. Frequently one man will lift the other up by the legs and keep him walking on his hands, and yet find it impossible to throw him ; and as this, and similar acrobatic movements are kept up often for hours before a match can be decided, the most rigid training is required for such an exhausting combat.


 A brief glance at the rules relating to Lancashire wrestling will now be sufficient for all practical purposes. As has been previously stated, the wrestlers compete in their stocking feet, and are allowed to catch hold where they please, but they must not scratch, throttle, pull each other’s ears, or attempt to maim each other by unfair practices. At the commencement of an encounter, the wrestlers face each other, and assume the same position as the Cornish and Devon men ; but there the resemblance between the two styles ends, as the real struggle begins after the men are on the ground.


 In a Lancashire match, the office of referee is no sinecure, yet a firm judge can often quell the partisanship of the most turbulent votary of the sport by giving his decision without hesitation. Fifteen minutes are allowed between the falls, and the referee is invested with full power to decide any point not provided for in the articles of agreement, subject to no appeal in a court of law. When a match is not concluded on the day appointed, the referee orders the combatants to meet again and commence wrestling after being weighed, at the same time and place every day (except Sunday), until a decision is arrived at. The reweighing day by day is a very sensible clause, as it prevents the man who has had to reduce himself putting on flesh and thus securing an advantage over his opponent when the men have agreed to a certain weight. While the contest is proceeding, if the wrestlers get beyond the boundary of the ring, the referee must separate them, and place them in the position where they left off.


 With regard to the referee, should he prove either incompetent or prejudiced, the manager of the grounds, or those interested, can disqualify him and agree upon another official. When a new referee has been appointed during a contest, the wrestlers must commence afresh. Throttling, although forbidden in the rules, is difficult to prevent, and is often resorted to when the men are on the ground. Although a distinct rule is laid down against throttling, wrestlers are allowed to break fingers or arms if they can satisfy the referee that such took place during a fairly-conducted struggle for the mastery, and not through any desire to deliberately act in an unfair manner. A strict referee can often keep the men within the rules laid down for their guidance, but a weak one has little power over the competitors when their blood is up, and some glaring enormities are often perpetrated.


 Among all the fantastic tricks played by Lancashire wrestlers, the “double nelson” bears the palm, and is the most dangerous. It is brought about by getting behind the antagonist, and placing both arms under his ; the assailant then clasps his hands behind the neck of his opponent and bends his head downwards in such a manner that his breastbone will give way if he does not previously measure his length on the ground. The move is, however, difficult to play, and is not often attempted, as many wrestlers have been thrown over their adversary’s head, when they have failed to bring it off with a heavily built man.


 Lancashire wrestlers are not famous for their proficiency in the art of tripping or for leg-throws, although experts in the Lancashire style know most of the chips used by catch-hold wrestlers generally. Their principal throws are catching hold of one leg with both hands, with the view of hoisting an opponent on to his head, the double nelson, the half-nelson, the heave, and the flying mare, the three last-named of which have been described elsewhere (see pp. 41, 27, 37). In a rough-and-tumble encounter, when “all is in,” a knowledge of Lancashire wrestling might be of service ; but even in a street fight it is not the fashion for an Englishman to battle on the ground, but to allow his opponent to get up again. The Lancashire system teaches the very reverse, and its exponents seldom commence operations in earnest until they either get down on their knees or on all fours ; consequently the art of standing up has not been so much cultivated as the best method of getting down on the ground in a certain position.





Every one must admit that the catch-hold fashion is a most rational style of wrestling, as the competitors are not restricted by any rules as to taking and retaining a particular hold, but are at liberty to catch each other as they please, as in a natural struggle, provided they do not hold by the legs or clothes ; in fact, catching hold lower than the waist is not allowed, and any portion of the body down constitutes a fall, as in the Cumberland and Westmorland style.


