What does the title CBX stand for?

It stands for Chasing your stolen Bikes to eXtremes. It is also the model of my stolen motorcycle.

My CBX400F became my partner in 1986. When stolen, it still was as good as a new machine after 12 years of use, as it was always well maintained. When I bought it, it was a model that everyone could buy but only a few chose; CBX400F was no longer the top powered model at that time. Now it is a premium motorbike among collectors. My CBX was said to be worth one milliion yen.

For me a motorcycle is not an object of antique for display. Every motorcycle must be happy only when it is running like a horse. I am not interested in putting any premium bike into storage. However it naturally exposes the bike to the risk of robbery.

It is not because my CBX was premium bike that I am chasing it to the extreme edge of the world. The bike robbery is surely a crime, but I feel it is also a sin and a shame for riders to do nothing for their stolen bikes.

That is how this site was born. In other words, this site exists for the sake of society where this site will be no longer needed.

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