Academia longa, vita brevis
     Yoshihisa Nomi (
能見善久), Prof.Emeritus.Tokyo University, Law Department
I Topics on LAW    Page 1 Civil Law  Page 2 Trust Law Page 3  Page 4
II Class Materials
 Tort (Oct.3)  Class Materials Torts  Appendix 1 Appendix 2 
  Contract (Oct.17) cf Traditional Deed(pre-Meiji) and modern contract under CC
            Formation of contract (offer and acceptance)
            Pre-contractual liability (cic)
III Recent Articles
* Human Dignity
 Slavery, Law and Courts 「書斎の窓」 | 有斐閣
     Part 1 How lawyers confronted with slavery problem PDF  (2021.Jan.)
     Part 2 Slavery and Independence of America PDF  (2021 March)
     Part 3  Slavery in Virginia PDF (2021 May)  Part 4 Ancient Rom and Slavery PDF (2021 July))
     Part 5  Natural Law (Account of Grotius)(2021 Sept) Part 6 Abolition of Slavery and Today (2021 Nov)
  * Charitable trusts
新しい公益信託法と公益活動の促進  信託 vol. 278 (2019.5 PDF
 * Civil law topics
Revised Civil Code and Liabiity for Non-performance 司法研修所論集 vol.130(2021)PDF(part
 Structuring of Tort Liability from Corrective and Distributive Justice--from the Analysis
  of Fukushima Nuclear Accident, Archives de philosophie du droit, t. 63,(2022)PDF(part)
   Persona and Res in the World of Law (2022)『法の世界における人と物の区別』(信山社)
The Law of Metaverse (Apr.2024) Open Lecture at Hakuo Univ.(Dec.2023) PDF
Cuvi & List of Publications   BOOKS 本の紹介・書評  COFFEE TIME MOVIES MEMORIES