 Now a word to beginners, under catch-as-catch-can rules. It may safely be said that the means of acquiring perfection in wrestling and boxing are the same, and we often find light weights comparatively the best in either exercise, and men about thirteen, or between thirteen and fourteen stone the acknowledged champions, because they are, as a rule, so much superior in science to very heavy men as to render a few stones in weight of no great importance. The principle upon which this fact is founded will be sufficiently clear to those who, not content with a superficial knowledge, wish to examine the source it springs from. To arrive at the top of the tree in either wrestling or boxing, a complete knowledge of the art, and varied and effective action are necessary, and neither of these requisites can possibly be acquired without continued practice with superiors, equals, and inferiors, both in respect of science and weight ; and, in order to become a perfect master of the art, such practice is absolutely necessary. It is easy for light weights and not difficult for men of thirteen and fourteen stone to find opponents of their own build, but very rare for those above that weight to meet with equals or superiors willing to engage with them, and hence their deficiency in science and action. Thus it is almost impossible for a heavy man to acquire the science and action which often distinguish the middle and light weights in such an extraordinary degree.





 In 1871, the late Mr. J. G. Chambers, of aquatic and pedestrian celebrity, and some time editor of Land and Water, endeavoured to introduce and promote a new system of wrestling at the Lillie Bridge Grounds, West Brompton, which he denominated, “The Catch-as-catch-can Style; first down to lose.” Unfortunately, the new idea met with little support at the time, and a few years afterwards Mr. Chambers was induced to adopt the objectionable fashion of allowing the competitors to wrestle on all-fours on the ground. This new departure was the forerunner of the total abolition of the sport at that athletic resort, and within a short period the wrestling, as an item in the programme there, was entirely wiped out.


 Various other promoters of this exercise, notably Mr. J. Wannop, of New Cross, have attempted to bring the new system prominently before the public, with the view of amalgamating the three English styles, viz. the Cumberland and Westmorland, Cornwall and Devon, and Lancashire. Very little success, however, has attended their efforts, and it was thought by many well-wishers and patrons of the sport that the catch-hold idea would have to be abandoned. The sudden development, however, of the Cumberland and Westmorland Amateur Wrestling Society, brought the new style again prominently to the front, and special prizes were given for competition in that class at the Society’s first annual midsummer gathering at the Paddington Recreation Grounds, which was attended by Lord Mayor Whitehead and sheriffs in state.


 Wrestling on the “first down to lose” principle was new to many of the spectators, but it was generally approved of as a great step in advance of the loose-hold system, which includes struggling on the ground and sundry objectionable tactics, such as catching hold of the legs, twisting arms, dislocating fingers, and other items of attack and defence peculiar to Lancashire wrestling.


 Certainly all impartial lovers of the sports must admit that it possesses a great advantage over those modes of wrestling which permit a man to throw himself on the ground, when he feels himself in danger of coming to grief by being placed on his back. Should this system come into universal practice, there is no reason why it should not become as popular as the Cumberland and Westmorland fashion, which has won its way to a front position among athletic exercises by the simplicity of its rules and its manly surroundings.


 もっとも、ほぼ同じ頃ニュージーランドの運動会で行われた「ルース・ノース・カントリー・スタイル」は、カンバーランドが少年向けに制限を減らして行われたものだとすると(別ページ「1870-1877 ノース・カントリー・スタイルとキャッチ・アズ・キャッチ・キャン」でご紹介しています)、本書に記されている寝技のない「キャッチ・アズ・キャッチ・キャン・スタイル」と、似たものだったのではないかと思います。名称は共通しなくとも、自然発生的に各地で同じようなものが行われていたかもしれません。

 別ページ「1887 キャッチ・アズ・ユー・キャンとルース・レスリング」では、アームストロング以上に?寝技嫌いの著者(ウィリアム・B・ディック)が、寝技に制限のある「キャッチ・アズ・キャッチ・キャン・スタイル」を推奨している著書(“Dick’s Art of Wrestling”「ディックのレスリング術」)をご紹介しています。

 コンディション(条件)としての用法(1)は、上記「1870-1877 ノース・カントリー・スタイルとキャッチ・アズ・キャッチ・キャン」と、「1872-1878 グレコ・ローマンとキャッチ・アズ・キャッチ・キャン」等で少しご紹介しているつもりです。


FILA Library
Wrestling  Autor : Armstrong Walter


